02 外貿英語函電課程心得體會(英語個人求職信)

时间:2024-07-17 03:35:05 编辑: 来源:




I learned English for six years, and my English gets better and better. I enjoyed learning English because English is fun and good for me. I studied hard, I listened and read English at home everyday; I need to practice because I want to speak good English. I believe, English can help me in the future and I want to learn more English when I go to middle school.


As globalization is aeptcted by more and more people, It is significant that people from different language and cultural backgrounds need a unitive language in order to municate and get more involved into the global market.Unfortunately, English is chosen to be the language not chinese as I expected. Anyways, we have to e up with some quicker ways as in skill to learn english. Initially, if we want to suessfully on the painful way to learn English, we have to *** yse this weied and retard language at first, we can simply can this language "hybrid bastard" as it is mixed by different random European languages. Just as all the other languages, there are four ponents of this language. From my personal opinion, massive reading is the key to learn this language, although I am a lazy person, so I don't want to punch all the new bizarre looking words into my translator, but it's crucial if you do this painful process, and you can acplish your goal in developing the ability of this language once you have done an amount of readings. In addition, Listining, Writing are paratively easy and less time-買粉絲nsuming with reading, you just need to do more if you want to see some processes in the filed you want to. At last, I am tired of typing words, so I will s here, have fun in learning this useless language , and wish Mandarin dominate the world in the nearest future, please give me that pile of golden goals as I wrote like this much by myself.



1 不要無的放矢。很多考生在拿到圖片以后,只盯著圖片不放。沒有對考官問的問題給以足夠的注意力。比如。考官說,你的同伴剛從英國旅游回來,請你對他的行程進行提問。這本來是用過去時來問和答的,卻有相當一部分考生用將來時。這樣考官會認為你沒有聽懂他的問題,即使問答很熟練,也不會得高分。

2. 不要忽視練習。考前多練習,有助于提高自信心。在口語考試時,語法問題并不復雜,但是熟練準確運用人稱代詞、時態、從句等語法規則非常重要。

3. 不要畏懼錯誤。一般情況下,不建議考生“自我更正”,因為這樣會影響表達的流利程度。萬一說錯不要緊張,應鎮定更正。






一下是比較好寫的論文題目,希望能幫助你!噢 順便一提 幾天前幫我指導的ABC天丅口語的導師說過 就是想征服英語應該是不費力地!絕對有個好的學習環境以及進修口語物件,最關鍵就是外教水平 口語純正非常重要,持續每日口語交流,一對一家教式輔導才能夠有.好.的學習成果~上完課還要重復溫習課堂音訊 更可以加深印象。若真的是沒有人可以指導的情況 可以去 VOA或大耳朵取得課余教材學習 多說多問不知不覺的英語水平就培養起來,學習效益肯定會迅速明顯的!

1. 論商務英語與文化的關系

. 論商務英語廣告語言的特征與表達


. 論溝通語言在商務英語談判中的作用與功能

. 試論中西文化習慣在商務英語談判中的作用

. 論文化差異對商務英語談判的影響

. 論 商務英語翻譯中的不對等性


. 論商務英語寫作中的語氣分析

10 論商務合同英語的文體特征分析

11. 論禮貌與商務英語信函中禮貌的表現

1. 論商務英語中的委婉表達及其翻譯

1. 論商標名稱的翻譯與策略

1. 論產品中文商標的翻譯


1 論外貿英語函電的語言特點









10 論英語委婉語的差異和翻譯對策

英文版的, h a v e...


去普特英語聽力看看吧! 網站資源全部免費 聽力資源節目取材廣泛,聽寫節目按能力層次分級,適宜各種水平的網友學習英語。版主與網友一起修改聽寫文稿,版主還會打分。 12小時提供參考文字及lrc檔案下載。 該站每天早上8點到9點更新(提供音訊視訊文字免費下載聽力訓練方法指導)。 聽力家園提供背單詞系統 線上聽寫系統 口語對練系統 還有背句子系統。 視聽線上版塊 有美劇英語視訊 、動畫視訊英語 、自然百科國家地理視訊英語、文化博覽視訊英語、探索發現視訊英語等。 望采納


English, oh, English, is not Chinese

Nor is it other -nese, such as Lebanese or Japanese!

If we need to learn English and use it well

Chinese, we have to use, as less as it can tell

10 hours we have to use a language a day

2 for English, 8 for Chinese we put away

Can we use English as well as Chinese?

2 hours, that is not using, buy simply play!

Only one way we need to make English good

4 steps we need, whether we would

Input to our brain, English, all

Then think in English, Chinese, not at all

After thinking out clearly, remember all the input

Only then can we write or speak, all English output.

That is the only way we learn English, and use it well

If we mix with Chinese, English, fe it, and never ends well

Do we believe that an Englishman,

has to translate all
