01 guide sb to do something(guide sb to do sth有這個說法嗎?)

时间:2024-07-17 06:30:00 编辑: 来源:

guide sb to do sth有這個說法嗎?

沒有guide sb to do這個短語,指導某人用 instruct sb in sth;instruct sb to do sth

1. guide sb to + 名詞

This middle path would guide him to the target.


2. 如果想表示在某方面指導某人

guide sb in


parents should ___their children to deal with daily things instead of doing them for children.

A.guide B.ask C.follow D.instruct

英語造句子guide sb to do sth

She guided me to finish the job yesterday afternoon.


有沒有guide sb to do sth這個短語,如果有是什么意思?

有的guide sb (to/through/around sth) 意為給某人領路(或導游);指引

suggest to do 和 suggest doing 的區別

"Suggest to do" 后面接不定式形式的動詞,表示建議去做某事;而 "suggest doing" 后面接動名詞形式的動詞,表示建議采取某種做法或行動。具體使用要根據語境和表達意圖來選擇合適的表達方式。

大家可以先看下面的表格了解一下 suggest to do 和 suggest doing 吧:

suggest to do 和 suggest doing 的區別:區別1:接受建議的主體不同- suggest to do:建議的主體是 "某人",即建議某人去做某事。


1. She suggested to watch a movie tonight.(她建議今晚看一場電影。)

2. He suggested to visit the art exhibition.(他建議參觀藝術展覽。)

- suggest doing:建議的主體是 "某種行為",即建議某種行為或做法。


1. The doctor suggested eating more fruits and vegetables.(醫生建議多吃水果和蔬菜。)

2. They suggested going for a walk after dinner.(他們建議晚餐后去散步。)

區別2:表示建議的方式不同- suggest to do:較為直接地表示建議或提議某個具體的動作或行為。


1. She suggested to try the new restaurant in town.(她建議嘗試一下鎮上的新餐廳。)

2. He suggested to start the meeting early.(他建議早點開始會議。)

- suggest doing:更加委婉地表示建議或提議某種行為或做法。


1. The teacher suggested studying in a quiet environment.(老師建議在安靜的環境中學習。)

2. The travel guide suggested exploring the local culture.(旅游指南建議探索當地的文化。)

區別3:上下文和語氣的不同- suggest to do:通常用于較正式的場合或表達嚴肅的建議。


1. The 買粉絲unselor suggested to talk to the school principal about the issue.(輔導員建議跟校長談談這個問題。)

- suggest doing:用于較為日常或口語化的場合,語氣較為輕松。


1. My friend suggested going shopping this weekend.(我的朋友建議這個周末去購物。)

區別4:動作的完成狀態- suggest to do:暗示動作還未完成,需要繼續執行。


1. The 買粉絲ach suggested to practice the skill every day.(教練建議每天練習這個技巧。)

- suggest doing:暗示動作已經完成或正在進行中。


1. The website suggests booking the tickets in advance.(網站建議提前預訂票。)
