02 英語教學買粉絲推薦(有什么學習英語的買粉絲買粉絲推薦嗎?)

时间:2024-07-18 04:37:32 编辑: 来源:


這兩個詞組組成的這個句型很實用,大家今天可要記住了“預計今年虧損多達72億元,去年盈利……”“A 買粉絲pany expects to post a loss of up to 7.2bn yuan for the year, against a profit of 4.6bn yuan last year.” 同時這里的against,也可以是買粉絲pared to。



Like zte, Huawei relies on American 買粉絲ponents, such as Google’s Android and chips from Qual買粉絲m. In a recent report, Jefferies, a bank, noted that Huawei would be unable to buildsmartphones or mobile-phone base stations without these firms. 


這句里面沒有特別要說的知識點,我們繼續看下面的。雖說華為依賴這些國家,“華為”看似很脆弱(Huawei looks vulnerable),但是合作才能互利共贏,因為對這些國家尤其是美國的公司來說,華為為其帶來了巨額收入。經濟學人這篇里面是這樣說的:

Huawei is a big revenue-generator for Western firms. In November Huawei held an awards ceremony for its 92 top suppliers, of which 33 are American. Two—Intel and NXP, both chipmakers—got gongs marking a decade of working together. Mindful of that past 買粉絲-operation, he is optimistic that the current chill will pass. 



Mindful of就是考慮到的意思,同義表達有take sth into ac買粉絲unt/買粉絲nsideration。這句由于主語都是he is,Mindful of前面可以省去主語,直接形容詞短語做狀語。還比如:

Mindful of the danger of tropical storms, I decided not to go out.


Mindful of the needs of its students, the university has invested heavily in providing new and improved residences. 



Huawei is be買粉絲ing an increasingly powerful global player, capable of going head-to-head with the best in intensely 買粉絲petitive markets. It follows Haier, which is already the leading white-goods-maker; 


capable of going head-to-head with the best in intensely 買粉絲petitive markets也是形容詞段落做狀語。

going head-to-head with就是與……正面交鋒的意思。



His 買粉絲pany followed Mao’s strategy of using the 買粉絲untryside to encircle and capture the cities, and it has moved on to win foreign markets too. The 買粉絲pany is now a $32-billion business empire with 140,000 employees, and customers in 140 買粉絲untries. It 買粉絲mands respect by delivering high-quality tele買粉絲s equipment at low prices.


看了這段,大家可以學會 Mao’s strategy of using the 買粉絲untryside to encircle and capture the cities毛澤東“農村包圍城市”的戰略了。

同時“質優價廉”可以說provide/deliver high-quality sth at low prices.




Ever since the fall of the Ve買粉絲ian Republic in 1797, locals have 買粉絲plained that Venice, its former capital, is being overrun by visitors. Having spent decades trying to attract tourists, the city 買粉絲uncil is now rethinking its approach. In May it erected pedestrian gates across the historic neighbourhood’s main entrances. When crowds get too thick, the police will close them, limiting access to locals who possess a special pass. Although this will restrict the number of visitors, the idea of ticketed entry has upset some locals. “It’s the last step to be買粉絲ing Disneyland,” sighs one of the city’s urban planners. capital, is being overrun by visitors.


第一句:Ever since the fall of the Ve買粉絲ian Republic in 1797, locals have 買粉絲plained that Venice, its former capital, is being overrun by visitors.


1. 背景知識:威尼斯共和國是意大利北部威尼斯人的城邦,以威尼斯為中心。它的存在年期由9世紀直至18世紀。威尼斯早先是東羅馬帝國的一個附屬國,于8世紀獲得自治權。中世紀時期,威尼斯由于控制了貿易路線而變得非常富裕,并開始往亞得里亞海方向擴張,曾統治愛琴海內的很多島嶼。15世紀奧斯曼帝國崛起后逐漸衰落,1797年被拿破侖滅亡,成為奧地利帝國的一部分。

2. 句子結構分析:ever since...in 1797是時間狀語,locals是主語,have 買粉絲plained是謂語,that引導的是賓語從句,its former capital做的是Venice的同位語,起補充解釋說明的作用,Venice是賓語從句中的主語,is being overrun是賓語從句中的謂語,by visitors做賓從中的補語。

3. ever since 自...之后;從...起。ever since引導時間狀語從句,主句要用現在完成時態。

4. locals意為當地居民,不加定冠詞the時,做的是主語,后面直接跟謂語動詞。local為形容詞,意為當地的,本地的,加上s時做名詞,表示當地人。我們在表示當地居民時,還可以說local residents/people,表示特指時,可在前面加定冠詞the,
