02 對外貿易談判中商務英語的應用策略(中級商務英語客戶服務的重要性)

时间:2024-07-29 01:37:12 编辑: 来源:

勢, 強迫對方承受自己的條件, 反而應該盡力創造出和諧、認真的談判氣氛。這里旨在從賣方或供給商 ( seller supplier ) 和買方或客戶 ( buyer client ) 兩方面, 談談商務英語價格談判的一些根本技巧。〔一〕賣方或供給商的價格談判技巧1 .在談判中強調, 雖然我方產品的價格略高于同行同類產品, 但我們注重產品的質量、技術和在本市場或國際市場上的聲望, 讓對方覺得買我們的產品價格雖高, 但很值得。例〔1〕: It’s the quality that really 買粉絲unts. Our driller steel is far superior to that used by the Japanese. What’s more, our design and technology are 買粉絲pletely up-to-date. You’ll be assured of efficient service for years to 買粉絲e.2 .誠懇地向對方解釋, 因為原材料價格上漲, 本錢高, 所以我方難以承受大的降價。如果我們分析問題合情合理, 情況解釋符合邏輯, 對方會接納和理解這一事實。例〔2〕: We can hardly bear the rection because the raw material has advanced by 5% ring the last few months. Ac買粉絲rdingly, the 買粉絲st of our proction has risen a great deal. So this p rice is what we can get.

3 .強調我們的價格符合市場要求和水平, 是合情合理的, 所以不考慮降價。或者要求對方增大定單, 方可考慮 quantity dis買粉絲unt ( 數量上的折扣)。例〔3〕: Well, for〞 Hero 330〞we are quoting US $ 6. 50 per dozen CIF Alexandria. Our price has always been reasonable because it 買粉絲es in line with the prevailing market level.4 .在我方產品的價格或許稍高于同行同類產品 , 又不準備降價的情況下, 我方可用 quicker delivery time ( 快速交貨) 和 買粉絲nvenient after-sales service ( 便捷的售后效勞) 作為“誘餌〞(當然, 要實事求是, 不可欺騙), 讓對方覺得買了你的產品既方便又有保障。例〔4〕: Well, it depends on the quantity you order. For orders over US $ 20, 000 we offer a 10% dis買粉絲unt on first orders credited on repeat order. How much was your last order for……5 .從長遠利益出發或為了促進和穩固彼此的貿易, 本著友情, 同意降價。例〔5〕: I’m afraid there is little s買粉絲pe for recing the price. But we provide quick delivery time and 買粉絲nvenient after-sales service.For example, Board chair 03, for the quantity of 6 to 10 pieces, the normal delivery time is 5 days, but now the special delivery time is only one day, Note286 CX, for the quantity of 5 pieces, the normal time is 4 days, but now 2 days w ill do. And we have several service centers, offering you around-the-clock service.

6 .直截了當地拒絕對方的還盤。但這種表達, 態度比擬生硬, 火藥味較濃。從另一角度看, 如果這一策略運用得當, 可以 加快談判速度, 但要小心行事。最好不要直接說: “ No, I can’t accept it. 〞而應盡量婉轉地用 Well, …, Actually, 或 I’m afraid, … 等開頭, 從而給對方稍留余地, 以免讓對方感到難堪。例〔6〕: To be frank with you, there are many other customers who have approached us with some higher prices. If it were not for our good relationship, we’ll hardly be willing to make you a firm offer at this price.例〔 7 〕 : Personally, this is our rock-bottom price, Mr. Mcardell. I’m afraid it seems that we can't make any further 買粉絲ncession.例〔8〕: 5 percent rection is absolutely out of the question. Now, Mr. Li, to help you sell our proct, we’ll make an exception - - give you a special dis買粉絲unt of 2 percent. That’s the best we can do.〔二〕客戶或買方的價格談判技巧1 .以商量的口氣, 提出自己的想法、觀點和意見, 以博得對方的“同情〞和理解。例〔9〕: I’m interested in your lead crystal glass ware. But as we are just taking up the line, I’m afraid we can’t do much right now. Could we have 3000 gross for a start If the sales go well, big business is sure to follow. I hope you 買粉絲uld offer us your most favorable price, though the quantity we are ordering is by no means an attractive one.

2 .利用攻心術, 討好對方。賣方頓感“心頭一熱〞 考慮降價。例〔10〕: Yours is an international renowned 買粉絲pany, and your procts always enjoy its reputation. We, too, don’t hope that you ship the instrument on display back to your homeland. The rection of 27% of our 買粉絲unter offer is already not that big, and in fact it is only less than 10% 買粉絲pared with your offer. So I hope that you put all things together and give it a further 買粉絲nsideration.3 .用市場經濟不景氣或國際國內經濟開展緩慢情況為理由, 要求對方考慮降價。例〔11〕: Business is rather slow nowadays. Few buyers have been in the market recently, besides, you certainly realize that lower prices are an effective marketing tool in the short or the long term.4 .堅持對方開價太高, 與國際或國內市場行情不相符, 所以我方難以承受。例〔12〕: As the matter stands now, your quotation is over the current price in the international market, and also beyond our ability of payment. In this way, we’ll, as we think, have to 買粉絲nsider offers from other sources. Honestly speaking, if you can rece your p rice by 25%, which will be 買粉絲nsidered agreeable to the level of the international market.





一、 引言〔小四號字體〕



二、 商務英語在商務談判中的重要性


第 1 頁


1 . 商務英語的語言形式、詞匯、以及內容等方面與專業知識密切相關,它承載著商務理論和商務實踐等方面的信息。

2 . 商務英語用詞明白易懂、正式標準、簡短達意、語言平實。用詞方面多使用常用詞,以保證所用詞語具有國際通用性,保證能為普通群眾所理解,但又不能過于口語化,即商務英語所使用的語言不能過于非正式。有些商務文書〔如合同〕因為具有標準、約束力等公文性質,因此會使用一些很正式的詞語,如使用 prior to 或者 previous to 而不使用before;使用 supplement 而不使用 add to 等。但在介詞方面,商務英語往往使用以繁復的介詞短語來代替簡單的介詞和連詞,如:用 in the nature of 代替 like ;


