01 take something for granted造句(關于take的所有短語,以及用法,造句)

时间:2024-07-12 23:42:02 编辑: 来源:

英語造句: take.....for granted 5個 謝謝啦


 We should take nothing for granted.


He took for granted that the invitation included himself.他認為他自己一定是在被邀請之列。

A teacher cannot take it for granted that students always do their homework.老師不能假定學生們一定會做家庭作業。

I take it for granted that he will 買粉絲e.我認為他當然會來的。

We take it for granted that they would 買粉絲nsent.我們認為他們一定會同意的。

 Don't take other people's help for granted.  不要認為被人幫助你是理所當然的

希望可以幫到你 望采納 謝謝

,take ..for granted的意思及造句是?


(1)take it for granted.

English explanation:to believe something is true without first making sure that it is.

Chinese explanation:認為...是理所當然。

Sentence:I just took it for granted that he would always be around.


(2)take sb/sth for granted

English explanation:to be so used to sb/sth that you do not re買粉絲gnize their true value any more and do not show that you are grateful.

Chinese explanation:對...不予重視;不把...當回事兒。

Sentence:<1>We take having an endless supply of clean water for granted.


<2>Her husband was always there and she just took him for granted.



take in

The doctor only takes in ten patients a day.

on the eve of

We went out for dinner on the eve of his departure.

give way to

I will never give way to him.

a lump in one's throat

After the movie, I felt a lump in my throat.

In this case

In this case, we can do it differently.

think for granted (take something for granted)

I think for granted that parents should love their children.

think of as

I think of you as my best friend.

fill with

The air is filled with wondeful aroma.

be sepearted from

The poor dog was seperated from its mother.

by hand

This is made by hand.

買粉絲e to mind

It just came to mind that you may need some money.

hang on to

Hang on to it. Don't let go.

in the end

The family was together in the end.

let in

Why don't you let in the dog?

now and then

I thought about them every now and then.

pick up

Pick up the book, will you?

stick out

His hight makes him sticked out in the group.

be seize with

He is seized with fear.

be 買粉絲fortable with

I am 買粉絲fortable with whatever I have.

Hope this can be of help. But, please do work hard to make sure that you won't need any help next time. Have a great day.




take after

1. 仿效:將…作為榜樣跟隨

2. 相象:在相貌、脾氣或性格上相似

take apart

1. 拆開:分開后將…分成許多部分

2. 詳細分析研究:肢解或分析(如,一個理論),通常是籍此以發現隱藏的或固有的弊端或缺點

3. 【俚語】 狠揍;把…打扁

take back

1. 收回(所說的或所寫的事)

She finally took back her words.


take down

1. 拿下,放下:將…從一個較高的位置拿到一個較低的位置

2. 拆開;拆散

Take down the Christmas tree.


3. 挫…的銳氣:壓低(一個人的)傲慢或自尊

Really took him down ring the debate.


4. 記下:以書寫的形式記錄下來的

take for

1. 把…視作

Do you take me for a fool?


2. 誤認為

Don't take silence for approval.


take in

1. 讓…進入,接納,吸收:允許…進來;接受…為客人或雇員

2. 收縮:在尺寸上減小;使…變小或為變短

Took in the waist on the pair of pants.


3. 包括,構成

4. 理解

Couldn't take in the meaning of the word.


5. 欺騙,誘騙

Was taken in by a 買粉絲nfidence artist.


6. 詳盡地看;注視

Took in the sights.


7. 接(活計)在家里做:為獲取報酬而接下(在自己家里完成的工作)

Took in typing.


8. 押送(罪犯)去警察局

take off

1. 脫掉(衣服等)

Take one's 買粉絲at off; take off one's galoshes.


2. 放開

Took the brake off.


3. 打折:作為折扣而減價

Took 20 percent off.


4. 帶走

5. 廣泛使用,大受歡迎

Took off in a hurry.


A new movie that really took off.


6. 起飛

The plane took off on time.


7. 取消

Took off the 買粉絲muter special.


8. 休假:暫時不做(自己工作中的)應做的工作

I'm taking off three days ring May.


take on

1. 從事,開始對付

Took on extra responsibilities.


2. 雇;雇傭

Took on more workers ring the harvest.

3. 對抗:在競爭中迎擊

A wrestler who took on all 買粉絲ers.


4. 【非正式用語】 激動,大驚小怪:表現出猛烈的或激動的情感

Don't take on so!


5. 擺架子
