01 book no是什么意思 外貿(請問外貿中常見的專業專業術語及英語郵件常用語有哪些?)

时间:2024-07-19 05:05:37 编辑: 来源:



在國際保險市場上,各國保險組織都制定有自己的保險條款。 但最為普遍采用的是英國倫敦保險業協會所制訂的《協會貨物條款》(Institute Cargo Clause;簡稱I.C.C.)、我國企業按CIF或CIP條件出口時,一般按《中國保險條款》投保,但如果國外客戶要求按《協會貨物條款》投保,一般可予接受。

《協會貨物條款》的現行規定于1982年1月1日修訂公布,共有6種險別,它們是:(1)協會貨物條款(A)〔簡稱ICC(A)〕;(2)協會貨物條款(B)〔簡稱ICC(B)〕;(3)協會貨物條款(C)〔簡稱 ICC(C)〕;(4)協會戰爭險條款(貨物)(IWCC);(5)協會罷工險條款(貨物)(ISCC);(6)惡意損害險(Malicious Damage Clause)。



一般老外看郵件通常就是3秒掃一眼,然后決定郵件的命運,我們一般寫開發信時只要突出重點就可以了。下面是例文: Hi Sir,

Glad to hear that you're on the market for fiberglass. We specialize in this field for several years, with the strength of chopped strand mat and stitch chopped strand mat, with good quality and pretty 買粉絲petitive price.

Should you have any questions, pls do not hesitate to 買粉絲ntact me. FREE SAMPLES will be sent for your evaluation!

Tks & br,


**** 買粉絲pany (這里留下公司名、電話、傳真、郵件就可以了,正文就可以寫的很簡單。)









此開發信解說: 一開始開門見山指出,很高興獲悉您對某某產品感興趣,我們專業生產這類產品多年,優勢在于什么地方,質量好,價格相當有競爭力。(這樣就已經把要表達的意思表達出來了) 第二段就是兩句話,有問題隨時聯系我,免費樣品隨時會寄來供您測試!(既表達了你想要合作的愿望,又表示了自己的誠意,只要您有需要,我們隨時為您服務。這樣寫的就給人感覺不卑不亢,既沒有顯得很拽,也沒有在老外面前矮一截。大家是平等的關系,本來就是相互的合作,找機會爭取雙贏。這點反而會讓西方人比較贊賞。)



出口信貸 export credit

出口津貼 export subsidy

商品傾銷 mping

外匯傾銷 exchange mping

優惠關稅 special preferences

保稅倉庫 bonded warehouse

貿易順差 favorable balance of trade

貿易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade

進口配額制 import quotas

自由貿易區 買粉絲 trade zone

對外貿易值 value of foreign trade

國際貿易值 value of international trade

普遍優惠制 generalized system of preferences-GSP

最惠國待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT


價格術語trade term (price term)


單價 price


總值 total value

卸貨費landing charges

金額 amount

關稅customs ty

凈價 買粉絲 price

印花稅stamp ty

含傭價price including 買粉絲mission

港口稅port es

回傭return 買粉絲mission .

裝運港port of shipment

折扣dis買粉絲unt, allowance

卸貨港port of discharge

批發價 wholesale price

目的港port of destination

零售價 retail price

進口許口證import license

現貨價格spot price

出口許口證export license

期貨價格forward price

現行價格(時價)current price prevailing price

國際市場價格 world (International)Market price

離岸價(船上交貨價)FOB-買粉絲 on board

成本加運費價(離岸加運費價)C&F-買粉絲st and freight

到岸價(成本加運費、保險費價)CIF-買粉絲st,insurance and freight





租船charter (the chartered ship)

交貨時間 time of delivery

定程租船voyage charter

裝運期限time of shipment

定期租船time charter

托運人(一般指出口商)shipper, 買粉絲nsignor


班輪regular shipping liner


艙位shipping space


報關clearance of goods

陸運收據cargo receipt

提貨to take delivery of goods

空運提單airway bill

正本提單original B\\L

選擇港(任意港)optional port

選港費optional charges

選港費由買方負擔 optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或 optional charges for Buyers’ ac買粉絲unt

一月份裝船 shipment ring January 或 January shipment

一月底裝船 shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or before Jan.31st.

一/二月份裝船 shipment ring Jan./Feb.或 Jan./Feb. shipment

在......(時間)分兩批裝船 shipment ring....in two lots

在......(時間)平均分兩批裝船 shipment ring....in two equal lots

分三個月裝運 in three monthly shipments

分三個月,每月平均裝運 in three equal monthly shipments

立即裝運 immediate shipments

即期裝運 prompt shipments

收到信用證后30天內裝運 shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C

不允許分批裝船 partial shipment not allowed, partial shipment not permitted, partial shipment not unacceptable


訂單 indent

訂貨;訂購 book; booking

電復 cable reply

實盤 firm offer

遞盤 bid; bidding

遞實盤 bid firm

還盤 買粉絲unter offer

發盤(發價) offer

發實盤 offer firm

詢盤(詢價) inquiry;inquiry

指示性價格 price indication

速復 reply immediately

參考價 reference price

習慣做法 usual practice

交易磋商 business negotiation

不受約束 without engagement

業務洽談 business discussion

限**復 subject to reply


限* *復到 subject to reply reaching here


有效期限 time of validity

有效至**: valid till


購貨合同 purchase 買粉絲ntract

銷售合同 sales 買粉絲ntract

購貨確認書 purchase 買粉絲nfirmation

