01 keep doing sth英語造句簡單(用keep sb. doing sth.造句)

时间:2024-07-12 09:04:59 编辑: 来源:


1.My teacher kept me doing my homework all the afternoon.我的老師要我整個下午都做作業。

2.We should keep exercising.我們應該保持鍛煉。

3.He always keeps *** iling.他總是保持微笑。

4.Just keep on doing it. 堅持干下去,你也能做得很好。

5.If they keep on doing evils,they'll reap what they sow. 如果他們繼續作惡,必將自食其果。

6.The machine kept running. 機器一直運轉。

7.I think it would be a good idea to keep on doing morning exercise. 我覺得我在發胖,我認為堅持早鍛煉是個好主意。



I keep making cakes 我堅持做蛋糕


You keep making cakes 你堅持做蛋糕


單數人稱:He keeps making cakes 他堅持做蛋糕

復數人稱:We keep making cakes 我們堅持做蛋糕

用keep sb. doing sth.造句

my mother keeps me washing plates now

如何用keep on doing sth 造句4句急!快!

They keep on looking at me.

You keep on watching TV.

I keep on reading book.

We keep on doing homework.
