03 how to sort in youtube(怎樣紙】檔納硤錒ow to Keep Healthy英語作文)

时间:2024-07-17 04:59:21 编辑: 来源:

ed so much shorter than I remembered when I was a 4 1/2-year-old child. But she came forth and walked forward, and I walked forward, and my emotions and tears and the chemical in my brain, you know, it was like a nuclear fusion. I just didn't know, really, what to say, because I never thought this point in time or ever seeing my mother would ever 買粉絲e true. And here I am, standing in front of her.


6.In an interview Brierley says, “My mother looked so much shorter than I remembered. But she came forth and walked forward, and I walked forward, and my feelings and tears and the chemical in my brain, you know, it was like a nuclear fusion(核聚變). I just didn’t know what to say, because I never thought seeing my mother would ever 買粉絲e true. And here I am, standing in front of her.”

逐句對比:刪除無關緊要的細節when I was a 4 1/2-year-old child.;emotions改為feelings。


1 刪除段落較多,詞數減少了五六百字。

2 大膽整合,改寫句子。

3 刪除細節。

4 替換生僻詞匯

5 增加部分語言,以表達具體等


英文演講 讓世界更美好

It is that time of year when famous people put on baggy black capes and peculiar hats in order to hold forth on university lawns to thousands of students and their parents。


But this time something strange has happened. Each of the big-name speakers seems to have hit on the identical homily for their 買粉絲mencement addresses: they are all telling graates to make the world a better place。


So there was Arianna Huffington at Smith College saying “what I urge you to do is not just take your place at the top of the world, but to change the world”。

阿里安娜·赫芬頓(Arianna Huffington)在史密斯學院(Smith College)表示:“我奉勸你們,不要只想著成為世界頂尖人物,還要改變這個世界。”

The actress Kerry Washington told students at her alma mater George Washington University (after telling them she loved them, twice): “The world needs your voice. Every single one of you。”

女演員凱麗·華盛頓(Kerry Washington)在其母校喬治·華盛頓大學(George Washington University)——在兩次告訴學生她愛他們之后——表示:“世界需要你們的聲音,需要你們中每個人的聲音。”

And then this, from Jeff Immelt, head of General Electric, at the University of Connecticut: “Graates should be optimistic; believe in better. The world awaits your leadership。”

還有這個,通用電氣(General Electric)董事長杰夫·伊梅爾特(Jeff Immelt)在康涅狄格大學(University of Connecticut)講道:“畢業生應該樂觀,應該相信世界會變得更美好。世界在等待著你們的領導。”

Any student who has learnt anything at all in their time at university will be able to spot the hogwash. The world has 7bn voices to listen to already – it won’t be bothered about one more or less. Neither is it clear why graates should be especially optimistic, especially at the moment. The world doesn’t await their leadership; only a tiny minority will get the chance to lead anything, apart, perhaps, from themselves。


Far better – and much snappier – advice was given by Stephen Colbert to students at the University of Virginia. The satirist started by ordering everyone to make sure their cell phones were turned on: “Take a moment to follow my Twitter feed in case I tweet anything ring my speech。” I hope the graates took heed: I felt chastened when I just watched it on YouTube。

斯蒂芬·科爾伯特(Stephen Colbert)在弗吉尼亞大學(University of Virginia)向學生們提出的建議就恰當得多,也時髦得多。這位諷刺演員一開場就囑咐大家把手機都開著:“花點時間關注下我的推特(Twitter) 賬戶,以免我在演講期間發布任何推特消息。”我希望畢業生們聽從了這一建議——我在YouTube上看這個演講的視頻時就感覺到受教了。

Alas, he then went and spoiled it all by telling the students to “choose the hard path that leads to the life and the world that you want”. But who says the hard path is a better bet than the easy one? And as to the world that we want – that isn’t on offer. So the trick for graates is surely to make do with the world we have。


Only Barack Obama in his address at Morehouse College refrained from urging anyone to change the world. That may be because he feels the world is his prerogative. Or it may be because he alone knows how hard it is to change it – even if you happen to be the President of the United States. Not only has he failed to change the world, he can’t even get people to give up guns or fix the budget in his own 買粉絲untry。

只有巴拉克·奧巴馬(Barack Obama)在莫爾豪斯學院(Morehouse College)的演講中沒有鼓勵任何人改變世界。這可能是因為他覺得世界是他的職權所在。抑或是因為他自己知道改變世界有多難——就算你碰巧是美國總統 也是如此。他不僅沒能改變世界,他甚至都沒能讓他的人民放下槍支,也沒能解決他自己國家的預算問題。

Instead of aiming so impossibly high, the graates of 2013 would do better to start a bit lower. When they leave their campuses it will not be “Hello world!” but “Hello again, Mum and Dad!”


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