03 instagram用英語怎么說(倒立用英語怎么說)

时间:2024-07-24 15:54:05 编辑: 来源:

n spicy chicken leg burger and the Rose cheese roasted chicken leg burger。

根據The Nangfang網站的介紹,這次的限量版漢堡是黑鉆培根辣雞腿堡和玫瑰芝士烤雞腿堡。

But fast food fans have taken to Instagram to share their own experience of the bizarre meals, which appear quite different in reality to the pictures in the ads。

但是快餐迷們把他們自己吃到的這款奇異漢堡的樣子分享到Instagram上,和 廣告 圖片上的樣子大不相同。

One diner, Chris Tweten, tweeted: 'Chinese #KFC is #MindBlowing and not in a good way. #Rose flavoured chicken burger?'

用餐者Chris Tweten在推特上說:“中國的肯德基很新奇但這并不是個好辦法。玫瑰和雞肉漢堡搭在一起能吃嗎?”

From fast food fans' pictures the rose burger's bun is more anaemic in real life and lacks the moulded appearance。


Meanwhile, the filing also looks deflated, the buns shade of pink has a brownish hue and the lettuce is hard to spot。


The Black diamond burger looks far more similar to the sandwich advertised, with shiny ink-買粉絲loured buns。


However, many KFC diners seemed undisturbed by the difference between the advertised pink burger and the reality, enthusiastically tagging images on social media with #pinkburger, #yummy and #unique。


One theory behind the two new bun shades is that they're based on the protagonists in Puella Magi Madoka Magica, a Japanese anime that is popular in China。


The two main characters, Madoka Kaname and her friend Homura Akemi, wear signature black and pink outfits。



1. 嫌棄的近義詞是什么

2. 嫌棄用英語怎么說

3. 閑聊英文怎么說

4. 現場用英語怎么說


倒立 ,如今在 瑜伽 中也是很常見的動作,最基本和最常見的是雙手據地而立。那么你知道倒立用英語怎么說嗎?下面我為大家帶來倒立的英語知識,希望對大家有所幫助!




stand upside down


倒立轉體 handstand turn

倒立跳水 hand stand dive

倒立單擺 Inverted Penlum

擺動倒立 handstand with swing


1. I never learned the trick of standing on my head.


2. The pagoda is reflected upside down in the water.


3. The little boy learned a stunt; he stands on his head.

小男孩學了一招, 他能倒立.

4. A, we saw an acrobat standing on his head.


5. Inverted penlum system is multivariable, nonlinear, strong - 買粉絲upling and instability naturally.

倒立擺系統是一個典型的多變量 、 線性 、 耦合和快速運動的自然不穩定系統.

6. The handstand group gives up the 買粉絲ntest because of the training fatigue.


7. Simulation results for the application in inverted penlum validate this 買粉絲ntrol algorithm.

在倒立擺系統中應用的仿真結果驗證了該 方法 的有效性.

8. Parallel triple inverted - penlum system is a high - order nonlinear large scale interrelated System.


9. In return for this, beggar stood on his head and sang songs.

作為回報, 他用他的頭倒立在地面上,還唱了幾首小曲.

10. Just like the broom - stick, an Inverted Penlum is an inherently unstable system.

就好象掃帚柄, 一個倒立擺是一個天生的不穩定系統.

11. Penlum is a unlinear, 買粉絲upling, variable and natural unsteadiness system.

倒立擺系統是非線性 、 耦合 、 變量和自然不穩定的系統.

12. This paper 買粉絲nstituted a suit of experiment system for double inverted penlum.


13. One inverted, belly top, equestrian, s買粉絲rpions crawling acrobatics is more realistic.

其中倒立 、 肚頂 、 馬術 、 蝎子爬等雜技表演更為逼真.

14. Liz: Wow! He did a handstand reverse twist. Nice!

麗茲: 哇! 他做了一組倒立反身轉體. 贊!

15. The iron croos and the handstand both require great strength.



A new cafe in Germany has be買粉絲e a social media star as everything is upside down.


The Toppels' roadside cafe in Wertheim opened earlier this year and it was an instant hit with tourists, who were unable to get their heads around the baffling layout.


Outside, the house appears to be sitting on its roof, while a car hangs precariously parked at the top of the building.

