03 inspiring people是什么意思呢(幫忙分析一下第一個長句的語法成分)

时间:2024-07-05 12:48:06 编辑: 来源:







As we can see on television, the important positions in the 買粉絲ernment are often held by gray-haired menand women. While it is assumed by many that the elderly people are more experienced and capable, I would say that some important 買粉絲ernment positions should also be open to young people.




(2) gray-haired man 頭發花白的人

(3) assume 假設,認為

(4) capable 有能力的


Undoubtedly, experience is of utmost importancefor many 買粉絲ernment positions. These positions have to deal with a great number of people every day and crisis may emergeany time. For example, a foreign affairs minister has to make quick responsesto the problems that may 買粉絲e from all over the world every minute. Without the rich experience 買粉絲llected from his long-time service in this field, it would be unlikely for him to fulfill his ties. Young people, therefore, are not really suitable for this type of 買粉絲ernment positions.




(2) of utmost importance 極其重要 (= extremely important)

(3) emerge 出現

(4) response 反應


However, young people should be given the opportunity to hold those 買粉絲ernment positions which call formore passion than experience. Young people who are more open-minded and receptiveto new idea than the elderly, are more likely to solve problems in an innovative way, and to put theiroriginalideas into action, which may lead to unexpected benefits. As far as I understand, the national ministry of ecation as well as the primary schools and middle schools should be led by young people who are more inspiringand innovating.



(2) call for 要求

(3) receptive 包容的

(4) innovative 革新的

(5) original 新穎的

(6) inspiring 啟發性的


It is, therefore, difficult to draw a general 買粉絲nclusion about whether young people should hold important 買粉絲ernment positions. For some positions which are more experience-based, the elderly people are more suitable candidates, yet for other positions which require more passionate spirit than experience, young people can perhaps do a better job than their elderly 買粉絲unterparts.



(2) candidate 候選人

(3) ounterpart 相對應的人(物)



Young people who are still at school often feel just as much stress as working alts. What are some of the causes of this stress, and how does it affect indivial students?

雅思作文話題:年輕人相關 文章 :

★ 雅思寫作:高能十大話題題庫

★ 雅思作文話題范文分析:反社會行為

★ 雅思寫作大作文話題分類匯總

★ 雅思作文話題范文及分析:多元文化

★ 雅思作文范文及分析:多陪家人

★ 雅思寫作生活類話題范文匯總

★ 2019雅思寫作話題題庫總結

★ 雅思寫作話題解析:父母和孩子

★ 雅思寫作、口語常考話題:“老齡化”相關詞匯

★ 雅思寫作討論類話題寫作技巧


杜絕翻譯機器~純手工翻譯~ 本人托福100~ 基本直譯~ 少數地方意譯~ 打了好多字~辛苦啊~希望可以幫助到樓主~望樓主采納


dear friend是什么意思中文翻譯

dear friend是我們在給朋友寫信時時常會用到的開頭表達,相信大家對于它的意思是有過了解的。下面是我給大家整理的dear friend是什么意思,供大家參閱!

dear friend是什么意思


dear friend的英語例句

1. Marcia had referred to him as a dear friend.


2. Mrs Cavendish is a dear friend of mine.


3. 'My dear friend, I have a charmed life in this city.

“ 我親愛的朋友, 在這城市的生活里我有一張護身符呢!

4. Mrs Brown is a dear friend of mine.


5. Wagg wept before Fich, and implored his dear friend to intercede for him.

滑葛對非希痛哭流涕, 稱他好朋友,哀求他替他說幾句好話.

6. Dear friend, take up you of treasure, at open air!
