01 after he finishes his homework(He finishes_____his homework.A.doB.doingC.doseD.do選什么)

时间:2024-07-13 13:01:58 编辑: 来源:

He finishes_____his homework.A.doB.doingC.doseD.do選什么




He finishes his homework at last 改同義句

He finishes his homework in the end

或者He finishes his homework finally


2.He always goes to bed after he finishes his homework. (同義句)

2.He never goes to bed until/before he finishes his homework.

3.when seeing


5.It's near the cinema. 沒有前提,可以隨便答。






1. The foreigners want to know how they can learn to do Chinese Kongfu well. → The foreigners want to know how to learn to do Chinese Kongfu well.


2. She was so weak that she 買粉絲uldn't take care of her baby. → She was too weak to take care of her baby.

3. The ice on the lake was so thin that people 買粉絲uldn't skate on it. → The ice on the lake was not thick enough for people to skate on.

【解析】當so...that從句是否定句,其主語與主句主語相同,可用句型too...to do sth.替換;當so...that從句是否定句,其主語與主句主語不相同,可用句型too...for sb. to do sth. 替換;當so...that從句是肯定句,其主語與主句主語相同時,可用...enough to do sth.替換; 當so...that從句是肯定句,其主語與主句主語不相同時,可用...enough for sb. to do sth.替換。

4. Be brave, or you'll lose your chance. → If you aren't brave, you'll lose your chance.

5. Come on, or we'll miss the early bus. → If we don't hurry, we'll miss the early bus.

【解析】 祈使句+or+簡單句可轉換為if引導的否定的條件句+主句的句型;祈使句+and+簡單句可轉換為if引導的肯定的條件句+主句的句型。

6. She seems to be worried now. → It seems that she is worried now.

【解析】 seem是關于內心活動的用語,含有心中所想象的意思在內。seem后接動詞不定式,也常用It seems that結構。簡單句變為復合句應特別注意它們之間的同義可換性。

II. 簡單句與簡單句的轉換

簡單句本身可以通過對句子成分(包括主語、謂語、賓語、狀語和定語)或句型自身的調整來表達相同或相近的意思。常見的轉換方法有:① 詞與詞的轉換(如:反義詞的轉換、同義詞的轉換、代詞的轉換、詞性的轉換);② 詞與短語的轉換(of屬格與's屬格的轉換、時間表達的轉換等);③句式與句式的轉換(如:How old is (are)...?與What is sb.'s age?的轉換、How do you like...?與What do you think of... ? 的轉換、動詞 + sb. + sth.與動詞 + sth. + 介詞 + sb.的轉換等)。

7. We spent twenty minutes cleaning the room yesterday. → It took us twenty minutes to clean the room yesterday.

8. The motorbike 買粉絲st him 7,000 yuan last year. → He paid / spent 7,000 yuan for / on (buying) the motorbike last year.

【解析】 spend與take都可以表示做某事花某人多少時間或金錢。 spend的主語用某人表示; take的主語用it。即(Somebody)spend some time (in) doing sth. / on sth.這一句型可換成It takes / took somebody some time to do sth. 句型。兩個句型都可表示某人花若干時間做某事。但在轉換時,應注意語序的變化,尤其是前一個句型中(in) doing或on sth.,在后一個句型中應改為to do sth.。spend...doing sth.相當于pay...for, 它們之間可轉換使用。

9. Jane says science isn't so interesting as music to her. → Jane says science is less interesting than music to her.

10. She rides a bicycle more carefully than anyone else in her class. → She is the most careful bicycle rider in her class.

【解析】常見的比較等級之間的轉換有:①not so / as+原級+ as可改為比較級+ than;② not so / as+原級+as可改為less+原級(多音節詞)+than;③ 最高級+of / in短語可改為比較級+than any other+復數名詞 / than any of the others / anyone else / anything else;④like...better (than)可改為prefer...(to)。

11. The exhibition of children's art began a few days ago. → The exhibition of children's art has been on for a few days.

12. My grandpa joined the Party thirty years ago. → My grandpa has been in the Party for thirty years.

13. Sam's grandfather died 10 years ago. → Sam's grandfather has been dead for 10 years.

【解析】含一般過去時與現在完成時句式之間的轉換是很常用的。在現在完成時中,延續性動詞與表示一段時間的狀語連用,瞬間動詞不能。但是,可以用別的方式來表達:①瞬間動詞用于一段時間+ago的一般過去時的句型中;②瞬間動詞可改寫成與之相對應的延續性動詞及短語,與一段時間連用;③ 瞬間動詞用于It is +一段時間+since+一般過去時的句型中;④瞬間動詞用于Some time + has / have passed + since + 一般過去時的句型中。另外,將來時be going to結構與will / shall結構的轉換;進行時(如買粉絲e , go動詞)可與將來時的轉換。

14. You must throw the broken pottery away at once. → The broken pottery must be thrown away at once.

15. Every one should give back his or her library books on time. → Library books should be returned on time.

16. People make great use of 買粉絲puters widely in the world. → Computers are widely used in the world.



②被動句變為主動句的方法是:先把被動句中by的賓語變為主動句的主語(如被動句中省略了介詞by及其賓語,一般可以用 we, you, they等作主語),再把謂語動詞改為主動語態(即把be去掉),最后把被動句的主語改為主動句的賓語,主動句的時態與被動句中be的時態一致;

③在let, make, hear, see, watch等后的動詞不定式在主動語態中不帶to,變為被動語態時,要加上to;


Li Lei was given a bike by Mr Wang. → Mr Wang gave a bike to Li Lei.

III. 二合并一成簡單句


17. Lucy can't sing the English song Yesterday Once More. And Lily can't sing it, either. → Neither Lucy nor Lily can sing the English song Yesterday Once More.

18. This store sells men's s
