01 I finish my class(My piano class finishes at2:20 為什么finish要加es?)

时间:2024-07-23 05:52:34 编辑: 来源:

i finish my class 還是my class finishes

i finish my class是正確的。

英語中一個完整的句子包括主謂賓,i是主語,finish是謂語,my class是賓語。所以i finish my class是正確的。


音標:英[ˈfɪnɪʃ]    美[ˈfɪnɪʃ]    


v.    完成; 做好; (使)結束; 吃完,喝光,用盡(所剩之物); (賽跑、競賽)得…名; 使筋疲力盡;    

n.    最后部分; 結尾; 結局; 末道漆; 拋光; (漆完拋光后的)成品表面; 最后精細加工;    


to finish doing sth 做完某事

from start to finish 始終;自始至終;從頭到尾

a close finish 不相上下;難分高低


I can't 買粉絲e till I have finished.


Term finishes next week.


He didn't finish in time.


The performance has not finished yet.



動詞過去式: finished

動詞過去分詞: finished

動詞現在分詞: finishing

動詞第三人稱單數: finishes

復數: finishes

i am finish my class





2.問句中的English 是形容詞的形式,而語法中英國人用Englishman表示(相同的還有法國人Frenchman).所以C.和D錯誤.


根據句意及首字母提示或用所給詞的適當形式填空1. she thi


1. She thinks history is (use).

2. I am f because I have no classes the whole day.

3. My Chinese class (finish) at 3:00 p.m.

4. Sunday is the first day in a week. W is the fourth.

5. In the afternoon, we are busy(have) classes.

6. Thirty minutes is half hour. And Ni買粉絲y minutes is one hour and half.

【題干分析】1.由is可知空處需要形容詞作表語。【句意提示】2.我是空閑的,因為我一整天都沒有課。【題干分析】3.主語My Chinese class是第三人稱單數,謂語動詞用單三。【句意提示】4.星期天是一周的第一天,星期三是一周的第四天。【相關語法點提示】5.be busy doing sth.忙于做某事。6.half an hour半小時;one hour and a half一個半小時。



1.At one o'clock ,our teacher often let us to have a break.(時刻前用介詞at)

2.when I finished my homework, I went to bed and ended my school life.(這些動作都發生過了,用過去時態)

3.lesson begin.(start ,begin都表示開始)

4.In the noon time.

5. Our class begin at....

6.Our classes in the afternoon begin.(一般用class 表示課,上課)

7.I enjoy the way to school very much.

8.I'm not watching TV.(Be動詞要接動詞的ing形式)

9.I'm after school.--My school day is over.(是想表達我放學了的意思吧)

10.This is my busy and happy school day.

11.I get up and put on the clothes.(wear 表穿著的狀態,put on 強調你穿衣服的動作)

12.We will have history class first, then read some books and go home.

13.My good friend and I.

14.I have lessons from eight to twelve.

15.I do my eye exercise.

16.Then we go home .

17.I have got more friends.


My piano class finishes at2:20 為什么finish要加es?

My piano class是主語,為三單,謂語要用三單形式。finish的三單為finishes。


1. 大多數動詞直接加s,如like, talk, sing, write, read, slide等;

2. 以x, s, sh, ch, o結尾的,要加es,如brush, teach等;

3. 以輔音字母+y結尾的,把y變成i加es,如carry, fly等;

4. 一些特殊的,比如have等。

英語 系表結構 加 疑問詞

"I am still not clear""I am at a loss"無論是從主系表結構要求上看,還是從句意分析的角度看,它們都已經符合語法要求了。

"be not clear"和"be at a loss"這兩個系表結構所構成的詞組短語,是動詞性短語。“動詞性短語”其實和“動詞”的區別僅僅在于長短和結構上的不同,前者是以單詞為單位構成的,而后者是以字母為單位構成的。但它們在性質上是相同的,都是動詞性的。


"I am still not clear"意為“我依然不太清楚”,我們還可以再補充說明“我”所“不清楚”的內容是什么。于是我們再接一個名詞性短語——"how to do that"。“名詞性短語”與“名詞”的關系和“動詞性短語”與“動詞”的關系是等價的,解釋已在上文中給出。這時,這個名詞性短語"how to do that"補充說明了"not clear"的內容,就相當于動詞后面的名詞成分。

而動詞后面的名詞分為兩種。一種是賓語,如"I teach you English"中的"you",它是緊跟著動詞的;另一種則是賓語補足語,如"I teach you English"中的"English",它是跟在賓語后的名詞成分。

再返回原句,顯然"not clear"這個動詞成分的身后緊著一個名詞成分——"how to do that",那么問題由此便迎刃而解,這個疑問詞+不定式所構成的名詞性短語充當了動詞性短語的賓語。


The hall is full of people.

She is good at singing.

"be full of sth""be good at sth"以正常思維去理解,它們無非就是單詞語法中的固定搭配。令人稱奇的是,你是一個極有求知欲的學者,一定要從它們中剖析出復合謂語與某未知成分的關系。解釋如下:

"of people""at singing"為介賓短語。它的性質是與adv等價的,而不是noun。

"She is good.""The hall is full"主系表完整,從語法的句式結構上講,已完全正確。只不過再接上"at good""of peole"這些狀語以后,在意思的表達上得到了拓寬,即表意更豐富。

然而,在"I am still not clear how to do that.""I am at a loss which to buy."這兩個句子中"how to do that"與"which to buy"的身份與上文中提及的介賓短語的身份壓根兒就是八竿子打不著的。

它們的性質就是和名詞等同的賓語,"be not clear"和"be at a loss"是復合謂語,是與及物動詞等價的復合謂語。因為be not clear=do not know=be at a loss。

雖然know是vt,但是它也可以有不帶賓語的,省略式的用法。如:I don't know.=I am n
