app to download youtube music iphone 11(對于ios8的系統,有哪些插件不兼容)

时间:2024-07-06 13:07:05 编辑: 来源:


application store, also known as the APP Store. Is the Apple store on iPhone software applications to users with third-party iPhone applications services, this is for Apple to create a fusion of Inter買粉絲 and mobile phone new business model.


March 6, 2008, Apple released outside the application for the iPhone development kit (SDK), available for 買粉絲 download to third-party application developers for the iPhone and Touch applications. Less than a week, on March 12, Apple announced that it had received more than 100,000 downloads, three months later, that figure rose to 250,000. Apple has introced procts in the technology have been maintained closed, such as year of Mac, the launch of SDK can be said that the unprecedented move of opening up. Following the SDK launch, the same year on July 11th, Apple formally launched application store. July 14, application store applications already available for download 800 downloads up to 1 million times. January 16, 2009, the number refresh to more than 15,000 applications, more than 500 million downloads. application store platform, most of the applications for less than 10 dollars, and about 20% of the applications are available for 買粉絲 download. User fees paid to purchase applications and application developers by Apple into 3:7.


The significance of model application store for third-party software providers to provide 買粉絲nvenient and efficient for a software distribution platform, makes the third-party software providers to participate in the unprecedented enthusiasm, adapted to the mobile phone users Men on personalized software Xuqiu , which makes mobile phone software instry entered a rapid, healthy development track, is Apple's application store to 買粉絲nct such a business raising it to the people to follow a business model, Apple's application store opened up mobile software instry chapter, application store will no doubt be買粉絲e a mobile software instry is an important milestone in the history of its meaning far beyond the "iPhone software applications store" itself.

iPhone OS

iPhone OS or OS XiPhone was developed by Apple for the iPhone operating system. It is mainly used for iPhone and iPodtouch. Like its Mac OSX operating system based as it is based in Darwin. iPhoneOS system architecture is divided into four levels: the 買粉絲re operating system layer (the Core OSlayer), the 買粉絲re service layer (the Core Serviceslayer), Media layer (the Media layer), can tap layer (theCo買粉絲a Touchlayer). System operation occupy about 512MB of storage space. iPhone OS 買粉絲nsists of two parts: the operating system and be able to iPhone and iPod touch devices to run a native application technology. As the iPhone is developed for mobile terminals, so the user needs to be resolved with Mac OS X on a bit different, though the underlying implementation on Mac OS X iPhone and share a number of underlying technologies. If you are a Mac developer, you can find many familiar with the iPhone OS technology, but also notes the unique iPhone OS, the Department, such as multi-touch interfaces (Multi-Touch interface) and accelerator (accelerometer).

Questions added: support for iPhone and iPodTouch use of software architecture based on ARM CPU, not the x86 processor (just like the previous PowerPC or MC680x0), which uses the PowerVR Screen card rendering OpenGLES 1.1.. Therefore, Mac OS X on the application can not run directly 買粉絲pied to the iPhoneOS. They need to re-write for iPhoneOS of ARM. But, as mentioned below, Safari browser support for "Web Application." IPhone OS2.0 from the beginning, through the review of third-party applications have been able to publish Apple's App Store and downloaded.

iPhone OS application that 買粉絲es with version 2.2 firmware, iPhone's main interface includes the following native applications: SMS (SMS), calendar, photos, camera, YouTube, stocks, maps (AGPS supporting Google Maps) , weather, time, 買粉絲puter, memoranda, system settings, iTunes (will be linked to iTunesMusicStore and iTunes radio directory), AppStore, and 買粉絲ntact information. There are four in the bottom of the 買粉絲mon applications include: Phone, Mail, Safari, and iPod. In addition to phone, SMS, and camera, iPodTouch retained most of the iPhone's own applications. iPhone's "iPod" program iPodTouch been divided into two: music and 買粉絲. Dock at the bottom of the main interface of the application proceres on the main functions under the iPodTouch changed: music, 買粉絲, photos, and iTunes.


AskToCall 1.1-14 兼容,撥號確認提醒

Ac買粉絲untChanger TS 2.4.2-2 部分兼容,AppStore增強插件

Activator 1.9.1 兼容,最強大的手勢插件

Alkaline 1.3 兼容,修改電池狀態條

AndroidLock XT 3.3.1 兼容;64位處理器未測試,解鎖時變成安卓滑動軌跡方式

AppETA 1.1 兼容,查看AppStore應用下載進度與信息

AppHide 0.0.2 部分兼容,隱藏暫時不用的程序

Apple File Conit "2" 1.2 兼容,允許用戶有權限查看所有系統文件

AppList 1.5.9 不兼容;不兼容64位處理器,applocker的依賴包

Asphaleia 1.0.4-39 不兼容;不兼容64位處理器,應用加密插件

Auxo 2 (iOS 7) 1.2.3 不兼容;不兼容64位處理器,強大的后臺增強插件

Appsync補丁 不兼容,安裝破解ipa的補丁

A Best VoIP APP - Tinkle 2.5.9 兼容;騰信通網絡電話

Barrel 兼容,特效炫酷的翻頁插件

Bars 0.7.0 兼容,增強信號的插件

Battery Percentage Enabler 1.0.0 兼容;不兼容64位處理器,讓系統電池顯示百分比

BatteryLife 1.5.1 兼容,電池優化管理

BetrFoldr 3.1-5 部分兼容,文件夾增強

BetterFolders 0.0.1-1 兼容,文件夾增強

BetterPowerDown 1.0.0-6 兼容,滑塊樣式自定義插件

BioLockdown 1.2.7 不兼容,可給應用加指紋鎖

BioProtect 1.4-34 不兼容,可給各種程序加上指紋鎖

biteSMS 8.3 不兼容,強大的iMessage增強插件

Bloard 0.0.8-2 兼容,將鍵盤背景轉為黑色

bluePill 1.2-51 兼容;64位處理器未測試,Facebook的功能套件

Blur Remover 0.0.3-18 兼容,移除磨砂效果

BlurBar 1.2-1 兼容,狀態欄效果增強

BlurredMusicApp 0.4-1 兼容,將音樂播放界面變成磨砂效果

BTstack 0.8-3 兼容 使iOS 設備與其他設備的藍牙互連

Burst mode 1.3-6 兼容,拍照時可快速連拍

ByPass 2.0.0-1 不兼容,手勢插件

BytaFont 2 2.2 部分兼容,字體替換插件

Button4phone 1.0-5 兼容,仿iOS7.1樣式的圓形呼叫按鈕

CallBar for iOS 7 0.3-176 不兼容,電話程序的快捷插件

CallLockScreen 1.5-3 兼容,接聽電話后自動鎖屏

CameraTweak 2 (iOS 7) 1.1.2 不兼容,功能多且強大的相機增強插件

CCControls 1.2 部分兼容,控制中心自定義設置

CCHide 1.1-3 兼容,通知中心調整插件

CCSettings for iOS 8 0.0.6-108 兼容,控制中心開關插件

CCLoader 1.2.7 不兼容,移動控制中心的位置

CCMeters 1.2.1-1 部分兼容,系統狀態監視的插件

CCToggles 0.2.2 不兼容,控制中心增強插件

Chip 1.5.1 不兼容,自定義通知欄

ClassicDock 1.0-20 部分兼容,玻璃反光效果的Dock欄

ClassicLockScreen 2.0-4 不兼容,原生iOS6解鎖界面

ClassicSwitcher 1.5-38 不兼容,后臺切換展示樣式增強插件

Color Keyboard for iOS 7 1.4.0-1 部分兼容,多彩鍵盤

ColorFlow 1.1.1-4 不兼容,根據播放歌曲專輯封面顏色來改變音樂播放界面顏色

Copic 3.3 部分兼容,提前設置聯系人頭像

Controllers For All 1.5 兼容,使用PS3/PS4/WiiU原裝手柄無線連接iOS設備

customLS 1.2-1 部分兼容,鎖屏界面自定義插件

CyDelete7 0.7-13 不兼容,可直接刪除Cydia插件

Cydia 1.1.15 兼容

Cydia Substrate 0.9.5015 兼容

Cylinder 兼容,桌面切換添加酷炫的效果

Confirm2proceed 1.3 部分兼容,可以提供點按發送再次確認功能

DataMeter 1.2-3 部分兼容,流量監控

Disable Parallax Effect 1.3-1 兼容,移除桌面的視差效果

Dropped 1.1-1 兼容

DockShift 1.5-3 兼容,透明的任務欄

Dogfan Wallpaper 1.2 兼容,動態壁紙

Eclipse 1.4.5-3 部分兼容,給iOS增加一個夜間模式UI功能

Effects+ 1.1-3 兼容,給相機增加濾鏡功能

f.lux 0.99 兼容,自動調整屏幕色溫

FakeCarrier 1.5 兼容,修改運營商

FakeClockUp 0.5-6 兼容,基于Mobilesubstrate可10倍與初始UI載入速度調節插件

Filza File Manager 1.4.3-3 兼容;64位處理器未測試,文件管理器插件

Five I買粉絲n Dock 0.9.3400 不兼容,允許您dock放置5個程序圖標

FlagPaint7 1.3.1 不兼容,據app的圖標顏色自動變換app推送消息的顏色

Flex 2 1.928 部分兼容,對已按照的App進行修改

FlipControlCenter 1.0.1~beta2 部分兼容;兼容64位處理器,控制中心增強插件

Flipswitch 1.0.4 兼容,手勢快速開關項

Folder Customizer 1.2.1-3 兼容,自定義文件夾顏色

FolderEnhancer (iOS 7) 2.3.1 不兼容,文件夾增強插件

GhostPrefs 1.4.8-1 兼容,snapchat的增強插件

Googiri 2.1.2-4 兼容,谷歌語音識別結果傳達給Siri

HideMe7 1.7-1 不兼容,系統UI元素定制顯示插件

Hold2Speak 1.2.1 兼容,電話增強

iBlacklist 7.0-5 不兼容,在iPhone上建立黑名單

iCleaner 7.2.4 兼容,優化清理系統的插件

iCleaner Pro 7.2.4 兼容,優化清理系統的插件,專業版

I買粉絲n Renamer 1.2.1 兼容,更改App名字

I買粉絲nSupport 1.9.4-1 不兼容,圖標支持的依賴插件

iFile 2.1.0-1 兼容,文件管理器插件

Infiniboard 2.1.2-1 不兼容,可以改變系統桌面翻頁形式

Infinidock 2.1.2-1 不兼容,解鎖dock圖標限制

Infinifolders 2.1.2-1 不兼容,解除文件夾里文件圖標限制

iSlideText 2.0-1 不兼容,修改解鎖模塊中的文字

iTouchSecure 不兼容,將 Touch ID 指紋掃描功能開放給所有密碼輸入使用

iTransmission 4 4.6 兼容,下載BitTorrent文件的插件

iTunes Radio Unlimited 1.1.0 兼容,讓iTunes Radio無限的跳過廣告

iWidgets 1.1.2 部分兼容,自定義鎖屏界面上的App

Jellylock7 1.1.0-1 部分兼容,安卓式風格解鎖啟動App

KeDoRi Pro 1.0-1 不兼容,監測文本語言,自動匹配鍵盤輸入

Kuaidial 不兼容,電話增強插件

LabelShift 1.1-1 兼容,移動SpringBoard標簽

LastApp 1:1.3.0-1 兼容,允許您使用activator動作快速開啟前一個關閉的app

libhide 2.4.1-1 兼容,sbsetting 依賴插件

LinkOpener 1.3.1 不兼容,在當前程序打開網頁

LocationFaker 1.6-4 兼容,修改當前的地理位置

Lock Screen Tool 2.0-1 兼容,自定義解鎖模塊文字

Lockdown Pro iOS 7 1.0.7 不兼容,給App、文件夾加密

LockHTML3 1.2.t-1 兼容,iPhone鎖屏美化插件

Lockify Pro 1.5-1 兼容 64位處理器未測試,鎖屏界面自定義插件

LockKeyboard 1.0~beta2 兼容,鍵盤美化插件

LockSpeed 1.0.0-1 兼容,重新快速撥號

Messages Customiser 2.5.0 部分兼容,自定義短信氣泡顏色、大小的插件

Metaphrase 1.2 不兼容,直接翻譯當前文本

MobileTerminal 520-2 不兼容,iOS終端管理

MobileTSS 1.0-2 兼容,在iOS上直接進行網絡調試的工具,開發者有用

MxTube 2.2 兼容 64位處理器未測試,直接下載YouTube視頻到iPhone

MyWi 7 7.06.01 不兼容,創建一個WiFi熱點

NewTerm 1.0~beta1 兼容

Nightmode 1.3.1-1 兼容,讓設備中大部分app變為黑色UI

Nitrous 2.5-3 兼容,允許所有瀏覽器app使用Nitro JavaScript引擎

No Carrier Name 1 兼容;不兼容64位處理器,修改運營商標志

No Dock Labels 1.0.0 兼容;不兼容64位處理器,不顯示所有的Dock中軟件名稱

No Glint 1.0-3 兼容,關閉解鎖模塊的閃光字符

NoAdStoreOpen 0.0.2-1 兼容,防止Cydia打開應用商店

NoBlur 1.1-16 不兼容,禁用IOS7的磨砂模糊效果

NotifyWifi 7 1.1-3 兼容,連接wifi時彈窗通知插件

NoCameraGrabber 1.0.1 兼容;不兼容64位處理器,去掉鎖屏界面上相機按鍵

NoCoverFlow7 1.0-1 兼容,禁用3D歌曲封面

NoMotion 1.0.5 兼容,清楚視差效果

NoPageDots7 1 兼容,去除DOCK欄上方的圓點

NoSlowAnimations 4.0-25 兼容,使動態效果增加 2 倍速度

NoUpdateCircles 1.0-1 兼容,取消app store中安裝及更新時的藍圈

OpenSSH 6.1p1-11 兼容

OpenSSL 0.9.8y-10 兼容

PasswordPilot 1.2-4兼容,保存輸入過的密碼

Phantom for Snapchat 3.2.2-1 兼容 解除Snapchat所有的限制

Poof 5 兼容,隱藏主屏幕上的圖標

Power Tap 1.1.1-1 兼容,關機按鍵欄增強

PowerApp 2.1 兼容,為app開發提供全生命周期及一站式服務

PreferenceLoader 2.2.2 兼容,必裝依賴包

Priority Hub 1.2-1 不兼容,鎖屏通知欄增強

Push for Gmail 1.11 不兼容,推送Gmail郵件

Purge 1.4 不兼容,一鍵關閉后臺

QuickMusic 1.0.0 不兼容,全局媒體控制插件

RocketBootstrap 1.0.2 兼容,依賴包,很多插件都需要它

Safari Download Enabler 3.1-9 不兼容,讓Safari添加下載功能

Safari Downloader+ 3.1-1 不兼容,Safari下載器

ShowCase 兼容,顯示真實大小寫輸入狀態

Sicarius 1.0.1 不兼容,一鍵關閉所有后臺程序

SixBar 0.0.4-29 兼容,讓你的系統擁有iOS 6的狀態欄

SleekCode 1.0-1 兼容,鎖屏界面美化

Slide2Kill 7 1.1-25 不兼容,一鍵清除后臺程序

Smart Search 1.2.1-1 不兼容,Spotlight增強插件

SmartSearch 1.0-2 不兼容,給 Spotlight 添加智能化搜索功能

SmartTap 0.2-55 部分兼容,鎖屏狀態下通過手勢來觸發各種動作

SnapMoreText 2.1-2 兼容,給snapchat照片添加更多文字

Snes9x EX+ 1.5.21 兼容;64位處理器未測試,世嘉模擬器

Speak Notification 1.4.5-7 兼容,推送閱讀定制插件

Speedy Homey 1.2-1 兼容,HOME鍵增強

Springtomize 3 - iOS 7 1.2.0-1 不兼容,強大的SpringBoard修改插件

StatusHUD 2 2.0.0 兼容,將音量顯示在狀態欄的插件

StatusModifier 3.3.2 兼容,狀態欄增強

SubtleLock (iOS 7) 2.0.3-1 兼容;部分兼容64位處理器,鎖屏元素調整插件

SwipeSelection 1.4.2-1 部分兼容;部分兼容64位處理器,通過手指在鍵盤上任意位置左右滑動來移動光標

SwipeSelection Pro 0.9.6-1 部分兼容;兼容64位處理器,通過手指在鍵盤上任意位置左右滑動來移動光標

SwipeShiftCaret 1.6.4-1 兼容,文字輸入時通過在屏幕任意位置左右滑動來移動光標位置

SwitchSpring 1.0.1 不兼容,一鍵關閉所有程序

Tage 1.0.6 兼容,功能強大的多任務手勢

TetherMe 3.1.2-1 不兼容,開啟設備移動網絡下網絡共享功能

TimePass買粉絲de Pro 0.0.3 兼容,動態鎖屏解鎖密碼

TransparentVolume 0.0.2-1 兼容,音量透明度調節的插件

True iRadio 1 兼容,iTunes radio 的增強插件

TypeStatus 1.2.1 部分兼容;部分兼容64位處理器,查看短信當前狀態

Universal Video Downloader 1.1.1 不兼容,提取iOS應用中的視頻文件

UnlockSound7 1.1.2-4 兼容,找回熟悉的滑動解鎖聲

vColor 1.1.1-1 兼容,自定義多彩的音量調節面板

Virtual Home 1.3-1 兼容,指紋識別模擬home鍵的插件

Wifi Passwords 2.0.2 兼容,可以記錄您連接過的WiFi密碼

WinterBoard 0.9.3915 兼容,美化插件

Zeppelin 2.0.2 兼容,更換運營商Logo的插件

