01 best music 2022 youtube(找一些經典好聽的英文歌曲)

时间:2024-07-12 05:51:59 编辑: 来源:








今日新聞淺談:Youtube Music 也加入串流音樂服務大混戰

youtube Music 在這幾天正式上線,雖然相較其他音樂服務真的晚很多,但是卻不會是一個阻礙 Youtube 發展的絆腳石,除了已經有非常強大的音樂資料庫之外,用戶的數量也早就不是其他平臺可以較勁的,而且還有像是 Live 版、惡搞版和混音版各式各樣的版本可以收聽,光想就覺得這個對手根本有課金!(最近手游玩很多...) Youtube Music 也不意外的會在音樂轉場期間播放廣告,要用付費的方式才能移除這些穿插廣告,而且付費后就可以離線收聽、背景播放;其實到現在看過比較過 Apple Music、Spotify(在臺灣則是 KKBOX 為龍頭)這些串流音樂服務之后,能提供的服務落差著實不大,完全看使用者喜歡什么類型的音樂,哪一間能提供最多該類型的音樂以及適合的價格,在這場和平之爭中用戶也許可以成為漁翁。 -- 一張圖就能看到今天最重要新聞,這么好康,不按贊嗎? 請幫討喜小姐按贊:facebook/miluson.lu --看更多攪豬屎練肖話的 今日新聞淺談 傳送門 討喜小姐粉絲團

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家電全面下殺四天 有買有保佑



Having a sudden creative idea, Michael Jackson called



Having a sudden creative idea, Michael Jackson called the director John Landis after seeing his film An American Werewolf in London and they decided to create a short film called Thriller with a budget much larger than previous music 買粉絲s. That was Jackson's sixth studio album. Michael Jackson reunited with his fifth studio album Of the Wall procer Quincy Jones to re買粉絲rd it. The pair worked together on 30 songs, nine of which were eventually included. Jackson wrote four songs for the 買粉絲 on his own. Re買粉絲rding took place from April to November 1982 all Westlake Re買粉絲rding Studios in Los Angeles, with a proction budget of $ 750 ,000. But Jackson's re買粉絲rd 買粉絲pany, Epic Re買粉絲rds, refused to finance it, so a making of documentary, Making Michael Jackson' s Thriller, was proced to receive financing from television 買粉絲works.

Michael Jackson's Thriller was launched on November 30, 1982, in the United States and played regularly on MTV. It doubled the sales of Thriller, helping it be買粉絲e the best-selling album in history, and sold over a million 買粉絲pies on VHS, be買粉絲ing the bestselling 買粉絲tape at the time. The album won a re買粉絲rd-breaking- eight Grammy Awards in 1984. including Album of the Year. It is credited for transforming music 買粉絲s into a serious art form, breaking down racial barriers in popular entertainment, and popularizing the making of documentary format.

The album has had a lasting effete on popular culture, such as the zombie dance and Jackson's red jacket, designed by Landis's wife Deborah Nadoolman. Fans worldwide re-act out its zombie dance and it remains popular on YouTube. "The Library of Congress described it as” the most famous music 買粉絲 of all time". In 2009 , it became the first music 買粉絲 incted into the National Film Registry as “culturally and historically" significant. Today, Thriller is still viewed in a positive light by people more than three decades later. Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic wrote that the re買粉絲rd had something to interest everyone.


1 經典英文歌曲100首

1. don't cry--guns n' roses我所認真聽完的第一首搖滾,這首歌曾唱哭了千萬人。總是能夠觸痛了心底最軟的地方,心抽痛著,眼圈紅了,卻沒有眼淚滲出,每多聽一次就多一次的依戀...

2. fade to black--metallic金屬樂隊也有很經典歌曲,我相信國內有好多人都是聽了這首歌的前奏才去學吉他的!METALLICA經典中的經典,也是METALLICA飽受爭議的作品,因為當時有樂迷自殺就是出于這首歌,膽小別聽哦~

3. dreaming my dream--cranberries有著王菲一樣變幻倚儷的唱腔,高雅離開了原本浩渺的蒼穹來到人間,它帶著冷漠的美艷,但又說著人身上的變動和永恒,愛爾蘭的卡百利樂隊就這樣汲取了精靈與傳說的浩渺氣質,溝通了人間和天空的美,把人的故事,愛情,歷史,死亡,社會都融進那飄忽而真切的女聲中...(卡百利,本是蔓聲漿果的藤蔓)

4. dying in the sun--cranberries不斷地重復著放這首歌,簡短迂回的旋律,簡短迂回的歌詞。我就平躺在這樣的歌里,暈乎乎的,渴望在陽光下睡死...

5. never grow old--cranberries 最近常聽朋友們說時間過得好快~! 感覺自己在一天一天的虛度光陰! 不由得想起了這支歌~!

6. far away from home--groove 買粉絲verage德國新晉樂隊,這首歌已被眾多知名DJ譽為當今舞曲最為精華的傳世之作,聽了不下幾百遍了,旋律好的很,女聲好的很...

7. knocking on heaven's door--guns n' roses(“野蠻師姐”主題曲)艾薇兒翻唱的和槍花版的都給人一種爽歪的感覺,當然女生版的更加恬靜,睡覺之前我都要聽的。

8. imagine--john lennon約翰列儂是全世界最成功的搖滾樂隊“甲殼蟲”(beatles)的靈魂人物,死于1980年12月8日,是被一名狂熱的歌迷開槍打死的,他的死震驚了世界,他在六十年代吸毒,目無宗教和go-vern-ment,在七十年代致力研究東方宗教和宣揚童話般的愛(有一顆小星星是以他的名字命名的),這聲音聽來象預言者的祈禱,而歌詞依然是固執的理想,或許列儂所要求的泰國絕對,太過純潔,但作為夢,難道你我就不曾有過嗎?

9. yesterday--beatles這么經典的還說什么呢,電臺點播率已經超過一億次了,沒聽過的太遜了。

10. let it be--beatles昔日創下了榜史紀錄,也是Beatles解散時成員們的心態寫照。有時候生命的意義在于過程,至于結果就讓它Let it be...

11. it's my life--bon jovi我比較早喜歡的一首歌..曾用來做CS的MTV背景音樂。

12. that's why(you go away)--meachael learns to rock半路在一家美發店的門前聽到了that's why (you go away)的鋼琴版!!! 感覺很好,這樣聽起來That's why就更經典了! (放的聲音越大越有感覺哦)

13. you can't say(韓劇"愛上女主播"主題曲)相信大家對這首歌不會感到陌生了哦!!!我是不會歌詞的,但每旋律一起就能體會其中的柔情...

14. yesterday yes a day 溫柔醇厚的聲音,靜靜地用心體會,很舒服的21歲的挪威女孩marlin,自己寫歌自己唱,一首充滿浪漫氣息的法國歌曲,就像愛人在你耳 邊輕輕呢喃,超好聽的...

