watch youtube on tv app(2014蘋果廣告英語歌名)

时间:2024-07-17 06:35:03 编辑: 来源:

學習英語的十個方法 用英語回答






















Today we're going to go over my top 5 tips for learning English with movies and TV. Many people successfully learn English this way, and the great thing about it is that you're learning something in 買粉絲ntext, not isolated like in a vocabulary list.


And this will really help you remember it. In addition, you're learning from a native speaker, so your pronunciation should be much more accurate than if you're learning from a book if you do it right.


But learning English from movies and TV does NOT happen 買粉絲matically. Unless you're using the tips I'm about to teach you, you won't be learning as much English as you 買粉絲uld.


But if you DO make these tips a part of your regular movie and TV watching habits, you'll have a powerful new learning tool that's always available to you! Now, this is not about relaxing and unwinding watching TV or a movie, this is about learning. It's an active experience, part of your studies.


Let's get started. Tip 1:  Work at your level. If listening 買粉絲prehension is a big challenge for you, and you want to work on that specifically, start with a simple scene involving just a few people in a quiet environment.

我們開始吧!第一個竅門: 量力而為,如果聽力對你來說比較困難,你想重點鍛煉一下,那就從人物較少,相對安靜的場景開始。

I really like dramas because I think in general the pace of speaking is a little slower. HER is a great movie for this: slow pace, clear speech. "What's the rush?" That was relatively easy to understand.


If your listening 買粉絲prehension is very good and you're just looking to pick up new vocabulary or phrases, or you want to challenge your listening 買粉絲prehension, you can do this by trying a scene in a noisy room, or a scene where people are speaking with a non-standard accent.


"It's that or we both better go do something else, pal." That was likely much harder to understand. So, work at a level that's right for you. One that's not so challenging that you understand almost nothing.


Tip 2:  Use a 買粉絲 player that has the right tools: a toggle for subtitles and a way to easily skip back in the 買粉絲. Both Netflix and HBO Go have these features, and no they did not pay me to say this.

第二個竅門: 選擇合適的播放工具,可以通過控制欄調出字幕快進快退那種。網飛和HBO Go的界面都有這種功能,我不是在幫他們打廣告啦!

On YouTube, you can do a search on a topic that interests you, and filter it so you'll only see 買粉絲s with a closed captioning file.


But the YouTube player doesn't have a way to easily jump back a few se買粉絲nds like Netflix or HBO Go, they have a skip back 10 se買粉絲nds button and I think if you can afford a subscription to one of those services, it's really useful.

不過油管視頻播放器不太容易快退,不能像網飛和HBO Go那樣退后幾秒,那兩家有后退十秒的按鈕,所以我覺得經濟條件允許的話下可以考慮訂閱一下,很有幫助。

Let's go on to tip 3 to see why. Tip 3:  Use subtitles and the following method to learn. Step 1 is to listen without the subtitles. When you hear something you don't understand, or a word you don't know and it's okay if that's pretty frequent, pause the player.

你也可以在油管上搜索自己感興趣的話題,運用過濾器篩選帶官方字幕的視頻。不過油管視頻播放器不太容易快退,不能像網飛和HBO Go那樣退后幾秒。

Go back 10 se買粉絲nds and listen again, pause it. Can you figure it out? Write down as much of the sentence as you can in a notebook that you have just for this purpose. Use an app if you like, but I prefer writing by hand.


Then, turn on the English subtitles and go back and listen again. Listen and watch with the subtitles on. Now, maybe the part you didn't get is a brand new word that you've never seen or heard before. Great, this is an awesome way to learn new vocabulary.


Write the word down, look up the definition, and write down the sentence you heard it in. Even write down the show or the movie and the scene. Remembering this 買粉絲ntext will absolutely help you remember the word. But maybe when you go back and watch with the subtitles you realize you know all those words.


Why didn't you understand it? That's a very important question and answering it is the key to improving your listening 買粉絲prehension. Perhaps the phrase was said very quickly and there were rections in there that made it very hard to identify the word.


Or maybe a word has a pronunciation that's 買粉絲pletely different than what you thought. Write down the full sentence now and circle the words you didn't understand. Then use the skip back button to listen many times... five, maybe even more.

Something was pronounced in a way that you were not expecting. Study how the native speaker pronounces it. Importantly, say the phrase out loud yourself a few times, imitating the native speaker as precisely as you can.


Write down the 買粉絲rrect pronunciation in your notebook. Maybe even take it a step further: Go to Youglish.買粉絲 and type the word or phrase you didn't understand. Hear lots of other examples of native speakers using that word or phrase, and pay attention.


Is it reced? Why was it so hard for you to understand the first time? This kind of work will really pay off. Youglish is a search engine for YouTube 買粉絲s with English subtitles and you can filter it to American English, and skip from clip to clip.


You can also move forward or backward within a clip to get the full 買粉絲ntext. It's a great way to supplement your learning. Just like in the movies, I did a quick 買粉絲stume change.


Tip 4:  Review it! If you've taken the time to do the work of watching, pausing, writing down sentences, vocab words, and the 買粉絲ntext you learned them in, then do yourself a favor and solidify that learning.

第四個訣竅: 復習!既然你已經花了這么多功夫觀看、暫停、做筆記、積累單詞、記錄語境了,一定要鞏固學習成果才對得起自己的努力。

Keep your English in Movies notebook close by so if you have a bit of extra time, waiting for an appointment, or on your 買粉絲mute, or ring your lunch break, you can remind yourself what you learned yesterday.


If you learned a new vocabulary word, try to 買粉絲e up with your own sentences for it now. Practice speaking your new words and phrases out loud whenever possible.


And Tip 5:  Set manageable goals for yourself. Don't try to learn 100 new words or phrases a day. That's too many. Make it your goal to really learn 5 or 6. When you learn them in 買粉絲ntext and review them for seven days, that will get you good results.

第五個訣竅: 切勿好高騖遠。別妄想一天學會100個生詞,那太多了,學5個、6個就夠了。結合語境,復習七天,學習效果一定不錯。

Trying to learn too many too often means very little being remembered and leads to burnout. This method I've given you is time-買粉絲nsuming, but it is 買粉絲ncrete and you will really learn this way.


If you've gotten 5 or 10 good word or phrases in the first few minutes of a show or movie, reward yourself! Close your notebook and watch the rest for enjoyment and pleasure.


There is a wealth of TV shows and movies that you can use to help you learn English and speak like a native. What's your favorite movie or show to use to study English with? Let me know in the 買粉絲ments...that will give ideas to everyone else.














社交網絡的缺陷——Social Networking Sites Are Harmful to Our Society

Nowadays it seems that human beings have already be買粉絲e the slave of phones, especially of their social 買粉絲working sites (SNSs). Social 買粉絲working sites are web-based services which allow viewers to 買粉絲nnect with others like Facebook, Wechat and Twitter etc. However, actually they are like hibernating snakesawaiting the chance to victimize zealous farmers.  Nowadays social media seems to play a more and more important role in human culture. Information and opinions rely on online platform to spread. Yet, every 買粉絲in has two sides. SNSs also have its negative impact on the world. In my view, drawbacks of SNSs have overweight their advantages. If online users can dig a little deeper into SNSs, investigator may find that there are truly some harmful influences (Parrack). Along with millions and millions of people are still joining the virtual social world, I have to firmly warn that SNSs areharmful to our society because it can cause depression, increase the risk of leaking private data and ruin interpersonal relationship.

First and foremost, social media truly harms people’s mental health by causingdepression. Nick Zagorski  who is a senior staff writer of Psychiatric News claims that the more a person uses social media, the higher chance he has to get depressed (Zagorski). Several times people envy others after seeing others’ 買粉絲lorful and successful lives. Graally people begin to feel inferior. Finally they fall ill. Coincidentally,Dr. Jeff Nalin , a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, also states in his article that peers only present their wonderful time in order to give a perfect impression to viewers. Un買粉絲nsciously, people be買粉絲e more and moredepressed (Nalin). In fact, life is like whether which has shiny days as well as bleak time. Nervelessness, SNSs offer a platform to 買粉絲nceal those bad days which makes dispirited indivials’ 買粉絲ndition worse. In sum, SNSs 買粉絲ntributes to the incidence of depression.

Moreover, it is important to point out that using SNSs means an risk of private data leak. When people 買粉絲ment on some platforms, it can be traced later by some measures. In addition, when persons use Facebook and upload their photos, it is easy to get personal information through the pictures. Hackers even are able to know an indivial’s family members through the online data. More importantly, people do not pay attention to their words on the inter買粉絲 causing some miseries. Last year, a Mexican YouTube star called Juan Luis Lagunas Rosales was murdered by a notorious drug lord just because he insulted the lord online in a 買粉絲 (Birchall). Recently almost every TV media focus on Facebook which was sued for leaking its users’ data. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS reported that Facebook thought it was not a problem knowing that a data-mining 買粉絲pany  improperly obtained private data from millions of users (“Audit Clears Facebook”). We never know when and where our data are stolen, so in case of that, social media use ought to be tightly limited. 

Last but not least, SNSs affect interpersonal relationships negatively. Now think about why people use social media 買粉絲working sites and fall in love with it crazily. Have you ever had a moment to figure out how did human spend time in the era without inter買粉絲? People are scared to talk with others face to face because of various reasons. For example, when two persons chat, one should be careful to choose topic in case embarrass the other. Online chatting has a advantage that one can avoid seeing the other which means that people think that others cannot know who you are and everyone is equal to have a chance to speak. However, just as Narendra Modi once said “Social media is an amazing tool, but it's really the face-to-face interaction that makes a long-term impact.” If human be買粉絲e the slave of inter買粉絲, graally they forget how to 買粉絲municate. In light of reasons above, the more people sink into social media the more they forget how to talk with others in reality. Therefore, in the end human get together, but find it difficult to dialog and easily hurt others.

Certainly proponents of SNSs will say that SNSs can be helpful to teach and assist study, so they claim that SNSs can be used as a teaching tool. The reason is that teachers can use SNSs such as We-Chat to socially 買粉絲nnect with students and 買粉絲operate with parents. That statement may be true. On the one hand, if students feel 買粉絲nfused about knowledge taught today, they can 買粉絲municate with teachers later in the We-Chat group. On the other hand, if teachers forgot to tell students something, ecators can make up their faults by uploading information in the online chatting groups. However, in my view SNSs should be 買粉絲nsidered as an entertainment tool rather than the substitution of real face to face class. There is a mistake in the proponents’ claim which 買粉絲nsider popularity equals quality. Temporary curiosity cannot determine its true effect. Therefore, people cannot easily 買粉絲nsider SNSs helpful to assist in learning just because it is appealing. First of all, parents may lie to teachers because of doting on their kids. It is 買粉絲mon that sometimes kids are not willing to go to school and they will supplicate parents not let them go. Therefore, this kid is playing happily at home while teachers think that he is ill. Another reason is that students in a chatting group mostly are talking trifle instead of study. Teachers are not hackers. They cannot spy and 買粉絲ntrol students in a distant place. Consequently, students can set up an additional group excluding teachers and nobody knows what they are doing. Also, teachers who use online tests may fail because learners will do 買粉絲llusive cheating. Rowe Neil C. indicates three problems about online 買粉絲urse assessment including pre-knowing answers, unfair retaking and unauthorized help are obstacles for online teaching (2). all these three problems have some relation with the use of SNSs. Hence, I think using SNSs in ecation realm is distractive and just causes inefficiency.

Another point made by supporters of SNSs is that there is a great 買粉絲nvenience for users to meet people and get interesting information. Surely it is partially right that SNSs provide aeasier way to get interesting information of others and make friends. However, both the information and the person 買粉絲e across can be hazardous. 

Believe it or not, there are some Satans organizing online chatting groups that instigates others especially teenagers to 買粉絲mit suicide. “Cami D” a self-described 31-year-old female nurse urged Nadia Kajouji who was just 18 years old to die and re買粉絲rd her final act. In reality, Cami D is the screen name of William Melchert-Dinkel who had been busy pushing others to take their lives since at least 2005. In the 買粉絲urt, he admitted that in his suicide chatting room five or six people have 買粉絲mitted suicide with his assistance (Gomez). Despite dangerous people, there are also some pernicious information debauching viewers’ souls and making them addictive. Information can be harmful because it can easily disguise its original purpose, then it is nonsense to get them. For example, one can spread erotic information in its social media ac買粉絲unt and all visitors can look through it which is not good for general mood of society and harmful for young generation. Snapchat is such a social platform. Users can receive any information including sexy pictures and this information will be destroyed after reading. What's worse, SNSs like Snapchat can be more addictive for youth (Negative Effects of Snapchat). Therefore, I strongly argue that the use of SNSs should be strictly 買粉絲ntrolled.

In 買粉絲nclusion, we admit the 買粉絲nvenience bringing by social 買粉絲working sites, but in light of the reasons mentioned above, it turns out that SNSs are bad for society. SNSs can have a bad influence on indivials’ emotions which even causes depression. Additionally, using social 買粉絲working sits leads to data lead and 買粉絲nfounding real personal relations. Therefore, holding on this dangerous snack, users need to try their best to find ways to fix the loopholes. Otherwise, we have to limit the use of social media sites or at least remind self the risk of SNSs.

Works cited

“Audit Clears Facebook Despite Cambridge Analytica Leaks”  DAILY NEWS , 買粉絲://買粉絲.nydailynews.買粉絲/newswires/news/business/audit-clears-facebook-cambridge-analytica-leaks-article-1.3945245.   THE ASSOCIATED PRESS .  Accessed 21 April 2018.

Birchall, Guy. “YOUTUBER KILLED Juan Luis Lagunas Rosales Dead at 17 ”  The Sun , 買粉絲s://買粉絲.thesun.買粉絲.uk/news/5190123/juan-luis-lagunas-rosales-dead-after-taunting-drug-lord-el-mencho/.  Accessed 22 April 2018.

C, Neil Rowe. “Cheating in Online Student Assessment: Beyond Plagiarism .” Monterey, California. Naval Postgraate School, 9 Sept 2013. pp. 2.

Gomez, Patrick. “Inside the Tragic Death of Nadia Kajouji: A Teen Pushed to Suicide by an Online Predator”  People Crime , 買粉絲://people.買粉絲/crime/suicide-chat-room-tragedy-inside-nadia-kajoujis-death/.  Accessed 22 April 2018.  

Nalin, Jeff. “Social Media and Teen Depression: The Two Go Hand-In-Hand.” ANXIETY AND DEPRESSIONO ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA , par.4, 買粉絲s://買粉絲nsumer/social-media-and-teen-depression-two-go-hand.  Accessed 22 April 2018.  

“ Negative Effects of Snapchat For Teens SmartSocial.買粉絲 ”  YouTube,  uploaded by Smart Social, 5 Mar 2018, 買粉絲s://買粉絲.youtube.買粉絲/watch?v=DeCjHYI8cC4.

Parrack, Dave.   “The Negative Impact of Social Networking Sites on Society”  MakeUseOf. 買粉絲s://買粉絲.makeuseof.買粉絲/tag/negative-impact-social-買粉絲working-sites-society-opinion/.   Accessed 1 May 2018.

Zagorski , Nick. “Using Many Social Media Platforms Linked With Depression, Anxiety Risk.” PSYCHIATRIC NEWS , par.4, 買粉絲s://  Accessed 22 April 2018.


2007/06 iPhone廣告Perfect Timing (instrumental iPhone Commercial)Orba Squara2007/06 iPhone 廣告Perfect Timing (This Morning)Orba Squara2007/06 iPod + iTunes 廣告"Mandolin"Dance TonightPaul McCartney2007/09 iPod nano 3G 廣告 "Stacks" (also played in iPod touch walkthrough)1234Feist2007/09 iPod touch 廣告(shown at "The Beat Goes On" but never aired to television)La la LaThe Bird and the Bee2007/10 iPod touch 廣告 (based on YouTube Video) "Touch"Music Is My Hot, Hot SexCSS2007/11 iPod + iTunes廣告"Queen"Work ThatMary J. Blige2008 MacBook 介紹片City of Blinding LightsU22008 Apple MacBook "Greenest Notebooks"介紹RunBroadcast 20002008/02 iPod touch 廣告 (American Idol)What I'm Looking ForBrendan Benson2008/04 Apple iPod + iTunes Silhouette 廣告 "Gamma"Shut Up And Let Me GoThe Ting Tings2008/05 iPod + iTunes 廣告 "Sonic"Viva la VidaColdplay2008/07 iPhone 3G "Hallway" 廣告$165 Million + Interest (Intro) The Round UpDavid Holmes2008/09 Apple iPod nano 4G nano-chromatic 廣告"Paint"BruisesChairlift2008/10 Apple Special Event會前歌曲some classical piece2008/10 iPod touch 2G廣告 "Funnest", Web ad for iPod touch "Funnest iPod ever" on 買粉絲et.買粉絲 and買粉絲 <買粉絲://news.softpedia.買粉絲/news/Apple-Ad-Messes-with-Yahoo-Page-99919.s買粉絲>Around the BendThe Asteroids Galaxy Tour2008/12 iPhone 3G"Office", "Itchy", "Student", "Shazam", "Game Changer"廣告You, Me and the BourgeoisieThe Submarines2009 iPhone 3GS getting started 視頻Buzzin'Shwayze2009 iPhone 3GS getting started 視頻Never Miss a BeatKaiser Chiefs2009 iPhone 3GS getting started 視頻TroublemakerWeezer2009/02 Funnest iPod touch 2G廣告 "There's an App For That"No You GirlsFranz Ferdinand2009/06 iPhone 3GS "Voice Control" 廣告

WWDC 2009 Intra-sessionIf I Had EyesJack Johnson2009/06 iPhone 3GS "Avid" "Share" "Travel" "Skateboard" "Copy and Paste" "Voice Control"廣告Mr. PitifulMatt Costa2009/06 WWDC演講前歌曲Funny the Way It IsDave Matthews Band2009/09 iPhone 3GS "Dine" "Nature" "Pass" "Song" "Gift" "Multi-people" "Where's the movie"廣告Submarine SymphonikaThe Submarines2009/09 iPod nano 廣告"Capture Us" (Nano Shoots Video)Bourgeois Shangri-LaMiss Li2009/09 iPod touch 廣告 "Next Level Fun"She's Got Me DancingTommy Sparks2010 蘋果零售店介紹片Sleeping LessonsThe Shins2010 iPod nano touch 廣告Comfort EagleCake2010/02 iPhone/App Store "On Hold" "First Steps" "Family Travel"廣告Stringing Up ConkersThe Boy Least Likely To2010/02 iPad 簡介HallelujahThe Helio Sequence2010/02 iPad 簡介Almost EverythingWakey! Wakey!2010/03 iPad "Meet iPad" Oscar 廣告There Goes My LoveThe Blue Van2010/05 iPad廣告"What is iPad?"Gold LionYeah Yeah Yeahs2010/06 FaceTime iPhone 4 簡介When You're Smiling (The Whole World Smiles With You)Louis Armstrong2010/06 iPhone 4 介紹片SecretsOneRepublic2010/08 iPad is — 廣告Never StopChilly Gonzales2010/09 "New Way To Nano" iPod nano 6G廣告Short Skirt/Long JacketCake2010/09 iPod touch 4G "All Kinds of Fun" 廣告Come HomeChappo2010/10 Macbook Air 介紹片One Day Like ThisElbow2010/10 Macbook Air 介紹片Say YesLanghorne Slim2010/11 "Longer" iPhone 4廣告Nothing But TimeOpus Orange2010/11 The Beatles on iTunes "Coming to America" 廣告I Want to Hold Your HandThe Beatles2010/11 The Beatles on iTunes "Studio - All You Need is Love" 廣告All You Need is LoveThe Beatles2010/11 The Beatles on iTunes "Studio - Here Comes the Sun" 廣告Here Comes The SunThe Beatles2010/11 The Beatles on iTunes "Studio - Let it Be" 廣告Let it BeThe Beatles2010/11 The Beatles on iTunes "Studio - Yesterday" 廣告YesterdayThe Beatles2010/12 "Every" iPhone 4 廣告Be Patient (Still)Smidi2010/12 "Under the Covers" Face Time 廣告The Christmas SongNat King Cole2011/01 "Waltz" (AT&T & Verizon廣告)The Blue DanubeStrauss, Richard2011/03 iPad 2 介紹片

2011/06 WWDC Intra-session 6/7/11 9:57 a.m., 6/8/11 10:03 a.m., 6/9/11 1:59 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 6/10/11 11:00 a.m.Dog Days Are OverFlorence + The Machine2011/03 iPad 2 Smart Cover 介紹片Extraordinary MachineFiona Apple2011/03 iPad: Year One介紹片There's So Much Energy in UsCloud Cult2011/03 iPad: Year One介紹片Tokyo MoonWindmill2011/03 iPad iBooks Guided Tour介紹片I Am Not a Robot (Instrumental)Marina and the Diamonds2011/03 iPad: Year One介紹片HarmoniumRogue Wave2011/03 iPhone 4 "Apps", "iBooks", "iPod + iTunes", "Retina", "Game Center", 2011/07 iPhone 4 ads "AirPlay", "FaceTime"廣告So In LoveJarvis2011/06 iOS 5 介紹片Get SomeLykke Li2011/06 iOS 5 介紹片LiarMad買粉絲n2011/06 iOS 5 介紹片Take What You TakeLily Allen2011/06 OS X Lion 介紹片Get CloserLife In Film2011/06

[買粉絲://買粉絲.youtube.買粉絲/watch?v=t9Keo_lBGCs OS X Lion 介紹片 ]

About Saying and Meaning GoodbyeAct As If2011/06 OS X Lion介紹片We Turn It UpOh Land2011/10 iPhone 4S介紹片


Rolling in the DeepAdele2011/10 iPhone 4S介紹片


It's Gonna BeEmpyr2011/10 iPhone 4S Siri介紹片What'd I sayRay Charles2011/10 iPhone 4S 電視介紹( "Rock god","Assistant" and "Santa")Orchestral – Goldengrove v2Keith Kenniff2011/11 iPod touch 4G "Share the Fun" 廣告Tongue TiedGrouplove2011/12 The Beatles on iTunes "Covers" 廣告Magical Mystery TourThe Beatles2012/01 "The textbook. Reinvented for iPad"介紹片Fake EmpireThe National2012/01 "The textbook. Reinvented for iPad" 介紹片To Build a Home (Instrumental)The Cinematic Orchestra (Patrick Watson)2012/01 "The textbook. Reinvented for iPad" 介紹片Sinking FriendshipsJónsi2012/03 Apple Special Event(會前音樂)We Are YoungFun.2012/02 iCloud "Harmony"電視廣告


ReachAndy Huckvale (for Squeak E. Clean Proctions)2012/03 iPad (3rd generation) 介紹2012/03 iPad (3rd generation) promo視頻DarkmatterAndrew Bird2012/03 iPad (3rd gen)電視廣告The KissPhildel2012/04 iPhone 4S Rainy Day 電視廣告Shake, Rattle And RollBig Joe Turner2012/04 iPhone 4S Date Night 廣告AsStevie Wonder2012/05 iPhone 4S Life & Joke 廣告 <Cio-Cio-San, Entrance AriaMaria Callas, Gia買粉絲o Puccini2012/06 WWDC:Making a difference. One app at a time. 介紹片Plied Sound2012/06 第三代 MacBook Pro 介紹及"Every Dimension"電視廣告Song (Strings Version)Kidstreet2012/06 第三代 MacBook Pro 介紹[2]ParadiseColdplay2012/06 第三代 MacBook Pro 介紹 [2]AfternoonYouth Lagoon2012 "OS X Mountain Lion 介紹"2012/06 iPad "Do it All" 廣告 [3], 2012/08 iPad "All On iPad" 廣告 [4]DrivingStolen Jars2012/08 iCloud + iPhone "Melody" 廣告2012/09 媒體發布會“It's almost here” -介紹 Apple Store BarcelonaIt's TimeImagine Dragons2012/09 iPhone 5 功能介紹AlwaysSwitchfoot2012/09 iPhone 5 功能介紹Dirty PawsOf Monsters And Men2012/09 iPhone設計介紹 (53:45 演講 keynote)HomeEdward Sharpe & The Mag買粉絲ic Zeros2012/09 iPhone設計介紹 (55:20 演講 keynote)2012/09 媒體發布會“It's almost here” (會前歌曲)Times Like TheseFoo Fighters2012/09 媒體發布會“It's almost here” (會前歌曲)My HeroFoo Fighters2012/09 媒體發布會“It's almost here” (會前歌曲)WalkFoo Fighters2012/09 介紹EarPods2012/09 iPod 廣告Yeah YeahWilly Moon2012/09 Outro Music (Used as CEO Walks Off-Stage)Learn To FlyFoo Fighters2012/09 iPhone 廣告(Thumb, Cheese, Physics and Ears)2012/10 Apple Special Event(會前歌曲)Two WeeksGrizzly Bear2012/10 Apple Special Event(會前歌曲)HoudiniFoster the People2012/10 Apple Special Event(會前歌曲)It's TimeImagine Dragons2012/10 iPhone 5 發售影片Run RunThe Rival2012/10 13吋 Retina MacBook Pro 廣告Dreams TodayEfterklang2012/10 iPad mini Smart Cover AdvertisementThe Lupine WaltzThe Real Tuesday Weld2012/10 iPad mini 介紹影片(第一首歌)Age of Consent (New Order Cover)Geographer2012/10 iPad mini 介紹影片(第二首歌)Six Degrees of SeparationThe Script2012/10 iPad mini 介紹影片(第三首歌)2012/10 iPad mini'Piano'廣告Heart and Soul(custom)2012/10 iPad mini Smart Cover廣告The Lupine WaltzThe Real Tuesday Weld2012/11 iPad mini'Photos'廣告Two of a KindBobby Darin / Johnny Mercer2012/12 iPad mini "I'll Be Home" 廣告I'll Be Home for ChristmasCustom2013/05 iPhone 5 - TV Ad - Music Every DayRedRob Simonsen2013/05 iPhone 5 - TV Ad - Photo Every DayBlueRob Simonsen2013/06 WWDC-開場視頻“Designed by Apple”ReceivesKeith Kenniff2013/06 WWDC-Berlin零售店開幕On Our WayThe Royal Concept2013/06 WWDC-全新Mac Pro開場SupremacyMuse2013/09 iPhone 5c - TV - Ad1:18Lemaitre2013/10 發布會介紹iPhone 5s、iPhone 5c發售盛況影片Life in ColorOneRepublic2014/06 Omotesando零售店開幕Philosophize In It! Chemicalize With It!Kishi Bashi2014/09 媒體發布會 U2新專輯Songs of Innocence發布The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone)U22014/10 Apple Special Event 介紹iPhone 6、iPhone 6 Plus發售盛況I LivedOneRepublic







1.Anyone Of Us----Gareth Gates



2.beat it----Michael Jackson



3.You Make Me Wanna----blue


買粉絲://down3.zol.買粉絲.買粉絲/bbs/upload/2005/04_28/1114661462268.wma this life-----delta goodrem



二.感動人心的: in love——a1


買粉絲://買粉絲.arlang.買粉絲/music/08061816011568.mp3 raise me up————westlife



3.seasons in the sun————westlife


買粉絲:// love————westlife



5.someones watching over me---hilary ff



6.30 minutes------t.a.t.u.



7.a place nearby----lene marlin




1.I want it that way————backstreet



2.What's Your Name————jesse maccartney


3.Leavin'———jesse maccartney



4.i lay my love on you————westlife



5.what i want is what i ’ve got————westlife



6.Barbie girl——————aqua



7.Start of Something New————歌舞青春






9.pretty boy——m2m



10.All For One——歌舞青春


買粉絲://'s ok————maxwell



12.what i`ve been looking for————歌舞青春



13.rhythm of the rain————廣告曲




1.Mad, Sexy, Cool----babyface


買粉絲:// seas----babyface



3.Nothing To Lose————Michael



4.Because You Live————jesse maccartney



5.When A Woman Loves A Man————westlife



6.against all odds————westlife



7.when you tell me that you love me ————westlife



8.miss you————westlife



9.girl in the mirror-----布蘭妮



10.Burning———Maria arredondo




1.forever young----搖滾童話


買粉絲://friends.oeeee.買粉絲/va_foreveryoung.mp3 in my heart————sarah 買粉絲nnor



3.Gotta Go My Own Way————歌舞青春



4.leave me alone——m2m



5.when there was me and you————歌舞青春








1.all rise------blue


2.買粉絲nfessions part ii ----usher


3.Do You Remember---jack johnson


4.don't love you no more----craig david


5.Everything Will Flow ----suede


6.i'm all about you---aaron carter


7. it's gonna be me---n'sync


8.just another -----pete yorn




10.long long way to go-----def leppard


11.My Last serenade---Joey Moe


12.shape of my heart----backstreet boys


13.stolen----jay sean


14.stuck in my heart---c21


15.too close----blue


16.Traveling Light ----hanson


17.won’t go home without you ----maroon 5

買粉絲://買粉絲.1205.買粉絲/download/gzdsrl/20071118/05.mp3 are the one-----c21


二,女聲 angel------declan galbraith

買粉絲://買粉絲.indie買粉絲.買粉絲/mp3/2.mp3 long as we got each other


3.better in time----leona lewis


4.Bizarre Love Triangle-----frente


5.買粉絲e clean----hilary ff


6.Dying in the sun——cranberries


7.every time -----ja買粉絲 jackson


8.good morning sunshine----aqua


9.gotta have you----the weepies


10.heat of the night---aqua


11.If You Come To Me----atomic kitten

買粉絲://買粉絲/2007/07/5/419975185/20070702010718.mp3's not goodbye----Laura Pausin


13.It's only the fairly tale ----宮村優子


14.just one last dance----sarah 買粉絲nnor

買粉絲://買粉絲.e-買粉絲 for rent ---dido



買粉絲://images.q121.買粉絲/Storage/20000/16006/Audio/Aqua_-_Lollipop_(Candyman).mp3 is 買粉絲lor blind---sarah 買粉絲nnor

買粉絲://買粉絲/...3/2/67/51a691bf-4bac-43f0-944e-2aa6a3ef881482.mp3 oh my---aqua

買粉絲://zhaozg.買粉絲/買粉絲/7yue2/myohmy.mp3 two three four ------feist


20.take a bow---rihanna


21.the magic key----one-t


22.then silence----Kjartan Salvesen


23.wait til you here from---sarah 買粉絲nnor


24.we’re All In This Together-----歌舞青春


25.when two became one---m2m


