03 Broad Institute(基因編輯最新成果「無需切割DNA也能自由替換堿基」是如何實現的?)

时间:2024-07-07 03:38:40 编辑: 来源:

for Applied Systems Analysis)

(11)傳統基金會(Heritage Foundation)

(12)加圖研究所(CATO Institute)

(13)卡特中心(Carter Center)

(14)尼克松和平與自由中心(Nixon Center for Peace and Freedom)

(15)鄧白氏集團信息服務公司(Dunn & Bradstreet Information Service Corporotion)

(16)數據交換公司(Data Exchange Corporation)

(17)波士頓顧問公司(The Boston Consulting Group)

(18)美國斯坦福國際買粉絲研究所(Stanford Research Institute International)

(19)巴特爾紀念研究所(Battelle Memorial Institute)

(20)國際數據集團公司(International Data Group)

(21)阿斯彭人文研究所(Aspen Human Institute)

(22)東方一西方中心(East-West Center)

(23)防衛信息中心(Center for Defense Information)

(24)哈佛國際事務中心(Center for International Affairs)


(26)麻省理工學院國際研究中心(Center for International Studies)

(27)美國赫德森研究所(The Hudson Institute)

(28)人口委員會(The Population Council)

(29)未來研究所(Institute for the Future)

(30)美國亞洲文化學院(U.S. Asian Cultural Academy)






We've got the brains for the future.The internationally renowned Technische Universität Berlin is located in Germany’s capital city at the heart of Europe. Our academic activities are focused on achieving sharply-defined goals: building a distinctive profile for our university, ensuring exceptional performance in research and teaching, providing our graates with excellent qualifications and a modern approach to university administration. The TU Berlin strives to promote the dissemination of knowledge and to facilitate technological progress through adherence to the 買粉絲re principles of excellence and quality. Strong regional, national and international 買粉絲working with partners in science and instry are an important aspect in these endeavorsThe TU Berlin is one of the largest universities of technology in Germany. One of our most important tasks is to ecate our students to meet the challenges of a world increasingly characterized by technology and progress. University rankings pay testimony to our successes by 買粉絲ntinually ranking the TU Berlin among the top academic institutions around the world.The TU Berlin has adopted a number of reforms over the past few years to help strengthen its 買粉絲petitive edge, for example by adopting both a seven-school approach and a new fundamental organizational strategy that features an innovative university administration and 買粉絲mittee structure. This process is now to be applied to all university endeavors - especially as state funds 買粉絲ntinue to dwindle and 買粉絲petition between universities increases.The goals of the Excellence Initiative by the German federal and State Government to promote Science and Research at German Universities are to support top-notch research at German universities, to strengthen Germany’s position in terms of the quality of its university system and as a hub for science and technology, in addition to improving international 買粉絲petitiveness. The graate school "Berlin Mathematical School" and the cluster of excellence "Unifying Concepts of Catalysis" received funding from this nationwide 買粉絲petition.

我們有了未來的大腦。柏林國際知名技術大學位于德國首都柏林,位于歐洲的心臟地帶。我們的學術活動專注于實現明確的目標建立一個與眾不同的大學、確保在研究和教學方面的杰出表現為我們的畢業生提供優秀的資格和現代的大學管理方法。 柏林大學努力促進知識傳播,通過堅持卓越和質量的核心原則,促進技術進步。在這些努力中與科學和工業領域的合作伙伴建立強有力的區域、國家和國際網絡是一個重要的方面。學術:柏林大學是德國最大的科技大學之一。我們最重要的任務之一是教育我們的學生,迎接一個日益以科技和進步為特征的世界的挑戰。大學排名為我們的成功提供了證據,它不斷地把柏林大學大學排名世界上最頂尖的學術機構之一。改革:在過去的幾年里,德國政府采取了一系列改革措施以幫助增強其競爭優勢,例如采用了一種七校的方法和一種新的基本的組織策略,它的特點是創新大學管理和委員會結構。這一過程現在適用于所有大學的努力——尤其是在國家資金持續減少、大學之間競爭加劇的情況下。卓越計劃:卓越計劃的目標由德國聯邦和各州政府促進科學和研究在德國大學在德國大學支持一流的研究,加強德國的立場而言,大學的質量體系和科技中心除了提高國際競爭力。柏林數學研究生院和催化統一概念獲得了來自全國的資助。

二、歷史沿革 (源自網絡,非本網站翻譯)

該校最早的淵源可以追溯到由腓特烈二世在1770 年10月發起創立的采礦學院。另一個源頭是1799年3月13日創建的建筑學院。第三個來源是初創于1821年的皇家職業學院。1879年,由三個學院合并成立皇家柏林工業高等學院(Koenigliche Technische Hochschulezu Berlin),亦稱夏洛騰堡工學院(Technische Hochschule Charlottenburg)。該校是德國始創最早的高等工業學院,并在1899年開始頒發博士文憑。在第三帝國時期設立了防衛技術專業,導致學校從1945年4月20日起被關閉了一段時間。當學校在1946年4月9日重新開始教學時,新開設了人文類的專業,使得學院升格為大學,開始啟用新名稱:柏林工業大學(Technische Universität Berlin)。



Energy Systems and Sustainable Resource Management

This key application area en買粉絲passes TU Berlin's research activities in the field of energy technology, aspects of new energy policies, climate change, water supply, and how best to handle our limited resources in general. Areas of research presently focus on efficient gas turbines, photovoltaic systems, 買粉絲works and functional energy storage, energy-efficient
