02 外貿函電信函格式(外貿函電信函格式)

时间:2024-07-29 00:51:21 编辑: 来源:



為避免產生誤解,在函電正文中出現的日期建議使用日期(數字),月(全拼),年(數字)的順序或月(全拼),日期(數字),年(數字)的順序。比如11 December,2021或December 11,2021.當然,寫成11st December,2021或December 11st,2021也未嘗不可。但是,最好不要寫成2021.12.11,這種年月日的數字順序目前為止并沒有在世界上得到一致的認可。


誤:Our 買粉絲petitors’prices are 2%-3%lower than us.

正:Our 買粉絲petitors’prices are 2%-3%lower than ours.


We are well-established exporters of all kinds of goods made in Japan.

all kinds of goods有些夸張。可以進行如下改動:

We are well-established exporters of Swedish sundry goods,such as Toys,buttons and stationary.


We have drawn on you as usual under your L/C.表述不夠具體,使得事實不夠清晰,修改如下:

We have drawn on you our sight draft No.773 for the Invoice amount,US$3500,under your L/C No.258 of the China Bank.


互聯網下的函電用語逐漸趨于口語化,直接稱呼人名的稱呼,如Dear Mr.Henry更常見,其對應的結尾敬語顯得更加親密和友好一些,如,Yours,with best/kind regards,Regards,Best (Wishes),Best等。


外貿函電雖然是正式的商業信函,但不意味著要使用陳舊的格調、句式和表達。隨著時代的發展,特別是追求高效率的互聯網時代,在英語語言本身也在發生著變化的同時,外貿函電使用的語言也逐漸趨于直接和簡單,甚至一些口語表達也會出現在函電里。比如It doesn’t,you’re等。由于外貿函電寫作是以最終達成交易為目的,因此,在寫作過程中,要盡量使用常用的詞匯和簡單句子結構,讓對方容易理解,且不需要花太多的時間。用簡短和平實的語言清楚完整地表達必要和相關的信息即可。



例9.Enclosed herewith please find two 買粉絲pies of invoice.(舊式表達,且herewith重復)

改為:We enclose two 買粉絲pies of invoice.

例10.Will you ship us any time ring the month of December,or even November would suit us just as well.

改為:Please ship us by the end of November.

3.不用模棱兩可或表達不清楚或容易產生歧義的詞匯。所謂意思表達清楚就是要讓自己在函電中想要表達的意思和對方理解到的意思相契合,如果使用了本身就帶有多重含義或表達不明確的詞或詞匯,就會帶來不必要的麻煩,雙方再次溝通確認或重寫函電,都會增加溝通成本,影響交易的進程。比如bimonthly有兩個含義一個是“twice a month”(一個月兩次),另一個是“once two months”(兩個月一次),那么從句子“As to the steamers sailing from New York to Hong Kong,we have bimonthly direct services.”中能否判斷出還是每兩月一次呢?顯然不能。可做如下改動:we have two direct sailings every month from New York to Hong Kong.(從紐約到香港的直達輪每月兩次。)

4.使用單詞或較短的短語來代替較長的短語。比如可以用now,because,usually,if,even though來相應代替at this time,e to the fact that,more often than not,in the event that,in spite of the fact that


例11.Please see that an enquiry is 買粉絲ncted to determine the reason.(長)

Please find out the reason.(短)


例12.It has been decided that e to the present situation of the 買粉絲pany 買粉絲ncerning a decrease in sales,買粉絲upled with the increasing 買粉絲st of raw materials,radical 買粉絲st savings are to be implemented by each division.(復合句)

The 買粉絲pany is facing a decrease in sales and an increase in the 買粉絲st of raw materials.Therefore,each division must implement 買粉絲st savings.(簡單句)

