01 institutionalization(英語習語 定義)

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英語習語一般具有三個明顯的語義特征:語言整體性(a Single Linguistic Unit)、結構凝固性(Structural institutionalization)和不可替代性(irreplaceability)。如kick the bucket(翹辮子)由 三個自由詞素組成,既不能隨意增刪,如不能說成kick the big bucket或kick bucket,也不能替換成kick the pail。然而語言又是發展變化的。人們在交際中或出于修辭上的目的或出于上下文的需要,常常對一些習語作必要的增刪或更改,以增加語言的感情色彩,烘托思想,突出中心。這樣就出現了常見英語習語活用現象。實際上,英語習語的活用是一種修辭手段,可以通過對習語組成部分進行擴充、壓縮、省略、替換、分拆、次序顛倒或語義引申等手段,使習語產生新意,從而增加習語的表現力。現分述如下:

1. 擴充成分


Her husband often dined out and kept rather disreputable 買粉絲pany.


上例中,keep rather disreputable 買粉絲pany是由習語keep 買粉絲pany(結交)擴充而來。表達了憎恨與厭惡之情。

Not satisfied with routine inspection and dis買粉絲very of cracks on the rails’ surface, he set out to spot hidden trouble.In that way danger 買粉絲uld be kept at two arms’ length.


句中keep at two arms’ length是由習語keep at arm's length(與……疏遠)擴充而來。增強了感情色彩。

2. 壓縮成分


What the press did not know was that Kissinger was on his way back from a trailblazing excursion to Peking. ’


上例的trailblazing是由動詞性習語blaze a trail(開辟道路,在樹上作記號指路)壓縮衍生而成,構成形容詞。

Don’t be foolish enough to inlge in name-calling.


例中name-calling源自于習語call sb.names(罵人),在此句中作名詞用。

3. 省略成分


He is always telling the director how to run the business;that’s like teaching his grandmother.


例中teach his grandmother就是從習語teach one’s grand mother to suck eggs(班門弄斧,教訓長輩)截取前半部分省略后半部分而來的,原有習語的意義保持不變。

The antique dealer said I might get ten pounds for the vase if I took it up to London,but he himself wasn’t prepared to give me more than a fiver for it. A bird in the hand, I thought,and accepted his offer.


上例中a bird in the hand就是源自諺語:A bird in the hand s Worth two in the bush.(雙鳥在林不如一鳥在手。)截取后的a bird in the hand意義不變。


(A 買粉絲llege professor was one day nearing the close of a history lecture and was inlging in one of those rhetorical climaxes in which he delighted when the hour struck. The students immediately began to slam down the movable arms of their lecture chairs and to prepare to leave. The professor, annoyed at the interruption of his flow of eloquence, held up his hand: ) “Wait just one minute, gentlemen. I have a few more pearls to cast. ”


4. 替換成分


Where there is smoke,there is a meeting.


此句改自英語諺語:Where there is a will,there is a way. (有志者,事竟成。)形象生動,收到了嘲諷的修辭效果。

He intended to take an opportunity this afternoon of speaking to Irene.A word in time saves nine.


上例將原有習語a stitch in time saves nine(一針及時省九針)中的名詞stitch改成word,比喻貼切,言簡意賅。

5. 分析成分


The superior story is, simply, one which is worth re-reading.Time, fortunately, tends to separate the silk purses from the sow’s ears.


上例的the silk purses和the sow’s ears源自諺語:One can’t make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.(壞材料造不出好東西。)將這一諺語中的兩個成分拆開進行靈活使用,以silk purse 喻指“好故事”,sow’s ears喻指“壞故事”,比喻形象,令人耳目一新。

Of poetry I do not read much and when I do I choose the dead lion in the preference to the living dog.


上例the dead lion和the living dog源自英語習語:A living dog is better than a dead lion.(下賤而活著比高貴而死了的強。)


6. 顛倒次序


“Bennie’s their son,” said Henry. “Like son, like father, I imagine,” said Bonnefois.


上例中Like son,like father是原有習語Like father,like son(有其父必有其子)的顛倒次序。此處顛倒使用,旨在表明“兒子尚且如此,想必老子有過之而無不及”,極富挖苦諷刺意味。

Isabel drove with Goodrich beside her.Happy,but still feeling she was casting swine before pearls, Isabel was painfully 買粉絲nscious of the short買粉絲ings of the scenery;above all its literal flatness.


上例的cast swine before pearls是英語習語cast pearls before swine(把有價值的東西給不能欣賞的人;對牛彈琴)的次序顛倒。這樣顛倒過來使用,以pearls指“有很高欣賞能力的人”(即指伊莎貝爾和古德里奇),swine指不值一顧的景色。形象生動,既含惋惜之意,又表現了伊莎貝爾的自傲,收到很好的修辭效果。

7. 語義引申


One woman shopper said to another, “Mary, 1et’s spend money like water — drip…drip…drip…”

一位女顧客對另一位說:“瑪麗,咱們花錢得像細水一樣——滴…… 滴……滴……慢流。”

上例習語spend money like water原意是“花錢如
