03 take something for granted造句(關于take的所有短語,以及用法,造句)

时间:2024-07-27 08:45:02 编辑: 来源:



take someone out

1. (橋牌)作不同于同伴叫牌的叫牌

take someone/thing out

1. (非正式)殺死,毀滅,使致殘

take something out

1. 獲得(官方文件,服務)

You can take out a loan for a specific purchase.


2. (主美)。 同 take something away

take something out on

1. 向(不相關的人或物)發泄來減輕怒火

take something over

1. 接管;控制

British troops had taken over the German trenches.


2. (印刷)把文本移入下一行

take someone up

1. 作…的保護人

take something up

1. 開始對…感興趣,開始從事

She took up tennis at the age of 11.


2. 占用時間(空間或注意力)

I don't want to take up any more of your time.

3. 日后再處理

He'll have to take it up with the bishop.


4. 縮邊

take someone up on

1. 就(某一點)挑戰(或質問)說話者

The interviewer did not take him up on his quotation.


2. 接受(提供之物,挑戰)

I'd like to take you up on that offer.


take up with

1. 開始與某人交往,開始與某人混在一起

He's taken up with a divorced woman, I understand.



on the take【非正式用語】

1. 收受賄賂的:收受賄賂或非法收入的或試圖收受賄賂或非法收入的

“There were policemen on the take”( -- S買粉絲tt Turow)

“有一些警察非法收受賄賂”( -- 斯科特·圖羅)

take a bath【非正式用語】

1. 蒙受嚴重的財政損失

“Small investors who latched on to hot new issues took a bath in Wall Street”( -- Paul A. Samuelson)

“那些抱住熱門新產品不放的小投資者們在華爾街栽了大跟頭”( -- 保羅A.塞繆爾森)

take ac買粉絲unt of

1. 把…納入考慮范圍

take away from

1. 減少,減弱

Her stringy hair takes away from her lovely face.


take care

1. 小心

Take care or you will slip on the ice.


take care of

1. 照料,贍養:承擔對…的保養、贍養或治療的責任

take charge

1. 取得控制或指揮權

take effect

1. 生效:成為有效力的,如在法律或規章的約束下

The curfew takes effect at midnight.


2. 奏效:產生所希望的反應

The antibiotics at last began to take effect.


take exception

1. 反對:通過爭辯來表示反對;抵制

Took exception to the prosecutor's line of questioning.


take five 或 take ten 【俚語】

1. 小憩:進行很短的休息(如五分鐘或十分鐘的小憩)

take for granted

1. 想當然:認為…是真實的、正確的或會要發生的;料想…是正確的

2. 低估了…的價值

A publisher who took the editors for granted.


take heart

1. 充滿信心或勇氣

take hold

1. (如通過抓握來)奪取

2. 扎根

The newly planted vines quickly took hold.


take it

1. 理解;臆斷

As I take it, they won't accept the proposal.


2. 【非正式用語】 忍受:忍受辱罵、批評或其它嚴厲的對待

If you can dish it out, you've got to learn to take it.


take it on the chin【俚語】

1. 遭受懲罰、折磨或失敗

take it or leave it

1. 要么要,要么不要:不附帶任何條件地接受或拒絕

take it out on【非正式用語】

1. 通過…懲罰來出氣:在發泄自己的怒氣時辱罵(某人)

take kindly to

1. 接受

Take kindly to 買粉絲nstructive criticism.


2. 自然而然地為…所吸引或適合;靠…茁壯成長

take lying down【非正式用語】

1. 逆來順受:不進行任何反抗地接受粗暴或嚴厲的對等

Refused to take the snub lying down.


take notice of

1. 注意到

take (one's) breath away

1. 令人窒息:使…進入一種敬畏或震驚的狀態

take (one's) time

1. 慢慢地行動或不急不忙地行動

take place

1. 發生;出現

take root

1. 確定下來,固定下來

2. (植物)扎根下來

take shape

1. 具有一個明確的形式

take sick

1. 【多用于美國南部】 生病

take sides

1. 支持,站在…一邊:和某一特定的派別、集團、事業或個人有聯系或支持某一特定的派別、集團、事業或個人

take stock

1. 開出一份存貨清單

2. (比如,對資源或自己)進行一次預測或評估

take stock in

1. 信任、相信或認為…很重要

take the bench【法律】

1. 當法官:擔當法官的職位

take the cake

1. 糟透了:成為最讓人厭惡的或最讓人失望的

2. 贏得了獎項;杰出的

take the 買粉絲unt

1. 被擊敗

2. 【體育運動】 被打敗:在拳擊中直到數點結束仍未站起來

take the fall 或 take the hit 【俚語】

1. 招致批評:愿意或者不愿意地招致批評或指責

A senior official who took the fall for the failed intelligence operation.


take the floor

1. 站著發表演說:站起來發表一篇正式演說,比如對一個集會

take the heat【俚語】

1. 招致并忍受眾多的指責或批評

Had a reputation for being able to take the heat in a crisis.


take to the cleaners【俚語】

1. 搶劫,誘騙

2. 獲得全部財產:(比如在一場離婚裁決中)獲得…所有的錢或財產

3. 使…遭受難堪的批評

take up for

1. 支持某一方:在一場爭論中支持(比如,一個人或集團)

take up the cudgels

1. 加入爭論:加入一場爭論,尤指為了捍衛其中的一名參與者

take up with【非正式用語】

1. 開始與…交往;結交

Took up with a fast crowd.



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