01 enjoy oneself doing造句(enjoy oneself的用法與搭配)

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enjoy oneself的用法與搭配

enjoy oneself的用法與搭配:enjoy oneself doing sth.玩得開心,過得愉快。 或者說enjoy oneself in doing sth.意思一樣,但in可以省略。

enjoy oneself 自我欣賞,自娛;玩得痛快,過得愉快。 擴展資料

“enjoy oneself”可單獨使用,表示請自便,玩的開心,相當于have a good、have fun。

1、Whatever guest is natural metropolis be reluctant to part, enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave.


2、Lose an opportunity to benefit from sth or enjoy oneself.


"enjoy oneself doing sth"表示做某件事情非常的開心,陶醉于做某事,側重于表現在“做什么”。

enjoy v.[T]從…獲得樂趣;[T]享有(某事物)

oneself pron.(one的反身形式)(one作動詞的主語時,oneself作動詞或介詞的賓語)自己;自身;(用以強調one)親自;自己

enjoy oneself doing sth造句

1. She enjoyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had first asked for.


2. Enjoy yourself playing in the garden.


enjoy oneself的用法與搭配

enjoy oneself的用法與搭配:enjoy oneself doing sth.玩得開心,過得愉快。 或者說enjoy oneself in doing sth.意思一樣,但in可以省略。

enjoy oneself 自我欣賞,自娛;玩得痛快,過得愉快。 擴展資料

“enjoy oneself”可單獨使用,表示請自便,玩的開心,相當于have a good、have fun。

1、Whatever guest is natural metropolis be reluctant to part, enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave.


2、Lose an opportunity to benefit from sth or enjoy oneself.


"enjoy oneself doing sth"表示做某件事情非常的開心,陶醉于做某事,側重于表現在“做什么”。

enjoy v.[T]從…獲得樂趣;[T]享有(某事物)

oneself pron.(one的反身形式)(one作動詞的主語時,oneself作動詞或介詞的賓語)自己;自身;(用以強調one)親自;自己

enjoy oneself doing sth造句

1. She enjoyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had first asked for.


2. Enjoy yourself playing in the garden.

