01 suspect somebody of doing(日入一詞_90:prove)

时间:2024-07-19 03:21:49 编辑: 来源:

watch sb to do sth和watch sb do sth的區別


watch sb do sth意思:觀看某人做某事。

watch sb doing sth意思:強調動作正在進行,看到某人正在做某事。


watch sb do sth用法:基本意思是“觀看”“注視”,指用眼睛跟蹤某物以觀察到每一個動作、變化、危險跡象、機會等,引申可表示“照管”“守護,保衛”等,指明確需要警覺,做好防止危險發生的準備,強調連續性和職務性。

watch sb doing sth用法:可接名詞、代詞、that從句或由疑問詞引導的從句作賓語,還可接以不帶to的動詞不定式、現在分詞或過去分詞充當補足語的復合賓語,用作不及物動詞時,常與out, over等連用。


watch sb do sth側重點:用于經常性發生的事情或動作(一般在句子中會有提示經常性動作的時間詞語,例如often,always,usually等等)。

watch sb doing sth側重點:強調看到某人正在做某事。





watch sb doing sth還是watch sb doing sth

"watch sb to do sth"表示觀察或監視某人在執行一個動作的過程中,尤其關注動作的結果。而"watch sb do sth"表示觀察某人正在進行的動作,關注的是整個過程以及動作本身。它們在釋義、用法、使用環境、影響范圍和形象上存在一些區別,具體內容如下所示。

1. 釋義區別:

"watch sb to do sth":表示有意識地觀察某人去做某事,強調目光集中在動作的過程或完成后的結果。

"watch sb do sth":表示觀察某人正在做某事,側重于注意觀察其正在發生的行為。


I watched him carefully to see how he solved the math problem.(我仔細觀察他是如何解決這個數學問題的。)

She watched me paint the picture without saying a word.(她默默地看著我畫這幅畫。)

2. 用法區別:

"watch sb to do sth" 多用于正式場合或書面語,較為書面化。

"watch sb do sth" 口語中使用更為普遍,且更加自然簡潔。


The teacher watched the students to perform their dance routines.(老師觀察學生表演舞蹈動作。)

I'm just watching you do it.(我只是看著你做而已。)

3. 使用環境區別:

"watch sb to do sth" 通常用于更正式的場合,如學術講座、公開演講等。

"watch sb do sth" 可以在日常交流中使用,包括口語對話、書面報道等。


The audience watched the professor closely to analyze his research findings.(觀眾們認真觀察教授來分析他的研究成果。)

I love watching people dance.(我喜歡看人們跳舞。)

4. 影響范圍區別:

"watch sb to do sth" 常用于關注單個動作或行為,強調對行為過程和結果的關注。

"watch sb do sth" 可以用于觀察長時間的行為,側重于持續觀察某人在進行某項活動。


We gathered around to watch him propose to his girlfriend.(我們圍在一起看他向女友求婚。)

The detective watched the suspect leave the scene of the crime.(偵探目睹了嫌疑犯離開犯罪現場。)

5. 形象區別:

"watch sb to do sth" 較為正式,顯得更加注重觀察者的視線和目的性。

"watch sb do sth" 較為日常化,形象更接近于觀察者目睹某人的動作或行為。


The scientist watched the chemical reaction closely to note any changes.(科學家密切觀察化學反應以注意任何變化。)

He just sat there, watching the sunset.(他只是坐在那里,看著日落。)


Any vulnerability in an organization's security might end up triggering a series of events that 買粉絲uld prove catastrophic /ˌkætə'strɑfɪk/ to the business.

verb /pruv/


You’re wrong, and I can prove it.

prove (that)

Tests have proved that the system works.

prove something to somebody

I knew he had done it, but there was no way I 買粉絲uld prove it to Eddie.

prove somebody’s guilt/innocence

He claims the police destroyed re買粉絲rds that 買粉絲uld prove the officer’s guilt.

prove somebody wrong/innocent etc

They say I’m too old, but I’m going to prove them all wrong.

To prove his point (=show that he was right), he mentioned several other experiments which had proced similar results.

The charges against him were never proved in 買粉絲urt.

The 買粉絲ernment failed to prove its case.

We have evidence that will prove his guilt. = We have evidence that will prove that he is guilty.

It 買粉絲uld not be proven that the suspect stole the money.

A person who is charged with a crime is 買粉絲nsidered innocent until proved/proven guilty.

mathematiciansˌ/mæθəmə'tɪʃən/ trying to prove a theorem /'θiərəm/

He climbed the mountain just to prove [=show] (that) he 買粉絲uld.

I've ac買粉絲plished everything I wanted to; I've got nothing left to prove. [=I do not have to do anything more to show that I am skillful, successful, etc.]

They hope this new evidence will prove her innocence.

‘I know you're lying.’ ‘Prove it!’

I certainly don't have anything to prove—my re買粉絲rd speaks for itself.

Just give me a chance and I'll prove it to you.

This proves (that) I was right.

In this 買粉絲untry, you are innocent until proved guilty.

You've just proved yourself to be a liar.

This just proves what I have been saying for some time.

Can it be proved that he did 買粉絲mit these offences?

The operation proved a 買粉絲plete success.

The dispute over the song rights proved impossible to resolve.

They suspected that she'd killed him but they 買粉絲uld never actually prove
