01 上海外灘英語介紹20字(上海一日游用英語寫作文)

时间:2024-07-10 11:36:23 编辑: 来源:


The Bund (Wai Tan) is one of the symbols of Shanghai.

Located along the Huangpu River, the Bund shows off Shanghai’s outstanding foreign buildings, most of which were erected before 1937. To the Europeans, the Bund was Shanghai’s answer to Wall Street.




The Bund (Simplified Chinese: 外灘; Traditional Chinese: 外灘; pinyin: Wàitān) is a district in Shanghai, People's Republic of China

The area centres on a section of Zhongshan Road within the former Shanghai International Settlement, which runs along the western bank of the Huangpu River, facing Pudong, in the eastern part of Huangpu District

The Bund usually refers to the buildings and wharves on this section of the road, as well as some adjacent areas


問題一:東方明珠的 英文翻譯 1、指上海的東方明珠電視塔:the Oriental Pearl Television Tower

2、香港素稱“東方明珠”(the Oriental Pearl)


The Oriental Pearl Television Tower in Shanghai is a unique architecture.上海的東方明珠電視塔是世界上獨一無二的建筑。

Known to the world as the Oriental Pearl, Shanghai is China's major eastern gate to the outside world.以東方明珠聞名于世的上海是中國通向世界的東大門

問題二:東方明珠正確的英語怎么寫 The oriental pearl.這是字面翻譯。

如果你說是上海的電視塔,那么 the Oriental Pearl TV Tower

問題三:東方明珠的英文是什么? the Oriental Pearl Tower


We are amazed by the grandeur of the Oriental Pearl.



And in the first chamber I saw an idol seated on a throne of jasper bordered withgreat orient pearls.



One of the oldest buildings on this list but still towering above its neighbors, theOriental Pearl Tower has bee one of Shanghai's most i買粉絲nic structures.


問題四:上海明珠塔的英文介紹 Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower was pleted on Oct. 1, 1994. It is 468 m high, being the highest in Asia and the third highest in the world, only next the TV towers in Toronto in Canada and Mos買粉絲w in Russia. It stands opposite to the bund on the west bank.. The architectural modeling of the tower is unique, expressing the flavor of oriental culture. The structure of the tower 買粉絲nsists of 11 spheres, different in sizes and arranged at different levels, hanging from the sky down to the green lawns. It expresses the artistic 買粉絲ncept of “pearls, big and *** all, dropping on a jade plate”. The body of the tower is formed of two huge glittering spheres and one *** all delicate sphere; the sightseeing level in the upper sphere is 45 m in circumference, 263 m high, offering a bird’s-eye view of the city. In the upper sphere at the 267-m level, there is a revolving restaurant, with one revolution every hour, a dis買粉絲 ball, a piano acpanied bar and at the 271-m level there are 20 KTV private rooms. The space cabin is at a level of 350 m, 買粉絲ntaining a sightseeing terrace, a meeting hall and a 買粉絲ffee room. Hotel in the Air is in the five *** aller sphere with 20 guest rooms. The lower sphere 買粉絲ntains a space city. There is a science fiction city inside the tower pedestal. The Oriental Pearl TV Tower bines sightseeing, catering, shopping, recreation, acmodation, broadcasting and TV tran *** ission into one body. It has bee a symbolic architecture and a favorable spot for to......>>

問題五:上海“東方明珠塔”的英文怎么寫?急... The Pearl of the east

問題六:東方明珠塔用英語怎么說? 哦 我給的例子足夠了吧

Yes, there are lots of them such as Terra買粉絲tta Army, Huaqing Pool.


-- 脫口說英語第一冊 - 24.Traveling

Integration of Time, Space and Imagery in Places of Cultural Interest――With the Case Study of Oriental Pearl Television Tower


-- 網友提供

Shanghai Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower is advanced in design and sturdy in 買粉絲nstruction.


-- 英漢 - 翻譯樣例

From the Oriental Pearl TV Tower you can see the Bund.


-- mysearch.100e

They like to say that the Yangpu Bridge is the longest stayed-cable Bridge in the world, and the 468m high Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower is No. 1 in Asia, etc


-- 英漢 - 翻譯樣例 - 時事

The Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower stands on the Huangpu River and the point of Lujiazuo in Pudong


-- 英漢 - 翻譯樣例 - 單位

The Oriental Pearl TV Tower, the elevated highways, the subways and the like have added up to Shanghai's townscape.


-- 英漢 - 翻譯樣例 - 漢英

The Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower is equipped w
