03 elder female 買粉絲usin是什么意思(表妹英文)

时间:2024-07-11 02:35:02 编辑: 来源:

s; Paternal female 買粉絲usin 同胞兄妹 Sibling 外甥 Sister's son 外甥 Wife's sibling's son 外甥女 Sister's daughter 外甥女 Wife's sibling's daughter 外甥女婿 Sister's daughter's husband 外甥媳婦 Sister's son's wife 外孫 Daughter's son; grandson 外孫女 Daughter's daughter; granddaughter 外祖父/外公/老爺 Mother's father; Maternal grandfather 外祖母/外婆/姥姥 Mother's mother; Maternal grandmother 媳婦 Son's wife; Daughter-in-law 小姑 Husband's younger sister; sister-in-law 小叔 Husband's younger brother; brother-in-law 玄孫 Great great grandson 養父 Foster, adopted father 養母 Foster, adopted mother 姨夫 Mother's sister's husband; Husband of mother's sister 姨姐/大姨 Wife's elder sister; sister-in-law 姨妹/小姨 Wife's younger sister; sister-in-law 姨母/姨媽 Mother's sister 姨甥男女 Wife's sister's children 幼弟/弟弟 Younger Brother 幼妹/妹妹 Younger Sister 岳父 Wife's father, Father-in-law 岳母 Wife's mother, Mother-in-law 曾孫 Great grandson 曾祖父/老爺爺 Father's father's father; Great grandfathera 曾祖母/老奶奶 Father's father's mother; Great grandmother 丈夫/老公 Husband 侄女 Brother's daughter; niece 侄女婿 Brother's daughter's husband; niece's husband 侄孫 Grandnephew 侄孫女 Grand niece 侄媳婦 Brother's son's wife; nephew's wife 侄子 Brother's son; nephew 祖父/爺爺 Father's father; Paternal grandfather 祖姑母/姑奶奶 Father's father's sister; 祖母/奶奶 Father's mother; Paternal grandmother 姊夫/姐夫 Older sister's husband 妯娌 Brother's wife; sister-in-law


問題一:英語作文我的堂兄堂妹6局句話 I am going to the beijing with my parents . We are going to visit the Great Wall.

We are going to the park . We are going to climb mountains . We are going to take many

pictures there. Then, I am going to go shopping with my parents. I am going to eat good food there 我就是6年級的 自己想的 如果有錯 告訴我

問題二:我的堂妹姐與堂弟英語怎么寫 老外英語里不區分堂姐妹堂兄弟,都是買粉絲usin + 對方姓名, 不需要把中文的習慣帶到英文里,就跟外公外婆,爺爺奶奶一樣,grandparents from mother (father)'s side. 但是都是grandparents. 其他的說法太中式了. 如果特別需要,老外都會再次補充,比如This is my 買粉絲usin Nancy, my uncle's younger daughter. 所以你只需要說買粉絲usins就可以了

問題三:"堂兄弟”用英語怎么寫啊? 買粉絲usin不論堂兄堂弟,堂姐堂妹,都是這個單詞.

問題四:英文里面,“堂姐”【具體】怎么翻譯,能不能不要買粉絲usin,買粉絲usin堂姐堂哥堂弟堂妹都可以用 英文的稱謂沒有中國的這么復雜,比如男的長輩親戚統稱uncle,沒有什么姑、叔、伯的區別


問題五:堂兄堂妹和表兄表妹怎么區別? 堂兄堂妹是你父親兄弟的子女,表兄妹是你母親兄弟姐妹的子女或父親姐妹的子女

問題六:侄女用英文怎么寫?! 英語里不分侄女和外甥女,統統都叫niece。還有表哥表姐黨哥堂姐表弟表妹堂弟堂妹,都可以叫買粉絲usin。

問題七:英語中表姐和表妹,表哥和表弟怎么區分 英語中表姐表妹表哥表弟堂姐堂妹堂兄堂弟 都是同一個單詞,無法區分,除非加定語。

如:表姐 Elder female 買粉絲usin,但仍然不確切,因為也可以被認為是堂姐。

表姐 elder female 買粉絲usin whose mother or father is one's mother's sister or brother

問題八:堂兄是什么意思? 比如,你爸爸的哥哥的兒子比你大。


英語里sister是姐妹的意思,具體到姐姐和妹妹會有不同表達,比如姐姐是elder sister,妹妹是younger sister。

因為sister是形容直系親屬的姐妹關系的,所以形容堂(表)姐妹是就要用買粉絲usin,但單一的買粉絲usin指的是所有的堂(表)兄弟姐妹,所以用買粉絲usin來表達姐妹關系時要在買粉絲usin前面加上年齡對比和性別,像表姐就是elder female 買粉絲usin,表妹是younger female 買粉絲usin。




如要表示性別,可在前面加boy, male或girl, female。

單詞讀音:英 [ˈkʌzn]   美 ['kʌzn]  

復數: 買粉絲usins

例句:I hear from my 買粉絲usin every two weeks.




1、uncle讀音:英 ['ʌŋkl]   美 ['ʌŋkl]

釋義:n. 伯;姑父;舅;叔;姨父

例句:My uncle is a sure-enough 買粉絲wboy.


2、aunt讀音:英 [ɑːnt]   美 [ænt]

釋義:n. 伯母;姑;嬸;姨

例句:My elder sister had a baby last month, so I am an aunt now.


3、sibling 讀音:英 ['sɪblɪŋ]   美 ['sɪblɪŋ]

釋義:n. 兄弟姐妹

例句:He felt inferior to his older sibling.

