01 billy and i are good friends(選擇填空)

时间:2024-07-27 14:28:53 编辑: 来源:

Billy and I are good friends,I have _____.Look at this one ,how sweet he is smiling


pictures of billy‘s 表示照片上可能是billy,也可能是別人。

pictures of billy 表示照片上是billy,billy的照片。

題中,I have _____. Look at this one ,how sweet he is smiling.我有billy的照片,biliy的微笑是多么甜美啊,指的是照片上是billy,而不是別人。









4、B 5、D

表示兩個人分別擁有的、6、D 7、A道理同3題 8、C



初 一 英 語 試 題

Final English Test for Jenior One Students (Xinhai School ’2001)


第一卷 (三部分,共60分)







1. Han Meimei gets up at half past six.

2. Jack’s father works on a farm.

3. Lily and Lucy look the same.

4. Tom likes going shopping.

5. There’re three students in the classroom.



6. What day is it today?

A. It’s Saturday. B. It’s Sunday. C. It’s Tuesday.

7. What is Mrs. Grays doing?

A. She’s writing. B. She’s reading. C. She’s working.

8. Who is watching TV now?

A. Mrs. Grays. B. Mr. Grays. C. Mr. Grays’s mother.

9. Where is Anne now?

A. She’s at school. B. She’s in the car. C. She’s in her bedroom.

10. What is Mr. Grays doing?

A. He’s mending his car. B. He is cleaning his car. C. He’s selling his car.


第一節 單項填空 (共20小題;每小題1分,滿分20分)


11. Mr. Black is _____ old teacher, and ______ man behind him is his son.

A. a; the B. an; a C. an; the D. the; a

12. This is not _____ bike. Can you find _______?

A. her; hers B. her; her C. hers; her D. hers; hers

13. What is your father? He is ___________.

A. thirty nine B. working C. a clerk D. Jack Brown

14. ___________. What is the time now?

A. I am sorry B. How do you do C. How are you D. Excuse me

15. --- _________________?

--- No, it is Saturday.

A. What day is today B. Is it Saturday today C. Is it Friday today D. What is today

16. Jim’s father likes _________ machines for farmers.

A. make B. do C. making D. doing

17. Lucy often ________ home at half past five.

A. gets B. gets to C. gets at D. gets in

18. Come up, Jim! It is time ___________.

A. to lunch B. for lunch C. to having lunch D. having lunch

19. I am a __________ student, and _______ many friends.

A. boy; has B. boy; have C. boy’s; has D. boy’s; have

20. Please put ________ your pencils after you use it.

A. in B. into C. at D. away

21. --- What _______ three and four?

--- It is seven.

A. am B. is C. are D. be

22. --- _________________?

--- It is four fifty now. Let’s go home.

A. What’s the time B. What time it is? C. What the time is D. Which is the time

23. What’s wrong __________ the kite? Is it broken?

A. at B. for D. about D. with

24. I am a soldier. ___________________? Are you a soldier, too?

A. What’s you B. What about you C. What you about D. How do you like

25. What class are you in? I think you are in _____________.

A. Class Two, Grade One B. Grade One, Class Two

C. class two, Grade One D. grade one, class two

26. --- ____________________?

--- Yes. I want a kilo of orange.

A. What are you doing B. Will you buy anything C. Can I help you D. What will you buy

27. I know you like Suzhou. But what do you like ___________ it?

A. about B. with C. of D. for

28. --- Hello! ____________?

--- Yes, Lily here. Who is that, please?

A. Who are you B. Who is that C. Are you Lily D. Is that Lily

29. I am hungry. Do you have any food? I’d like _______________.

A. something to eat B. something to drink C. eat something D. drink something

30. --- Can I borrow your eraser?

--- Certainly. But please ____________ soon.

A. give back it B. give it back C. give it away D. give away it

第二節 完形填空 (共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)


There is a shop near my home. It (31) many things like bread, milk, (32) and drinks. My mother often goes shopping there (33) Sundays and buy food. I go with her, too, and carry baskets (34) her. The people in the shop are very friendly. They (35) us put the heavy
