01 it take sb to do something造句(It takes+sb+時間+to do sth這個結構造句。。)

时间:2024-07-27 09:14:12 编辑: 来源:

It takes+sb+時間+to do sth這個結構造句。。

It takes+sb+時間+to do sth這個結構造句:

1.造句:It takes me five hours to finish my homework today. 我今天花了5個小時做家庭作業。

2.It takes/took sb some time to do sth是“花費某人多少時間做某事”

3.結構特點:It是形式主語;takes/took是謂語;some time是賓語;to do sth是不定式短語也是真正的主語。


關于“花費某人多少時間做某事”的句型還有sb spend sth time/money (in) doing sth


I spend 20 dollars buying a new phone from e bay.


I spend 20 minutes repairing my dad’s old 買粉絲puter.


用"It take sb sometime to do sth."造10個句子。

1 It takes me ten minutes to walk there.

2 It takes her half an hour to finish the work.

3 It takes me ten minutes to clean the room.

4 It takes me five minutes to get dressed.

5 It takes Linda twenty minutes to plant the tree.

6 It takes him an hour to take a walk everyday.

7 It takesmy mother three hours to do the housework everyday.

8 It takes Jim twenty minutes to wash the dishes.

9 It takes Dad twenty minutes to wash the car.

10 It takes my sister an hour to walk the dog.

用It takes sb some time to do sth 造句

1、It takes he two hours to study. 


2、It takes me two hours to study English everyday.


3、It takes him two hours every week to do the housework.


4.、It took him four hours to get there yesterday.


5、The math problem was so difficult that It took me two hours to work it out.


6、 It takes me only ten minutes to walk to office every day.


7、 It took her 3 months to do this experiment.


8、It takes me quite a long time。


9、It takes me quite a long time to understand.


10、It takes me quite a long time to understand the meaning of the painting。


11、It takes me quite a long time to understand the meaning of the painting by Picasso。


It take sb some time to do sth。講解,用法

It take sb some time to do sth用法如下:



(3)it是形式主語;其真正主語是動詞不定式“to do sth”。


It take sb some time to do sth

1、It's also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself. 


2、It might take some time to understand and appreciate it, but once you do it really just clicks.


3、If you are at home with small children it is often better to stop when they, and you, be買粉絲e frustrated and take some time out to do something else so everyone can calm down. 

