03 上海外語教育出版社大學英語精讀一翻譯unite7(大學英語精讀第一冊unite1-5的答案)

时间:2024-07-18 02:11:48 编辑: 来源:


Even after his doctor told him he had lung cancer, Chichester would not give up his old dream of sailing round the world.

8) 我正忙著做一種新的捕鼠 (rats) 裝置時,馬克走來拖著我出去看花展了。

I was busy making a new device for catching rats when Mark came and dragged me out to a flower show.

附: Reading Activity及 Guided Writing

1) He is old.

2) Swim the English Channel.

3) They thought he was crazy.

4) Because they think the Channel is the greatest challenge to them

5) He wanted to be the oldest person ever to swim the Channel.

6) He is doing his training hard and swims 7 and a half miles a day.

7) He doesn't think much of that swimmer.

8) No, she didn't.

9) He wrote this article before he attempted the Channel.

1) F. He began training to swim the English Channel at the age of 56.

2) F. He was asked the question over and over.

3) F. He does offer answers, though in an indirect way.

4) T.

5) F. He trained fairly hard.

6) F. The main reason is that he was not mentally ready.

7) T.

8) T.







1) 不管你是20歲還是58歲,都喜歡接受挑戰,干些帶有冒險意味的事兒;而為橫渡英吉利海峽做準備,遠比在超市打工有意義,尤其是當你有所選擇的時候。

2) 正是這

the ocean do not so much divide the world as unite it 翻譯


