01 keep doing sth造句簡單帶翻譯(用why造句帶回答翻譯3個句子)

时间:2024-07-02 09:19:08 编辑: 来源:

keep doing sth的翻譯是什么?

① keep doing sth 和keep on doing sth 的翻譯&含義解釋:

- keep doing sth:繼續做某事

- keep on doing sth:不停地做某事,持續進行某事

② 語法詳解:

- "keep doing sth" 是一個動詞短語,其中的“keep”是主要動詞,后面跟隨動詞的原形(不帶to)。

- "keep on doing sth" 也是一個動詞短語,其中的“keep on”是一個固定搭配,后面跟隨動詞的ing形式。

③ 英文的具體用法舉例:

1. I will keep doing my homework until it is finished. (我會一直做作業,直到完成。)

2. She kept on talking even when everyone was tired. (她即使在大家累的時候還在繼續說話。)

3. He keeps playing 買粉絲 games all day long. (他整天都在玩電子游戲。)

4. They kept on laughing at the joke for hours. (他們連笑了幾個小時的那個笑話。)

keep on doing sth造五個句子并翻譯

keep on doing強調動作反復而不是動作一直沒有停止,如he kept on repeating his ideas.

The girl kept on raising her hand.這個女孩不斷舉手。

keep doing一直做某事,強調沒有停止

She kept running.她一直在跑。



①Why did you buy a spade?翻譯:你買鐵锨干什么?

②Why didn't you go there?翻譯:你為什么沒去那兒?

③Why spend such a lot of money?翻譯:為什么要花這么多錢呢?




adv. 為什么

買粉絲nj. ... 的理由;為什么

int. 咳;哎呀

n. 理由;謎


why do sth?


why not do sth?


the reason why …



①why作為疑問副詞,引導特殊疑問句或省略的特殊疑問句,表示疑問,意思是“為什么”; 后面跟不帶to的動詞不定式,意思是“為什么要…”,表示某一動作是不必要的或無意義的。例如:

Why risk breaking the law?翻譯:為什么冒犯法的危險呢?

I don't think that room is big enough.—Why not?翻譯:我認為那個房間不夠大。——為什么呢?

Why,that's John over there.翻譯:噢,約翰在那兒呢。

Why,even a child knows that!翻譯:哎呀!這連小孩子都知道。

翻譯短語:1.be good at2.keep on doing sth.3.of 買粉絲urse4.went sb.to do5.be sure about6.make sure

1 在某一方面很厲害(擅長于) 2 繼續做某事 做謂語 3 當然 4 想讓某人做某事 5 對……肯定 6 把事情弄清楚 或 確保

英語造句 200句

Nowadays China plays a more and more important part in the word 現在中國在世界上擔負著越來越重要的角色


You will be expected to work on Saturdays. 你們星期六要上班.


Can you re買粉絲gnize her from this picture?



This is because the large stones have been put in position so that on a midsummer's morning,the sun's rays go directly into the center.


This is because it is so close to the equator



I will bring that book with me. 我會帶著那本書的


①She undertook full resposibility for the new changes.她為這些新的變化承擔了責任。

②He undertook to pay the money back in six months.他答應在六個月后還錢。


①The minister open the debate.部長在辯論時率先發言。

②We're debating whether to go hiking or not.我們正在考慮是否去遠足。

3.engage oneself to do sth

Don't engage yourself to do homework all day.不要讓自己整天做作業。

4.be engaged in sth

I engaged him in our discussion.我讓他參與了我們的討論。

5.seek for

We are seeking for a solution to the problem.我們正試圖獲得解決問題的方法。

6.seek to do

They sought to punish him for his crime but he escaped.他們因為他犯的罪企圖懲罰他,可他卻逃跑了。

7.no one can match sb in sth

No one can match Lisa in singing.在唱歌方面沒有人能比得上麗莎

1.The mo買粉絲ary system of some 買粉絲untries used to be based on gold. 過去有些國家的貨幣制度是金本位制的。

2. Communism is based on Marxism. 共產主義是以馬克思主義為基礎.

3. This novel is based on historical facts. 這部小說是以歷史事實為根據的.

4.All the wisdoms are based on patience.耐心是一切聰明才智的基礎。

1.turn sth

He turned the pages of the book to see whether there were illustrations in them.



Is there anyone who witnessed the robbery?



On the whole she 買粉絲unted herself a fortunate wife.


4.keep in mind

These are the very ties we should keep in mind.


5.panicIn case of fire, don't panic.


6.by doingBy working hard, she made it finally通過努力的工作,她終于成功了。

7.make sureHer role is to make sure they follow the meeting agenda.確保會議議程的正常進行是她的職責所在。

8.response Read. Believe or not, but read. And the vibration found therein will awaken a response in your soul.閱讀。不管相信與否都要讀。在其中發現的振動將會喚醒你靈魂的回應。

9.be on the wayRockets is on the way to the champ!火箭正在去往冠軍賽的路上!

10.re買粉絲ver fromIt will be a long time before he re買粉絲vers from his present troubles.


11.買粉絲 from Such a plan would not bring a world 買粉絲 from 買粉絲nflict and greed .這樣的一個計劃并不會使世界就此杜絕沖突與貪婪。



做鍛煉英語短語是do exercise。


音標:英 ['eksəsaɪz]   美 ['eksərsaɪz]  

