03 finish food是什么意思(she finished all the food in it為什么finished要加ed?)

时间:2024-07-04 08:06:42 编辑: 来源:

lease put the saucepan away if you've finished with it.


He was in at the finish and witnessed the excitement of the fans.


You can 買粉絲e with us tonight if you want to be in at the finish.


I want to see the job through to the finish.


That's a smooth finish on furniture.



用作動詞(v.)用作不及物動詞S+~(+A)The new hotel's finished, but it's not yet furnished.

這家新旅館已經完工,但尚未裝飾。They start work early and finish late every day.

他們每天上工早收工晚。I can't 買粉絲e till I have finished.

我要干完了才能來。Term finishes next week.

本學期下周結束。He didn't finish in time.

他沒有及時干完。The performance has not finished yet.

演出還未結束。The war hasn't finished yet.

戰爭還沒有結束。The task finished.

任務完成了。用作系動詞S+~+ n.He finished a famous scholar.

他終于成了一個著名的學者。She finished the best student in her class.

她成為班中最好的學生。用作及物動詞S+~+ n./pron.That long climb almost finished me.

長時間的攀登幾乎累死我了。That shock almost finished her.

那一驚幾乎把她嚇死。My answer finished him.

“我必須在課上寫完作文嗎?”“不,你可以在課后完成。”Look!You will never finish that job unless you forget everything else and get down to it.

聽著,你要是不把別的事忘掉,而認真地去干那件事,你就永遠也干不完。If the rain holds off for a few days more, they can finish the planting.

如果這場雨晚幾天再下,他們的種植任務就可以完成了。If you had not interfered,I should have finished my work by now.

要不是你打擾的話,我現在早已完成我的工作。The boy finished the cake just in a few bits.

這孩子幾口就把蛋糕吃完了。What shall we have to finish the meal with?

我們最后一道菜吃什么呢?They finished the bottle of beer between them.

他們兩人把一瓶啤酒喝完了。When she finished the mending, she paired up the socks.

襪子補好以后,她把它們一雙雙地放在一起。We decided to finish our plan




more … than :比… 多….

than you can finish.是狀語從句。
