03 dry is finished什么意思(英語 完成時)

时间:2024-07-17 22:48:19 编辑: 来源:

ow. He will not have remembered his old classmates. 他現在是一個有身份的人了,他可能不會記得老同學了. Will you have known Kevin for 10 years next month? 到下個月你認識凱文該有 10 年了 吧?

2. 將來完成時的用法

①表示在將來某一時間之前已完成的動作,并往往對將來某一時間產生影響. 表示在將來某一時間之前已完成的動作,并往往對將來某一時間產生影響.

We shall have learned 12 units by the end of this term. 到這個學期末,我們將學完 12 個單元. By the time you get home I will have cleaned the house from top to bottom. 你到家之前我將把房子徹底打掃一遍. Will you soon have finished laying the table? 你會很快擺放好餐桌嗎? 注意: 在時間狀語從句中,不用將來完成時,要用現在完成時來代替. When I have finished that, I shall have done all I am supposed to do. 等我做完這件事時,我就做完我該做的所有的事了. Please don't get off the bus until it has stopped. 請待車停穩了再下車.

②表示推測 You will have heard of this, I guess. 我想你已經聽說過這件事了. I am sure he will have got the information. 我相信他一定得到了這個信息.

四. 完成進行時


A. 現在完成進行時 現在完成進行時

1.現在完成進行時的構成 . 現在完成進行時是由"have/has been + 現在分詞"構成的. He is ill. He's been lying in bed for three weeks.

他病了,已經臥床 3 個星期了. Your eyes are red. Have you been crying? 你眼睛紅了.你剛剛哭過了嗎? What have you been doing all this time? 這半天你干什么來著?

2.現在完成進行時的用法 .

①表示動作從過去某時開始,一直延續到現在 表示動作從過去某時開始, 現在完成進行時常和 all this time, this week, this month, all night, all the morning, recently 等狀語以及 since 和 for 引導的狀語連用. I have been reading Hemingway's Farewell to Arms recen tly. 我最近一直在讀海明威的《永別了,武器》 . She has been reciting the words all the morning. 她整個上午都在背單詞. This is what I have been expecting since my childhood. 這是我從小以來就一直期待著的事情.

②表示動作剛剛結束 My clothes are all wet. I've been working in the rain. 我的衣服全濕了,我剛才一直在雨中干活. He is dead drunk. He's been drinking with his friends. 他爛醉如泥,他剛才一直在和朋友們喝酒.

③表示一個近期內時斷時續,重復發生的動作 表示一個近期內時斷時續,

You've been saying that for five years. 這話你已經說了五年了. He has been writing articles to the newspapers and magazines since he became a teacher. 自從任教以來,他一直在為報刊雜志撰稿.


What have you been doing to my dictionary? 看你把我的字典弄成什么樣子了! Time has been flying so quickly! 時間過得可真快啊! Too much has been happening today. 今天可真是個多事的日子.

3. 現在完成進行時和現在完成時的比較

①現在完成進行時可以表示動作的重復,而現在完成時一般不表示重復性. 現在完成進行時可以表示動作的重復,而現在完成時一般不表示重復性.

Have you been meeting him recently? 你最近常和他見面嗎? Have you met him recently? 你最近見到過他嗎?

②現在完成進行時有時含有感情色彩,而現在完成時一般是平鋪直敘. 現在完成進行時有時含有感情色彩,而現在完成時一般是平鋪直敘.

I have been waiting for you for two hours. 我一直等了你兩個小時. (可能表示不滿) I have waited for you for two hours. 我等了你兩個小時. (說明一個事實)

③現在完成進行時強調動作,而現在完成時強調結果. 現在完成進行時強調動作,而現在完成時強調結果.

Who has been eating the oranges? 誰一直在吃這些桔子呀?(還剩余一些) Who has eaten the oranges? 誰把桔子吃光了?(強調吃得一個不剩)

B. 過去完成進行時

1. 過去完成進行時的構成 過去完成進行時是由"had been + 現在分詞"構成. She had been suffering from a bad 買粉絲ld when she took the exam. 她在考試之前一直患重感冒. Had they been expecting the news for some time? 他們期待這個消息有一段時間了吧? Rafael was s買粉絲lded even though he hadn't been doing anything wrong. 盡管拉斐爾沒做什么錯事,但他還是挨罵了.

2. 過去完成進行時的用法

①表示過去某一時間之前一直進行的動作 過去完成進行時表示動作在過去某一時間之前開始, 一直延續到這一過去時間. 和過去完成 時一樣,過去完成進行時也必須以一過去時間為前提. I had been looking for it for days before I found it. 這東西我找了好多天才找著的. They had only been waiting for the bus a few moments when it came. 他們只等了一會兒車就來了.


He had been mentioning your name to me. 他過去多次向我提到過你的名字. You had been giving me everything. 你對我真是有求必應.


The doctor asked what he had been eating. 醫生問他吃了什么. I asked where they had been staying all those days. 我問他們那些天是待在哪兒的. 突然"之意的

④過去完成進行時之后也可接具有"突然 之意的 when 分句 過去完成進行時之后也可接具有 突然 I had only been reading a few minutes when he came in. 我剛看了幾分鐘他就進來了. She'd only been reviewing her lessons for a short while when her little sister interrupted her. 她溫習功課才一會兒,她妹妹就打斷她了.

3.過去完成進行時和過去完成時的比較 . She had cleaned the office, so it was very tidy. 她已經打掃過辦公室了,所以很整潔. (強調結果) She had been cleaning the office, so we had to wait outside. 她一直在打掃辦公室,所以我們不得不在外面等著. (強調動作一直在進行)

希望能對你有所幫助,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
