01 spend time on doing sth造句(spend on sth 和spend doing sth的意思)

时间:2024-07-19 03:39:19 编辑: 来源:

英語造句《sb spend some time/money doing sth》10句要漢語

He spends an hour doing sports. (他花一個小時做運動)

I spend half an hour reading books.We spend ten hours on the job. (我們花十小時在工作上)

They spend ten minutes reading English. (他們花十分鐘讀英語)

It spends two hours playing with a dog. (它花十小時與一只狗玩)

I spend a minute looking for a pen. (我花一分鐘找筆)

She spends much money on clothes/buying clothes. (她花許多錢買衣服)

She spends little money buying books/on books. (她花極少錢買書本)

I spends a little money playing games/on games. (我花一些錢玩游戲)

He spends ten yuan buying toys. (他花十元買玩具)

My grandma spends a little money buying pumpkins. (我奶奶花一些錢買南瓜)

spend time doing sth

親~~對于這個spend time doing sth 這個常見搭配句式我可還是比較熟悉的,畢竟一次性通過大學英語四六級的也不是吃素的~~


spend time doing sth 意思是:花時間做某事;花費時間做某事;花時間。

其實,完整的句式是 spend time in doing sth  ,這個in是可以省略的,所以,補上這個in之后,后面doing的形式就明了多了。


1、花時間做某事,可以用spend(花費)構成的詞組,spend修飾的主語只能是人。spend time(in)doing sth.(某人花費時間做某事),例如:

I spent three hours (in) doing honework. 我花了三個小時做磨練。

此處的 spent是spend的過去式。

2、在英語中,正確的用法應當是 spend time doing 而非spend time to do,Spend time doing意思是“花時間做……”,并沒有spend time to do這個用法。spend a lot of time doing sth.——花費大量時間做某事。

spend+時間/金錢+doing sth.表示"花多少時間/金錢做某事。


1、Spend time doing what you want to do!  花時間做你想做的事情!

2、And they don't need to spend time doing what has already been done. 而不必要浪費時間去重復別人已經做過的工作。

3. I will spend 3 hours to finish my homework today. 我今天將花費3個小時完成我的家庭作業。


spend time on sth. (某人花費時間做某事),例如:

Tom spent five hours on this math problem.  湯姆花了五個小時做這道數學題。

spend on sth 和spend doing sth的意思

spend on sth和spend doing sth的區別為:含義不同、用法不同、側重點不同。


1.spend on sth

釋義:spend on+名詞,在...花費,在...花費時間,在...花錢,在...上花費。

例句:How much time did you spend on this?你做這事用了多少時間?

2.spend doing sth


例句:Spend time doing what you want to do!花時間做你想做的事情!


1.spend on sth


2.spend doing sth



1.spend on sth

解析:spend on sth強調介詞賓語。

2.spend doing sth

解析:spend doing sth強調動詞賓語。
