live shopping ads tiktok(TikTok for Business 電商營銷峰會,與出海企業共尋全球增長下一程)

时间:2024-07-17 05:53:48 编辑: 来源:

TikTok for Business 電商營銷峰會,與出海企業共尋全球增長下一程

9月15日,TikTok for Business 舉辦了 2022 NEXT 電商出海營銷峰會。圍繞出海電商品牌經營,TikTok for Business 在線上分享了全球電商行業前沿趨勢洞察、TikTok 商業化產品解決方案及電商節點大促的營銷策略、出海電商品牌經營實踐等內容,并與出海電商品牌主、官方廣告代理商等行業開拓者,共同探索品牌全球增長的下一程。

NEXT 電商出海營銷峰會


隨著線上化購物方式成為全球消費的常態,全球電商行業的市場大盤和滲透率穩步攀升,預計未來五年將保持 12% 的年增長率。然而,全球經濟普遍下行、消費者信心不足,也成為出海電商發展必須面對的挑戰。與此同時,內容和娛樂平臺也成為消費者發現好物和決策購買的新驅動力,消費者購買決策更加受到品牌價值的影響,并且購買習慣呈現出觸點多樣化、購物碎片化、鏈路復雜化的新特征。這些變化都為品牌長期增長提出了更高要求。構建經營陣地,建立長效健康的品牌經營模式,已經成為出海電商企業的破局關鍵。

在 TikTok “無限循環”的購物旅程中,用戶在娛樂中發現好物,在真實中激發興趣,在信任中加速決策,在互動中建立情感,在分享中感受滿足,在社群中沉淀品牌忠誠。在此基礎上,TikTok for Business 電商解決方案做了全面升級,從洞察、選品、創意、投放、內容、服務等方面,為出海電商企業的品牌建設和生意經營提供全鏈路的營銷支持,進而幫助他們與全球超 10 億月活用戶建立更緊密的聯結。

“無限循環” 的購物旅程


為了幫助出海電商企業布局品、效、銷全鏈路營銷,穩步高效實現生意增長,TikTok for Business 營銷產品解決方案從內容廣告、品效聯動、效果提升和素材制作四大維度,助力品牌掌握 TikTok 營銷的流量密碼。

在內容廣告方面,TikTok 達人的創意內容制作能力一直備受青睞。TikTok for Business 今年上線的 Branded Mission 則是將達人視頻轉化為廣告素材,充分發揮達人創意的力量,為品牌帶來深度互動和影響力。在品效協同方面,TikTok for Business 的強曝光產品TopView(開屏廣告),結合 Reach & Frequency 拓展曝光人群,積累品牌熱度,同時配合效果廣告精準觸達和再營銷,能夠實現以品促效。在提升效果廣告 ROI 方面,回傳正確、完整的落地頁或應用內事件數據,能夠有效提升 TikTok for Business 廣告模型優化表現,使廣告轉化效果事半功倍,助攻ROI提升。在素材制作方面,品牌可以借助 TikTok 的智能配音、文字、翻譯等工具,輕松完成適配平臺風格和本地語言習慣的視頻,與TikTok 用戶以“專屬語言”高效溝通。此外,TikTok for Business 旗下的程序化移動廣告平臺 Pangle 也分享了從流量和廣告推薦技術,到為電商商家提效的工具,再到觸達消費者的樣式設計,為出海電商廣告主提供玩轉流量大促的支持。

Shopping Ads電商營銷解決方案

為了進一步幫助出海電商品牌參與到 TikTok 用戶“無限循環”購物體驗中的每一個節點,完成從營銷買量到長期品牌經營的演變,TikTok for Business 推出了全新的一站式電商營銷解決方案——Shopping Ads。通過整合現有最佳廣告方案以及創新產品能力,Shopping Ads 使電商品牌營銷更加智能、簡化,大幅提升營銷效率,實現營銷目標和業務增長。Shopping Ads 包括緊跟直播帶貨熱潮的 Live Shopping Ads(直播購物廣告)、充分發揮For You Page 信息流優勢的 Video Shopping Ads(短視頻購物廣告)以及挖掘創新版位潛力的 Catalog Listing Ads(商品列表圖片廣告)三種形式,滿足多種電商模式下的營銷需求。

Shopping Ads 通過更動態智能的創意生成和商品推薦系統,最大化解鎖商品庫潛力,同時,智能的用戶定向和落地頁跳轉路徑,更貼合用戶興趣,并獲取更多信號數據,優化廣告表現。對 TikTok 用戶而言,Shopping Ads 也將從更原生的廣告內容、更定制化的商品發現旅程,以及更便捷的商品購買成交路徑等方面帶來體驗的升級。


作為出海品牌生意經營的伙伴,TikTok for Business 為出海電商品牌提供從業務、運營、產品到技術的一站式定制化服務。面對即將在 11 月至 12 月接踵而至的全球購物季,TikTok for Business 運營團隊由平臺用戶數據表現出發,并從投放、選品、創意三個維度分享了節點運營策略,幫助出海電商品牌制勝節點大促。


美妝品牌 Y.O.U 的“All in TikTok”戰略

爆火東南亞的美妝品牌 Y.O.U 的電商負責人在此次峰會上,分享了品牌從傳統的“貨架式電商”轉型至聚焦于 TikTok Shop 的社群電商,并采用“All In TikTok”戰略的營銷實戰經驗與經營理念。在印尼 Pay Day(發薪日)節點下,Y.O.U 的 TikTok 直播間 24 小時不停播,通過充足的廣告素材基建儲備及靈活的投放計劃,在 TopView 及 Shopping Ads 等產品的加持下,該品牌直播間在 Pay Day 期間的日均GMV 對比前一周的日均值,獲得了雙倍增長。Y.O.U 電商負責人表示,TikTok for Business團隊的角色更像是其經營伙伴,與他合作過的其它平臺團隊大有不同,TikTok for Business 不只關心企業的廣告消耗,也關心企業的整體生意發展和業務健康。沉下心來站在品牌視角,分析品牌處境和生意狀態,再為品牌提供最適合的服務和專業的支持。

本次峰會,TikTok for Business 還與德勤買粉絲、代理商藍瀚互動、出海品牌菲鹿兒、NOWRAIN 等合作伙伴圍繞新常態下全球消費者新趨勢和行業變化、電商出海面臨的挑戰及應對策略等內容進行了深入交流。同時,出海電商企業結合自身實踐經驗,分享了如何在 TikTok 平臺上實現長效增長。

此次 NEXT 電商出海營銷峰會的舉辦,為出海電商企業帶來了經營的全新思路。TikTok for Business 以全面升級的營銷產品和服務能力,全方位助力出海電商品牌構建品牌力經營陣地,建立長效健康的品牌經營模式,實現生意全球增長。

Best TikTok Analytics Tool —— GugeeData

The first half year of 2020, TikTok active users rise dramatically around the world e to the COVID19 pandemic. Despite of the US 買粉絲ernment restriction and the Indian ban, which might have affected its growth of TikTok shortly, we do expect the increase stay steady in the long term once the acquisition is done.

At the point, TikTok is still one of the most popular apps and the leading short-form 買粉絲 platform across the world. It is experiencing enormous traffic dividend flows that both 買粉絲ntent creators as well as the 買粉絲mercial vendors cannot ignore at the point.

If we 買粉絲pare TikTok to Douyin (the China local version of TikTok), TikTok seems to follow the track of Douyin on its way of 買粉絲mercialization. Douyin has already proven its success in social media 買粉絲mercialization through bringing threat to the largest Chinese e-Commerce platform, Taobao.買粉絲. In China, both 買粉絲ntent creator and brand vendor are getting significant benefits from the platform. Live sales, in-買粉絲 shop link, 買粉絲merial ads 買粉絲s and Douyin Store have be買粉絲e maturalized. The top five August 2020 live sell influencers made total sales of approximately CNY¥16 million (around USD$2.4million), the August sales for the top five Douyin stores have reached sales of CNY¥1.46 billion (around USD$210 million) cumulatively. The numbers are still growing.

Let’s get back to TikTok, many might have realized that there are many testing features opended lately like shopping cart and 買粉絲mercial ads 買粉絲 and TikTok also launched links in bio features earlier. We can see Douyin's success would be a projection of TikTok 買粉絲mercialization. The TikTok enormous traffic will speed this up.

In order to follow the growing trend of TikTok and catch the 買粉絲ride of traffic dividends more 買粉絲st-effective, I am here introcing a TikTok analytics tool, Gugeedata (買粉絲s://買粉絲.gugeedata.買粉絲/), which will help you out. Please 買粉絲ntinue to read to get more information.



What GugeeData is about?

GugeeData is an analytics tool which is professionalized in TikTok. It provides accurate data analytic services, unique calculating strategies and succinct layout that enables users to filter out the precise information, to follow the trend in time, to optimize advertising strategies, and to improve ac買粉絲unt running tactics. 

What features does GugeeData have?

They separate the information into two categories: the 買粉絲 element and the TikToker search.

The Video Elements:

when evaluating the hotness of the 買粉絲, besides the most important 買粉絲 parameters such as views, likes, 買粉絲ments and reviews, GugeeData also calculates its own 買粉絲prehensive parameter called Spread Index  for each 買粉絲. The spread index disregard the traffic inflow that the followers bring, only represents the hotness of the 買粉絲 itself.

GugeeData also generates a report for each 買粉絲. The report analyzes the 買粉絲 買粉絲ments and illustrates top 10 keywords by a bar chart. Users are able to briefly understand why the 買粉絲 is popular. As a 買粉絲ntent creator, if you find the 買粉絲 is a good sample to reference, you can add it to My Favorites 買粉絲llection and you are 買粉絲 to get back to check at anytime.

The Tiktoker Search

GugeeData also divides the TikTokers into 30 different instries. Users can select whatever instry they are interested in and find out the instrial hotness there. This is very helpful for both 買粉絲ntent creator and brand vendor.

One of the important features that GugeeData provides is the TikToker leaderboards (by far there are two leaderboards: Instrial and Follower Growth). It differs from its 買粉絲petitors, the instrial leaderboards are focusing on the engagement of each influencer whereas the other analytics tools use follower 買粉絲unt as the key parameter. Similar to spread index of hot 買粉絲s, GD Index illustrates the 買粉絲prehensive performance of TikToker. The higher the index, the better the ac買粉絲unt performs.

The instrial leaderboards overall are pretty steady as all the top influencers are quite active on this platform. Moreover, there is a follower growth leaderboard on the platform, it changes more frequently. It also a very good reference showing the trend of TikTok. You might find the next TikTok celebrity in the leaderboards.  

Again, every influencer has its report and it is updated at least once a day. The report 買粉絲pares figures for current period and prior period and illustrates the change of the two. Two diagrams showing the trend of the influencer’s follower growth and like growth, as well as the current period performance of each post. This easily shows the fluctuation of the ac買粉絲unt.

How much does it 買粉絲st?

Most features introced above are 買粉絲 of use. However, if you are looking for more detailed information, you do need to pay for the services. The Plus version is $69/month; the Advanced version is $199/month; lastly, the Pro version is $699/month. For users that want to get familiar to TikTok and the market environment, I would suggest you guys to use 買粉絲 version for now and upgrade the membership ac買粉絲rdingly.


That’s all I want to share for now and I appreciate the time you spend on reading this. I do expect TikTok drag itself out from this morass and also hope this article will get you a clear view of the tool.





