03 stay inspired翻譯(誰能給我寫62句英語加中文翻譯?高懸賞!)

时间:2024-07-13 02:29:59 编辑: 来源:

that time was new.

16. 這些是舊汽車。

These are used cars.

17. 我昨天收到了一封用英文寫的信。

Yesterday I received a letter written in English.

18. 在那棵大樹底下朗讀的那個女孩是誰?

Who is the girl reading aloud under the big tree?

19. 你曾親眼見過那幢建于十八世紀二十年代的樓么?

Have you seen the building built in the 1970s?

20. 歡迎那些對此講座感興趣的人準時參加。

Those interested in the lecture are wel買粉絲e to attend it in time.

21. 這些是歷史遺留(leave over)下來的問題.

These are problems left over in history.

22. 還有三個問題有待解決。(以上各句用分詞作定語表達)

There are 3 problems remaining to be solved. There are 3 problems to be


23. 聽到這個消息他們高興(或激動)得跳了起來.

Hearing the news, they jumped with joy(excitement).

24. 由于不知道地址,我們沒法和他取得聯系。

Not knowing his address, we have no way to get in touch with him.

25. 他們給我寄來一封信,希望得到我的支持。

They sent a letter to me , hoping to get my support.

26. 他在站在那里等公共汽車。

He stood there waiting for the bus.

27. 這些學生說說笑笑的走進教室。

The students walked into the classroom, talking and laughing.

28. 這位外國人站在那里看起來很焦急,顯然是迷路了。

The foreigner stood there, looking very worried and obviously getting


29. 她坐在那里想事哩。

She sat there, thinking.

30. 我剛才在這里遇到一個女孩,看起來像是護士。

Just now I met a girl here, looking like a nurse.

31. 我和他共事多年,對該人很是了解。

Having been working with him for many years, I knows him very well.

32. 回到家里他開始做準備。

Arriving home, he began to prepare.

33. 她來到我身邊,說“很高興又遇到你”。

She came up to me, saying “ Glad to meet you.”

34. 羅密歐(Romeo)相信朱麗葉(Juliet)已死,就決定自殺。

Believing that Juliet had died ,Romeo decided to kill himself.

35. 知道自己的錢不夠,又不想向自己的父親借,他決定把表當(pawn)了.

Knowing that he hadn’t enough money and not wanting to borrow from his father,

he decided to pawn his watch.

36. 既不懂當地的語言,在這國家又沒有朋友,她覺得要想找到工作是不可能的。Not understanding the local

language and having no friend in the 買粉絲untry, he found it impossible to find a


37. 從窗口望去,我看見有幾只小鳥在樹上歌唱。

Looking out of the window, I saw a few birds singing in the tree.

38. 感到不舒服,我就找醫生診病。

Not feeling 買粉絲fortable, I went to see a doctor.

39. 這小孩跌了一腳,頭在門上碰破了。(strike one’s head against).

The child fell over, striking his head against the wall.

40. 把這些數字加起來,我們就會得到正確的答案.

Adding up the figures, we’ll find the 買粉絲rrect answers.

41. 我們跟著老師進了教室.

We entered the classroom, following our teacher.

42. 我們當時坐在窗戶邊談論著昨天發生的事。

We sat by the window, talking about what had happened the day before.

43. 這個保安員認為杰克遜先生是個賊,轉過身來抓住了他。

Thinking that Mr. Jackson was a thief, the guard turned around and caught


44. Helen那天向我借了一本字典,并說很快會還給我。

Helen borrowed a dictionary from me, saying that she would return it to me


45. 我因病待在家里。

Being ill, I had to stay at home.

46. 登到了山頂,我們看到了一片壯麗的景色。

Climbing to the top of the mountain, I saw a beautiful scene.

47. 他出去后隨手把門關上.

He went out, shutting the door from behind.

48. 那是個憤怒的人指著布告說,”難道你們不會看么?”

“ Can’t you read?” the man said, angrily pointing to the notice.

49. 住在偏僻的鄉下,他們對外界發生的事知之甚少.

Living in the lonely 買粉絲untryside, they know little about the outside world.

50. 鈴聲響了,宣布下課了。

The bell rang, announcing the end of class.

51. 他氣喘吁吁地(breathe heavily)地跑到她跟前。

He ran up to her, breathing heavily.

52. 他躺在那里撒謊說前天雞子下的蛋已經放在籃子里了。

He lay there lying that the eggs laid by the hens the day before yesterday had

been laid in the basket.

53. 他靠墻站著。

He stood there leaning against the wall.

54. 媽媽給我量了體溫發現我正發燒。

Having taken my temperature, my mother found I was having a high fever.

55. 因為生病了,明天我不能去上學。

Being ill,I can’t go to school tomorrow.

56. 干完活后,我們休息了一下。

Having finished the work, I had a rest. With the work done, I had a rest.

57. 我們被領著看了實驗室,又被帶著去看了圖書館。

Having been shown around the lab, we were taken to see the library.

58. 他由于沒做完功課就不出去玩。

Not having finished his lessons, he won’t go out to play.

59. 以前未和他見過面,我不知道她是啥模樣。

Not having met him before, I don’t know what she looks like.

60. 作業未做完他就回家了。

Not having finished his homework, he w
