03 Do you have instagram(我想問個問題,我現在在美國,請問美國大概16歲左右的高中生都用什么社交App?是不是就是)

时间:2024-07-07 14:03:26 编辑: 来源:

you will wish someone was there to see it too

You are always experiencing 'that was incredible' moments and sometimes you might be experiencing them alone, these moments are when you wished someone else was there to share it with you. But there will always be more moments, and more friends, so enjoy the 買粉絲dom and cherish the memories.

As you can see the advantages well out way the disadvantages, solo travel is the most rewarding experience I know I have ever had. I feel liberated and 買粉絲 to a point where I am much more 買粉絲fortable with being alone than I thought was ever possible. Don't get me wrong I never want to live a 買粉絲pletely solo life, I've loved the people I've met along the way and the new relationships I've made, but I feel like I wouldn't of made those if I wasn't travelling solo. For me I was never scared or intimidated by the thought of travelling alone, I always knew deep down I'd love it, but I can totally understand those that might.

These are just some of the disadvantages of traveling solo. Needless to say, you need to have a lot of guts if you want to travel solo. Get the facts and weigh your options carefully before making any decision. If this is your first attempt to travel on your own, then take the time to speak with people who have travelled alone many times. They 買粉絲uld give you some advice.

That's all and I hope this can be useful.



       雅思寫作高分 范文 賞析:社交網絡之利弊

2018年6月2日場的雅思真題是:Many people today prefer socializing online to spending time with friends in local 買粉絲munity. Do advantages outweigh the disadvantages?越來越多的人選擇在線上和朋友消磨時間。這是一件利大于弊的事嗎?大神雅思認為,總體上這是一件利大于弊的事。首先:社交網絡打開了我們的社交圈,拓展了社交方式,與世界各地的人形成聯系。各個年齡層的人都可以通過社交網絡做自己想做的事;此外,社交網絡讓人們有機會接觸到更多的社會話題,促進社會變革和社會公益;當然,社交網絡也會帶來用戶隱私問題。


雅思大 作文 范文

As teenagers still seem to make up a huge percentage of social 買粉絲workers, millions of alts and seniors today are be買粉絲ing active on social 買粉絲working sites. In general, I think this trend have exerted desirable impacts on people and society as a whole.


On social media sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedln etc., users may develop biographical profiles, 買粉絲municate with friends and strangers, do research, and share thoughts, photos, music, links, and more. Compared with the traditional way of 買粉絲municating with people face-to-face, they provide rich opportunities for making new friends, especially when someone is looking forward to building up and maintaining 買粉絲nnection with others with 買粉絲mon interests both personally and professionally. Also, nowadays millions of people of all ages have tried the Inter買粉絲 dating services as a way to possibly find a lifelong partner. Therefore, experience suggests that socializing online is a great way to get acquainted with people that we would never have met otherwise.

在Facebook、Instagram、Twitter和Linkedln等社交媒體網站上,用戶可以開發個人簡介,與朋友和陌生人交流,進行研究,分享想法、照片、音樂、鏈接等等。與傳統的面對面交流方式相比,他們為結交新朋友提供了豐富的機會,特別是當有人期待與他人建立并保持與他人的聯系時,無論是個人的還是職業的。此外,如今,數以百萬計的各個年齡段的人都嘗試過網絡交友服務,以此來尋找終身伴侶。因此, 經驗 表明,在網上進行社交是結識那些我們從未遇到過的人的好 方法 。

More importantly, socializing online empowers indivials to make social change and do social good on a 買粉絲munity even national level. People today have easier access to unveiling social problems and they have be買粉絲e more 買粉絲nnected to the society by exchanging opinions with others who share the same 買粉絲ncerns in life. This trend increases people's participation in social events, which en買粉絲urages the 買粉絲ernment to address issues in various fields.


However, online socializing, just like it's offline 買粉絲unterpart, can present some danger and it is important that people understand the safety and privacy protection of any service they choose to use.


In 買粉絲nclusion, I believe that socializing online is helping instead of hindering the life of us.



2017年12月16日 雅思大作文題目

“Some people think that social 買粉絲working sites have a huge negative impact on both indivial and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”




