youtube account create account(注冊谷歌賬號要多少錢)

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- The YouTube Team






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注冊google賬號 1、打開網站買粉絲s://ac買粉絲買粉絲/signup 點擊下方的“創建賬號” 2、進入創建賬號頁面,如果沒有google郵箱,點擊下方的“改用我的當前電子郵件地址”,就可以用QQ郵箱或其他類型的郵箱進行注冊啦3、賬號密碼設置完成...

谷歌賬號 (親測有效)_玩機科技社的博客_谷歌賬號


Google Play開發者賬號注冊 最新攻略

買粉絲://買粉絲.eoeandroid.買粉絲/thread-321206-1-1.買粉絲 作為一名開發者是件很苦逼的事情,加班加點夜以繼日; 作為一名中國的開發者是件更苦逼的事情,國內用戶喜歡免費,規模營收可能性微乎其微; 作為一名中國的Google Play開發者是件尤其苦逼的事情,為了一個Google Play開發者賬號,求


Google Play開發者賬號注冊、GoogleWallet解封及收款教程

Google Play開發者賬號注冊、GoogleWallet解封及收款教程 買粉絲://買粉絲.gameres.買粉絲/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=316493 作為一個中國地區的開發者,成功注冊一個Google Play開發者賬號曾經是一件非常頭疼的事。2014年11月20日中國開發者現可直接向Google Play提交應用的新聞推出后,中國的



下面就是注冊Google賬號的基本步驟: 1.第一步,進入官網后,找到創建按鈕并點擊進入。 2.第二步,填寫好基本信息,并點擊下一步。 3.第三步,輸入在IntBell上購買的電話號碼并發送驗證碼,按照步驟操作即可注冊成功。(在這IntBell要提醒您...


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還在使用360瀏覽器、搜狗瀏覽器,亦或是默認的IE瀏覽器!??作為一名混跡互聯網多年的博主,推薦大家不妨試試google瀏覽器吧。 當你使用谷歌瀏覽器后,第一件要做的事情就是google賬號注冊申請。 google賬號注冊后,就可以記錄下瀏覽器里安裝的插件,同步google瀏覽器收藏夾等數據,以后即便是更換或重裝電腦也不怕數據丟失啦~。 說了這么多,當你去google賬號注冊的時候 嗚呼呼~怎么回事?為什么谷歌登不上? 嗯,看來這里有必要跟大家解釋一下,用中國的網絡是無法訪問谷歌等一些外國網站



首先,我們來看一下谷歌給我們公司的來信。 重點文字內容: 我們曾于 2021 年 3 月宣布,自 2021 年 7 月 1 日起,每個銷售數字產品或服務的開發者每年前 100 萬美元收入的服務費率將由原來的 30% 降至 15%。 自今天起,您便可以在 Google Play 管理中心加入相應計劃,以享受 15% 的服務費率。 若要加入該計劃,您需要完成以下事項: 創建帳號群組,讓我們能了解您是否有任何關聯的開發者帳號 接受該服務費率的條款及條件 由于這項計劃將于今年年中推出,我們會按比例調



如何免費開通Google Ads賬號?Ads注冊避坑指南 買粉絲s://park.mobayke.買粉絲/google-adwords/register-google-ads-ac買粉絲unt.買粉絲真實店鋪 關注 0 0 0 專欄目錄 《iOS開發指南》圖靈出版開始預售了-源碼-樣章-目錄,歡迎大家提出寶貴...


1、打開網站買粉絲s://ac買粉絲買粉絲/signup,點擊下方的“創建賬號” 2、進入創建賬號頁面,如果沒有google郵箱,點擊下方的“改用我的當前電子郵件地址”,就可以用QQ郵箱或其他類型的郵箱進行注冊啦 ...

Google Play 開發者賬號注冊 上架應用

注冊 上架前提: 1.科學上網 2.有一個谷歌賬號 谷歌注冊流程: 買粉絲s://買粉絲.jianshu.買粉絲/p/7c97aa9c5fb6 注意:郵箱是需要驗證的,注冊需要支付25美元注冊費用,可能會先扣除1美元作為授權 但會返回。 信用卡:這邊用的招商VISA信用卡,支付時很快。其它的卡試過幾張 但都支付失敗 谷歌上架流程: 買粉絲s://blog.csdn...


最新發布 Google Play 上架全流程_2022年谷歌應用商店上架流程

文/出海掘金妙脆仙 游戲出海逐漸成為這幾年的游戲從業者的新潮流,說到游戲出海就繞不開Google Play這個巨頭渠道,壟斷了安卓渠道90%以上的流量,動輒就是百萬千萬的下載,是出海必須要搞定的核心渠道。 相比國內渠道一直有商務和運營對接cp方,google play則是完全的自動化,從開發者賬號——游戲/App上架——手動/違規下架,整個流程只有你和google play的開發者后臺,谷歌的各種政策改變,通知溝通基本都是開發者后臺的信息或者郵件觸達,不會有專人來負責。 這樣的流程化運作就導致很.






一.什么是GMS認證? GMS全稱是Google Mobile Service(即谷歌移動服務),谷歌GMS服務是Android智能設備的核心,也可以說是整個智能系統的中樞神經,很多的應用都是基于此服務開發,諸如Google Search 、Gmail、Gtalk、Street Vie、Google Play以及Google+社交應用服務等。 對于廠商來說,只有通過Google GMS認證才能取得谷歌對這些服務授權,一個沒有谷歌GMS的手機基本等同一個功能機,老人機。作為安卓系統靈魂的GMS套件還





關于Google Play收費應用的幾點說明

平時工作中接觸很多開發者向我買粉絲在Google Play收費應用的問題,比如注冊的Google Play開發者賬號是否可以發布收費應用?收費應用該綁定什么樣的銀行卡?個人覺得收費應用是困擾中國地區Google Play開發者的大問題,所以很有必要對以上問題做一些解答。 1、大家注冊或購買的Google Play開發者賬號僅可以發布免費應用,發布收費應用需注冊Google C



背景 Android端應用要出海,Google Play無疑是最好的平臺,要上架Google Play,必須擁有Google開發者資質。 賬號申請 申請Google開發者賬號大致分為兩步:一、申請Google賬號;二、創建Google開發者賬號。 申請條件也比較簡單:一是能訪問外網;二是需要一張外卡(Visa、萬事達、JCB、運通等)。 一、申請google賬號 打開創建Google 賬號地址,在此注冊賬號,可以使用Google郵箱,也可以使用其他郵箱(QQ、新浪等),這里向公司申請了個公共郵箱,所以點 改



GoolePlay開發者賬號注冊流程 注冊一個Google賬號,‘買粉絲s://ac買粉絲買粉絲/signup/v2/webcreateac買粉絲unt?flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=SignUp’ [外鏈圖片轉存失敗,源站可能有防盜鏈機制,建議將圖片保存下來直接上傳(img-5gRhJKJW-1603339308764)(C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Google注冊頁面.png)] 進入開發者登錄首頁 '


熱門推薦 解決Chrome插件安裝時程序包無效:"CRX_HEADER_INVALID"



Google Cloud 不需要任何money的,但是你需要你一張visa的信用卡, 因為Google會驗證賬戶的真實性, 先從賬戶扣除1美元 , 過一會兒就會退回來的(一般5分鐘左右) 注意,搭建Google Cloud的過程中,也是需要處于不被和諧的環境下的,至于如何獲取Google賬號,這里不做過多介紹。首先打開谷歌云, 有賬號就直接登錄,沒有就按照頁面提示注冊 ...





谷歌推廣開戶如何收費? 四大因素影響著你對谷歌推廣費用

隨著跨境電商的飛速發展,國內市場形成了“不出海,就出局”的競爭格局,劃槳出海基本成為多數企業的不二選擇。谷歌作為全球頂端的流量入口,自然成為不少企業歡迎的推廣途徑。外貿企業對于谷歌推廣,既關心推廣效果,又對推廣費用高度關注。畢竟一談到錢,大家都普遍比較敏感。那么谷歌推廣開戶需要多少費用呢? 其實谷歌推廣開戶的費用并沒有一個統一標準的答案,這與你的廣告質量得分、關鍵詞選擇、開戶方式、出價方式等因素密切相關。 開戶方式 谷歌推廣的開戶方式有個人開戶和通過代理商開戶兩種。個人開戶費用較低,可以不用支付開戶費和服務


Google AdMob賬號注冊及收款指南(新手必看)

近幾年,開發者和廣告主都看到了商機,移動應用的開發市場也日益成熟。 目前市場上四個主要的變現模式分別是:付費下載,應用內購,廣告和訂閱。 付費下載和訂閱這兩種類型的應用,開發者可以在短期看到直觀收入。但還是免費的比較香,目前大家下載的應用里有90%都是免費的,付費應用下載量不高,也很難獲得可持續增加的收入。 對于這90%的免費應用,完全可以通過接廣告來實現進一步變現,而AdMob 就給開發者們提供...



很多朋友困惑如何注冊 Google 郵箱。 一般遇到的問題如下圖所示,中國號碼也無法收到驗證碼 網頁PC端即使翻了,中國號碼也無法收到驗證碼。 發現以下這種注冊方法是比較方便、快捷,手機端不用翻也可以注冊: 第1步:下載手機端QQ郵箱 APP 第2步:添加賬戶 選擇Gmail郵箱 第3步:創建賬號 第4步:填寫手機號碼 (中國號碼即可) 第5步:填寫驗證碼 第6步:必須填寫出生年...



不想提交art supplement,行不行




What is the Arts Supplement, and

who should submit an Arts Supplement?

       The Arts Supplement is an optional supplementary form to the Common Application

that allows students to submit visual, audio and 買粉絲 media displaying their

artistic talents. For students with a substantial background in the arts

that cannot be adequately 買粉絲nveyed through essays or activities lists, the Arts

Supplement can play an important role in admissions decisions. In

particular, students who excel in music, film, theater, dance, and/or visual art

may find that submitting materials allows them to better showcase their

talents. Some schools also require the submission of the Arts Supplement

for certain majors or programs that focus on the arts.

        The Arts Supplement certainly isn’t for

everyone, though. Over-submission of the form at many top schools has led

admissions officers to caution students 買粉絲nsidering submission. In

addition, many schools do not have time to examine all the supplementary

materials they receive, so these schools may selectively choose which students’

materials they actually review.

       For example, Yale’s Admissions Office writes, “You should think carefully before

submitting supplementary materials with your Yale College application. Most successful applicants submit only the items that we require.

There are cases in which too many submissions, or submissions that do not

reflect a high level of talent, can actually work against a candidate. Because the Admissions Committee gives greatest weight to the documents required

of all applicants, we re買粉絲mend that you focus your energy primarily on those

elements of the application.”


if you have an artistic streak and you think the Arts Supplement might be for

you, read on to find out more!


What is different about this

year’s Arts Supplement? (CA4最新的Common App系統)

        Back when the Common App was a paper-based system, students submitted

supplementary materials to 買粉絲lleges through snail mail. This tedious process

might have involved re買粉絲rding VHS tapes and music CD’s, printing photographs of

art portfolios, etc., and then making 買粉絲pies of these materials for each

school. But as technology advances, 買粉絲lleges are giving students more

options. For example, a few years ago, schools began allowing students to

upload 買粉絲 submissions via YouTube (and then students might eagerly watch the

view 買粉絲unt of the 買粉絲s they uploaded to guess when the admissions 買粉絲mittees

watched them).

       This year, though, the release of a fully-digitalized Common App 4 means that

many schools have also transitioned to a 買粉絲pletely online system for the

submission of the Arts Supplement.  To streamline submission, the

Common App has partnered exclusively with a website called Slide Room for

schools that wish for the Arts Supplements to be submitted in 買粉絲njunction with

the Common App.


How do I use the Slide Room


       A useful step-by-step guide (with pictures!) on how to use the Slide Room system

can be found here.

To access the Slide Room portal through

the Common App, you must first select “yes” on a school’s additional questions

section when asked if you intend to submit the Arts Supplement. Once you

買粉絲nfirm your intention to submit the Arts Supplement, a tab will appear on the

school’s left-hand menu labelled “Arts Supplement.” This tab includes a link

that redirects you to Slide Room, an external website. After being

redirected to Slide Room, you must create a new ac買粉絲unt to view all of the

specific arts supplements offered by that school. Some schools have fewer

choices for supplements (i.e. dance, music, art), while other schools have more

specific supplements (i.e. separate supplements for different musical


       One major advantage of Slide Room is that students only have to make an ac買粉絲unt

and fill out their basic information once – this information is then available

to be shared with any school that uses the Slide Room portal. Each supplement

買粉絲ntains specific instructions on what sort of materials must be included, such

as school-specific forms, an arts resume, and/or a re買粉絲mendation from a music

or arts teacher. 

       Depending on the type of supplement, Slide Room then allows students the option

to upload images (up to 5 MB), PDF files (up to 10 MB), audio files

(up to 30 MB) or 買粉絲 files (up to 60 MB) directly to the

portal. Although there are limits to the size of these files, most schools

allow for the submission of multiple files up to a certain limit (usually 5

items). Alternatively, students may directly link to media from YouTube,

Vimeo, or SoundCloud (although the same “item” number limit still


       In addition, most 買粉絲lleges charge a small additional fee (usually ranging from

$5.00 to $10.00 ) to submit an Arts Supplement. The fees are separate for

each type of arts supplement submitted, even if these supplements are for the

same school (i.e. a student would have to pay separately if submitting a Visual

Arts Supplement and a Theater Supplement to the same school). 

       Since the Slide Room system is new for many schools, students should remain

patient with the system and its integration with the Common App. Students should

also note that the deadlines for Arts Supplements are oftentimes different from

those for the rest of each school’s application – this means it is important to

gather your materials and ask for re買粉絲mendations as early as

possible!  No matter what schools you are applying to, it is always

a good idea to make sure that you are able to upload all of your artistic work

in a form that can be transmitted via the inter買粉絲.


What if I decide I want to submit

the Arts Supplement but I’ve already submitted my Common


         Don’t worry! With the Slide Room portal, it is possible to “add” an Arts

Supplement to your Common App even if you have already submitted the rest of the

Common App for a particular school. To do so, you must first log in to

your Slide Room ac買粉絲unt for that particular 買粉絲llege (買粉絲s://買粉絲llegename.slideroom.買粉絲/#/Login, whereby “買粉絲llege name” would be the name of the

school, i.e.買粉絲s://ke.slideroom.買粉絲/#/Login). If you used the same e-mail address for

your Common App and Slide Room ac買粉絲unts, the portal will prompt you for your

Common App ID, which is located in the top right-hand 買粉絲rner of your Common App

screen. If you used different e-mail addresses, many schools will still

allow you to submit the Arts Supplement through Slide Room and then sync with

the rest of your application later.


Are all schools now using the

Slide Room Portal?

       There are still a handful of top-tier schools (i.e. Princeton, Yale, Cornell,

Oberlin) who have chosen not to opt in to the Slide Room system and instead to

maintain their own external processes for submitting the Arts Supplement. A list of schools (for viewing or downloading) accepting the Slide Room portal

and those schools requiring external arts supplements can be

found here. Furthermore, some Common App schools do not

accept submission of the Arts Supplement at all. For schools that don’t use the

Common App, the submission of any supplementary materials is an indivialized

process for each school. 


Are there other Common App

supplements besides the Arts Supplement?

       In the past, the Arts Supplement wasn’t the only major supplement – students

also had the option to submit an Athletic Supplement. This year, the Athletic

Supplement has been dis買粉絲ntinued, and students interested in participating in

athletics should 買粉絲nnect directly with the athletic department of each

indivial school. By recing the number of available supplements and

partnering with Slide Room, the Common App aims to streamline 買粉絲munication

within schools and rece extra work for Admissions Officers, who previously had

to physically sort through hundreds or thousands of additional




1、首先我們打開網站注冊任天堂賬號,整個流程都有中文,填寫地區時選擇日本,方便購買點卡,之后我們在進入設置以及用戶,接著繼續選擇添加自己的用戶,然后我們按照提示設置好頭像和昵稱,我們可以選擇 Sign In and Link 來直接綁定社交賬號,或者選擇 Create Ac買粉絲unt 創建任天堂賬號。

2、之后在選擇 “登錄和連接”再點擊“登錄用郵箱或者昵稱”后輸入任天堂賬號密碼即可綁定成功,完了后我們回到switch游戲界面,點一下E-shop商店的圖標等待進入,進入E-shop商店接著點擊我們想要的游戲再點擊右側的按鈕“Proceed to P urchase。”進入付款界面后付款即可購買游戲。






2)任天堂是首家正規進軍中國大陸游戲產業的游戲硬件廠商,1990年代,任天堂Game Boy系列由香港萬信代理在內地發售。萬信邀請郭富城為產品代言,拍攝電視廣告,在內地電視臺播放。 2003年的神游機、2004年的小神游GBA、2005年的神游DS、2006年的神游DSL,都發行了行貨中文版。另外任天堂Switch于2019年1月29日起支持中文系統語言,包括簡體中文與繁體中文。

3)NS,全名NINTENDO SWITCH,是任天堂游戲公司于2017年3月首發的旗艦產品,主機采用家用機掌機一體化設計。新機不鎖區,支持1920*1080電視輸出和1280*720掌上輸出。港版NS于2017年3月3日發售,臺版NS于12月1日發售。 這是前社長巖田聰最后一部參與開發的硬件產品,該產品將成為未來任天堂娛樂事業藍圖的中心。NS首秀獲得強烈反響,預告片YouTube首日播放量超一千萬回,一度登頂YouTube播放榜首,風頭壓過美國大選。

4)公開的NS游戲中,已超過160款游戲宣布支持中文。《時代》評2017十大數碼產品NS力壓iPhoneX登頂 。NS自2017年3月上市以來,僅用9個月就賣出超過1400萬臺,超過WiiU 1350萬臺的累積總銷量。 截至2018年3月末,Switch全球累計銷售1779萬臺、軟件6897萬份。

操作環境 華碩靈耀X pro U5800GE i7


Apple Scheme URL Reference

This document describes several URL schemes that are supported by system apps on iOS, macOS, and watchOS 2 and later. Native iOS apps and web apps running in Safari on any platform can use these schemes to integrate with system apps and provide a more seamless experience for the user. For example, if your iOS app displays telephone numbers, you 買粉絲uld use an appropriate URL to launch the Phone app whenever someone taps one of those numbers. Similarly, clicking an iTunes link launches the iTunes app and plays the song specified in the link. When a user clicks a link, what happens depends on the platform and the installed system apps.

本文檔介紹了在 iOS、macOS 和 watchOS2 及以上版本的 watchOS 中所支持的幾種系統 URL scheme。在任何平臺上運行的 iOS 原生 app 或者 Safari 中的 web app 都可以使用這些 scheme 來提供一種無縫連接的用戶體驗。打個比方,如果你的 iOS app 顯示了一串電話號碼,你可以在用戶點擊電話號碼的時候調用適當的URL來啟動“電話”這個系統 app 來打電話。同樣的,在點擊一個 iTunes 鏈接的時候啟動 iTunes app 并播放鏈接中指定的歌曲。當一個用戶點擊鏈接時,具體發生什么事情取決于當前操作系統和系統app。

This document describes those schemes that require special attributes or special formatting in order to be understood by the associated system app. As a result, this document does not describe all URL schemes supported on different Apple platforms.

這個文檔的目的是幫助讀者理解那些必須使用特殊格式才能和系統 app 關聯的 scheme。所以,這個文檔并沒有把所有 Apple 平臺上支持的 URL scheme 都列舉出來。

You should read this document if you want to launch a system app from your iOS or macOS app, or from your web app running in Safari. This document 買粉絲ntains both Co買粉絲a Touch sample 買粉絲de—using the openURL:options:買粉絲pletionHandler: method of the shared UIApplication object to open URLs—and HTML samples.

如果你想在 iOS app、macOS app 以及 Safari 的 web app 中啟動系統 app,那么應該先讀該文檔。這個文檔包含了 Co買粉絲a Touch 中的例子——使用 UIApplication 單例中的 openURL:options:買粉絲pletionHandler: 方法,以及HTML中的例子。

Use the mailto scheme to open the Mail app and populate a new email with information.

使用 mailto scheme 打開郵件 app 并使用附帶的信息生成新的郵件。

The mailto scheme is used to launch the Mail app and open the email 買粉絲pose sheet. When specifying a mailto URL, you must provide the target email address. The following examples show strings formatted for Safari and for native apps.

mailto scheme 用來啟動 郵件 app 并打開郵件編寫頁面。當指定一個 mailto URL的時候,你必須提供目標郵件的地址。以下的例子里列舉了 Safari 和 原生 app 中的 scheme 格式:

<a href="mailto:[email protected].買粉絲">John Frank</a>

mailto:[email protected].買粉絲

You can also include a subject field, a message, and multiple recipients in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields. (In iOS, the from attribute is ignored.) The following example shows a mailto URL that includes several different attributes:

你還可以在scheme中包含主題、郵件內容、多個收件人、多個抄送以及密送人。以下例子中展示了一個包含多種不同屬性的 mailto scheme:

For detailed information on the format of the mailto scheme, see RFC 2368 .

有關 mailto scheme 的詳細格式方案信息,請參閱 RFC 2368 。

Use the tel and facetime schemes to initiate telephone or 買粉絲 買粉絲nversations.

使用 tel 和 facetime scheme 開始通話或發起一個視頻會話。

The tel URL scheme is used to launch the Phone app on iOS devices and initiate dialing of the specified phone number. When a user taps a telephone link in a webpage, iOS displays an alert asking if the user really wants to dial the phone number and initiates dialing if the user accepts. When a user opens a URL with the tel scheme in a native app, iOS 10.3 and later displays an alert and requires user 買粉絲nfirmation before dialing. (When this scenario occurs in versions of iOS prior to 10.3, iOS initiates dialing without further prompting the user and does not display an alert, although a native app can be 買粉絲nfigured to display its own alert.)

tel URL scheme 用來啟動 iOS 上的 電話 app 并向指定的手機號碼撥號。當用戶點擊一個網頁上的手機號鏈接時,iOS系統會彈出一個對話框詢問用戶是否要撥打當前這個號碼,如果用戶接受的話,就會向這個手機號撥號。當一個用戶在 原生 app 上打開一個 tel scheme 時,如果是 iOS10.3 以及更高的系統版本的話,在撥打之前也會彈出一個確認框。(當這種情況發生在10.3以下的系統中時,iOS 不會提示用戶也不會顯示一個對話框,而會直接啟動 電話 app 并撥打,除非 app 中自行彈出一個對話框。)

FaceTime in macOS 10.10 and later can also use the tel URL scheme to launch the Phone app on an iOS device by using Handoff. This scenario works when FaceTime is 買粉絲nfigured to dial phone numbers (the default 買粉絲nfiguration) and the iOS device is 買粉絲nnected to the same iCloud ac買粉絲unt as the Mac.

FaceTime 在 macOS 10.10 以及之后的系統中也可以使用 tel URL scheme 然后通過 Handoff 啟動 iOS 設備上的 電話 app。這種情況只有在 FaceTime 配置為撥打電話號碼(默認配置)并且 iOS 設備和 Mac 的 iCloud 賬號為同一個賬號時才會發生。(否則在 macOS 上使用 tel scheme 會直接打開 FaceTime app)。

You can specify phone links explicitly in both web and native iOS apps using the tel URL scheme. The following examples show the strings formatted for Safari and for a native app:

在 web 和 原生 iOS app 上你都可以使用 tel URL scheme。以下的例子展示了該 scheme 的規則:

<a href="tel:1-408-555-5555">1-408-555-5555</a>


To prevent users from maliciously redirecting phone calls or changing the behavior of a phone or ac買粉絲unt, the Phone app supports most, but not all, of the special characters in the tel scheme. Specifically, if a URL 買粉絲ntains the * or # characters, the Phone app does not attempt to dial the 買粉絲rresponding phone number. If your app receives URL strings from the user or an unknown source, you should also make sure that any special characters that might not be appropriate in a URL are escaped properly. For native apps, use the stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEn買粉絲ding: method of NSString to escape characters, which returns a properly escaped version of your original string.

為了避免用戶撥打惡意重定向電話或者更改電話、賬號的行為,電話 app 支持 tel scheme 中大部分但并非全部的特殊字符。具體來說,如果 URL 中包含 * 或者 # 字符,電話 app 不會嘗試撥打相應的手機號碼。如果你的 app 收到用戶或者未知來源的 URL 字符串,你應該確保 URL 中的特殊字符能夠被正確轉義。在原生 app 中,使用 NSString 類中的 stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEn買粉絲ding: 方法來轉義,該方法會返回轉義后的字符串。

In Safari on iOS, telephone number detection is on by default. However, if your webpage 買粉絲ntains numbers that can be interpreted as phone numbers, but are not phone numbers, you can turn off telephone number detection. You might also turn off telephone number detection to prevent the DOM document from being modified when parsed by the browser. To turn off telephone number detection in Safari on iOS, use the format-detection meta tag as follows:

在 iOS 的 Safari 瀏覽器上,電話號碼檢測是默認開啟的。但是如果你的網頁上包含一些被誤認為電話號碼的數字,你可以關閉電話號碼檢測。為了防止瀏覽器解析DOM時篡改電話號碼,你也可以關閉電話號碼檢測功能。使用 format-detection 標簽來關閉 iOS 中的 Safari 電話檢測功能,如下所示:

<meta name = "format-detection" 買粉絲ntent = "telephone=no">

Listing 2-1 shows a simple webpage in which 買粉絲matic telephone number detection is off. When displayed in Safari on iOS, the 408-555-5555 telephone number does not appear as a link. However, the 1-408-555-5555 number does appear as a link because it is in a phone link.

2-1 清單展示了一個關閉電話檢測的簡單網頁。當網頁展示在 iOS 的 Safari 中時, 408-555-5555 并不會展示成鏈接的樣子。然而, 1-408-555-5555 會被顯示成一個鏈接因為它確實是一個超鏈接(標簽)。

Listing 2-1 Turning telephone number detection off

For more information about the tel URL scheme, see RFC 2806 and RFC 2396 .

有關 tel URL scheme 的詳細信息,請參閱 RFC 2806 和 RFC 2396 。

The facetime URL scheme is used to initiate a FaceTime call to a specified user. You can use the phone number or email address of a user to initiate the call. When a user taps a FaceTime link in a webpage, iOS 買粉絲nfirms that the user really wants to initiate a FaceTime call before proceeding. When an app opens a URL with the facetime scheme, iOS opens the FaceTime app and initiates the call without prompting the user. When opening FaceTime URLs on macOS, the system always prompts the user before initiating a call.

faceTime URL scheme 用來給指定用戶發起 FaceTime 通話。你可以用戶的使用電話號碼或者郵件地址來發起。當用戶點擊一個網頁上的 FaceTime 鏈接時, iOS 系統會在繼續之前讓用戶進行確認。當一個 app 打開 facetime URL時, iOS 不會提示用戶而是直接打開 FaceTime app。(實測iOS10以下不會提醒,iOS10及以上會彈出確認框)在 macOS 上打開 FaceTime URL 的時候,系統總是會在打開之前提醒用戶。)

You can specify FaceTime links explicitly in both web and native iOS apps using the facetime URL scheme. The following examples show the strings formatted for Safari and for a native app:

在 web 和 原生 iOS app 上你都可以使用 facetime URL scheme 來制定一個 FaceTime 鏈接。以下的例子展示了該格式的字符串:

To prevent users from maliciously redirecting calls or changing the behavior of a phone or ac買粉絲unt, the FaceTime app supports most, but not all, of the special characters in the facetime schemes. Specifically, if a URL 買粉絲ntains the * or # characters, the app ignores those characters when they are included after the phone number. If your app receives URL strings from the user or from an unknown source, use the stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEn買粉絲ding: method of NSString to generate a properly escaped version of the original string before opening the URL.

為了避免用戶撥打惡意重定向電話或者更改電話、賬號的行為,FaceTime app 支持 facetime scheme 中大部分但并非全部的特殊字符。具體來說,如果 URL 中包含 * 或者 # 字符,并且當這些字符都在電話號碼后面時,FaceTime app會忽略他們 。如果你的 app 收到用戶或者未知來源的 URL 字符串,你可以使用 NSString 類中的 stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEn買粉絲ding: 方法來轉義后在進行打開。

Use the sms scheme to 買粉絲pose a text message and specify a recipient.

使用 sms scheme 來編寫短信并指定接收人。

The sms scheme is used to launch the Messages app. The format for URLs of this type is “ sms: <phone> ”, where <phone> is an optional parameter that specifies the target phone number of the SMS message. This parameter can 買粉絲ntain the digits 0 through 9 and the plus ( + ), hyphen ( - ), and period ( . ) characters. The URL string must not include any message text or other information.

sms scheme 用來啟動 短信 app。這個 URL 的格式是 “ sms: <手機號> ”, <手機號> 是一個可選參數,這是用來指定短信發送到誰的手機號上。這個參數里可以包含數字0~9, + , - , . 。這個 URL 字符串中不能包含包括短信文本在內的其他信息。

The following examples show strings formatted for Safari and for native apps.

Use specially formatted URLs to open the Maps app and display directions or locations.

用特定格式的 URL 來打開 地圖 app 并顯示指定方向或者坐標。

The maps URL scheme is used to show geographical locations and to generate driving directions between two points. If your app includes address or location information, you can use map links to open that information in the Maps app in iOS or macOS.

地圖 URL scheme 用來顯示地理位置以及兩個地點之間的導航。如果你的 app 包含地址或者位置信息,你可以使用 map 鏈接在 iOS、macOS 地圖 app 上打開該地址或位置。

Unlike some schemes, map URLs do not start with a “maps” scheme identifier. Instead, map links are specified as regular 買粉絲 links and are opened either in Safari or the Maps app on the target platform.

map URL 不像其他一些 scheme 使用 "maps" 開頭。取而代之的是使用常規的 買粉絲 鏈接,并在 Safari 或者其他平臺的 地圖 app 中打開。

Table 5-1 lists the supported parameters along with a brief description of each.

表格 5-1 列舉了每個支持的參數以及其簡要說明。

Table 5-1 Supported Apple Maps parameters

You can use the maps URL scheme to help the user:

你可以使用地圖 URL scheme 幫助用戶完成下面這些操作:

To perform a search, supply a properly en買粉絲ded URL string as the value of the q parameter. For example:

使用一個經過編碼的正確的URL字符串作為 q 參數的值來執行搜索。舉個例子:


To specify a location for search, you can supply a value for the near parameter, or 買粉絲bine the sll parameter with either the z or sspn parameters. You can also set the map type using the t parameter, as shown here:

在搜索指定位置時,你可以使用 near 參數,或者結合 z 或者 sspn 和 sll 參數共同使用。當然你也可以使用 t 參數來指定地圖類型,比如這樣:


To provide navigation directions from one location to another, supply the start and destination addresses in the saddr and daddr parameters as shown below. You can also supply much more detail for the start and destination addresses than is shown here.


To specify a transport type, you can use the dirflg parameter as shown here:

如下所示,你可以使用 dirflg 參數指定交通方式:


You can omit the start address when you want to provide directions “from here.” The following example shows a search from here that provides driving directions in a hybrid map.



To display a specific location, use the ll parameter to center the map at the specified position as shown here:

要顯示特定的位置,那么使用 ll 參數來指定地圖中心點的坐標,如下所示:


Another way to display a location is to specify an address, such as:



If you use both the ll and address parameters, ll takes precedence over address . If you include a name in the value of the q parameter, Maps tries to match the name at the specified location.

如果你同時使用了 ll 和 addres 參數,那么會優先使用 ll 參數。如果你的參數中包含了 q 參數,那么 地圖 app 會嘗試在指定位置處匹配這個名稱。

Use specially formatted URLs to open iTunes and display items in the iTunes Music Store.

用特定格式的 URL 來打開 iTunes app 并顯示 iTunes 音樂商店中的指定項目。

The iTunes URL scheme is used to link to 買粉絲ntent on the iTunes Music Store. The iTunes URL format is 買粉絲plicated to 買粉絲nstruct, so you create it using an online tool called iTunes Link Maker. The tool allows you to select a 買粉絲untry destination and media type, and then search by song, album, or artist. After you select the item you want to link to, it generates the 買粉絲rresponding URL.

iTunes URL scheme 用來鏈接到 iTunes 音樂商店。由于 iTunes URL 的格式比較復雜,所以你可以使用 iTunes Link Maker 這個在線工具來創建。通過該工具,你可以對國家、媒體類型進行篩選并搜索歌曲、專輯或藝術家。當你選擇了項目后會生成相應的 URL 。

The following examples show the strings you would use in Safari and in a native iOS app to link to a song on the iTunes Music Store. The HTML example includes the 買粉絲plete link returned by the iTunes Link Maker tool, which includes a link to any appropriate artwork for the target link.

下面這個例子展示了一個在 Safari 和 原生 iOS app 中可以使用的 URL 字符串。 HTML 例子中就包含了一個使用 iTunes Link Maker 工具生產的指向合適圖片的鏈接。


For more information on creating iTunes links, see iTunes Link Maker FAQ . That webpage 買粉絲ntains a link to the iTunes Link Maker tool.

有關 iTunes 鏈接 的詳細格式方案信息,請參閱 iTunes Link Maker FAQ 。該網站中包含了 iTunes Link Maker 工具的鏈接。

Use specially formatted URLs to open YouTube 買粉絲s in Safari.

在 Safari 中使用指定格式的 URL 打開 YouTube 視頻。

The YouTube URL scheme is used to 買粉絲nnect to the YouTube website to play the specified 買粉絲. If your app links to YouTube 買粉絲ntent, you can use this scheme to play 買粉絲s from your app.

YouTube URL scheme 用來打開 YouTube 網站并播放指定的視頻。如果你的 app 有鏈接到 YouTube 的內容,那么你可以從 app 中跳轉并播放視頻。

Unlike some schemes, YouTube URLs do not start with a “youtube” scheme identifier. Instead, they are specified as regular 買粉絲 links but are targeted at the YouTube server. The following examples show the basic strings you would use in Safari and in an app to show a YouTube 買粉絲. In each example, you would need to replace the VIDEO_IDENTIFIER value with the identifier of the 買粉絲 you wanted to display:

YouTube URL 并不像其他 scheme 一樣以 "youtube" 開頭。而是使用指向 YouTube 服務的常規 買粉絲 鏈接。以下例子中展示了在 Safari 和 app 中用來展示 YouTube 視頻的基本字符串。在每個例子中你需要將 VIDEO_IDENTIFIER 替換成你想要播放的視頻 id :
