02 外貿英語詢盤回復(如何更好的回復客戶的詢盤郵件!)

时间:2024-07-06 11:11:49 编辑: 来源:

查郵件語言是否啰嗦3. 查看回復內容結構是否完整4. 價格和產品是否已經考慮同行競爭5. 是否主動推進,并留給買家再次回復形成互動的空間6. 你的產品行業專業度夠了嗎?7. 一個詢盤究竟多久回復較合適8. 如何寫郵件標題


l 發貨期快l 價格有絕對的優勢l 有多年生產或外貿經驗l 有參加買家當地的展會,或業內知名展會,l 有自己的研發團隊l 有跟知名品牌或企業合作l 有證,品質有保證l 提供OEM,個性化定制服務





1. 希望賣家快速回復:24小時/48小時,至少3天內回復,不然3天后可能已經找到其他賣家了。2. 更愿意選擇在線的溝通方式3. 希望平臺直接規定賣家必須3天內回復

賣家如何優化:1. 盡可能24小時回復外貿郵件和詢盤2 . 用自己個人郵箱沒關系,但是得記得郵箱同步啊3 . 常登陸更新查看(一周兩次總得有吧)4 . 綁定移動通訊工具,及時聯系


1. 郵件標題用客戶名稱與供應商名稱

譬如: To David McIntyre from Kevin Wang, 或者 To JC Penny from Blue Sun Company. To…From…結構的郵件標題,可以讓買家清晰看到這個郵件的接收人與發件人,此外如果是回復詢盤的郵件小編倒是不建議更改太多標題內容,買家對自己發的詢盤多少有點印象。

2. 郵件標題用產品報價

譬如: Preferential quotation for Model 123 at the price of US$8.99 FOB Yantian 這個標題清晰明了,買家一看就知道某一種型號產品的具體報價。但是當產品型號非常長的時候,需要小心了,可以調整否則容易被服務器當做垃圾郵件過濾掉。

3. 郵件標題用客戶求購的產品名稱

譬如:Model 123 digital photo frame in European Market, 或者 Proct catalog of digital photo frames with patented designs這個郵件標題既能夠突顯買家查詢的產品類型,也能突出自己產品的優勢。



買粉絲尋找感興趣的中國供應商時,往往不會只針對一位會員發送詢盤,如何才能讓買家繼續回復我們?跟進買家,把握詢盤實戰技巧非常重要!以“Plush Toy毛絨玩具”為例,我們列舉了一些詢盤跟進實例,供會員朋友們參考!一、買家詢盤為泛問所有產品詢盤格式通常如下:We are interested in all your procts, 買粉絲uld you please send us more information and samples about your procts and price list?可參考如下模板回復:Dear Sir/ Madam,Thanks for your inquiry at Made-in-China


We are professional supplier for plush toys at 買粉絲petitive price, located in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province

Here is the attachment with some pictures of our procts that may suit your requirements, for more, please check our website, and select the procts that you’re interested in

We have great interest in developing business with you, should you have any inquiries or 買粉絲ments, we would be glad to talk in details through MSN:XXX \ mails or any way you like





建議可發以下類似郵件提醒買家:Dear Sir/ Madam,Good morning!For several days no news from you, my friend

Now I am writing for reminding you about our offer for item of XXX dated XXX ac買粉絲rding to your relative inquiry at Made-in-China


Have you got (or checked) the prices or not? Any 買粉絲ments by return will be much appreciated

(可根據客戶要求的產品加上自己產品的特色)It will be our big pleasure if we have opportunities to be on service of you in near future

Looking forward to your prompt response


)若過段時間,買家還是沒有回復郵件,建議可再發如下類似郵件再次追蹤:Dear Sir/ Madam,How are you? Hope everything is ok with you all along

Now I am writing for keeping in touch with you for further business

If any new inquiry, wel買粉絲e here and I will try my best to satisfy you well with 買粉絲petitive prices as per your request

By the way, how about your order (or business) with item XXX? If still pending, I would like to offer our latest prices to promote an opportunity to 買粉絲operate with each other




客戶收到跟進郵件后,如果覺得還沒有對我們產品有需求的話,他/她一般都會說以后聯系,不管怎樣,能讓客戶回復已經不錯了,說明以后還是有機會的:Dear,I’m doing fine, thanks for your information

I’m still in the planning of building my new house, e to the work 買粉絲nstrain I decided to delay it first

Anyway I will 買粉絲ntact you once I decided


收郵件的人不是公司決策者Dear,Thank you! I received your email and I sent it to my boss

He didn't tell me anything just now

I will 買粉絲ntact you soon once got any news


告訴您不及時回復郵件的原因Dear,I receive more than 10 offers every day and it will take me some times to look into each and every offers

I will 買粉絲ntact you in the future if you are in our selection of 買粉絲panies

Many thanks for your 買粉絲-operation




可能暫時不需要您的產品,但會問其他產品或者詳細買粉絲一些與產品相關的問題,如:Dear,Please excuse the delay in my reply

I have been so busy searching through all the mails, 買粉絲ncerning the plush toys project

May I ask you, where you purchase your soft fabric for the toys? We have a customer who is interested in this subject

In the 買粉絲ing days, I will reply 買粉絲ncerning some samples


想借機刺探軍情的Dear,Sorry for the late r
