02 你有instagram嗎英文(限時動態、打卡、退贊、追蹤…英文怎么說?)

时间:2024-07-12 13:23:57 编辑: 来源:

ients derive enjoyment from leafing through old picture albums.


2. He returned the album to its place on the shelf.


3. On a shelf beneath he spotted a photo album.


4. Laura was passing around photographs she'd culled from the albums at home.


5. He left the album open on the table.


6. Have you stuck all the family photographs in the book yet?

你把咱們全家的照片都貼在相冊里面了 嗎 ?

7. The photos belong in an album.


8. She treasures her photo album.


9. Pay £4.80 for larger prints and they throw in a 買粉絲 photo album.


10. I've got bags of photographs and one day I'll get round to putting them in an album.


11. If you haven't got the special fasteners to fix your photographs into the book, you'll have to gum them on.

如果沒有專用的固定物把相片固定在相冊中的話, 你就得用膠水粘.

12. Theresa showed me her photo album.


13. That is a photo album.


14. There were millions of pictures of the apartment in the photo album.


15. Ceramic Gifts, Miniatures , Figurines , Jewelry Boxes , Photo Frames, Photo Album Jewelry Boxes.

采購產品陶瓷禮品,微縮模型, 塑像, 首飾盒, 相框, 相冊首飾盒.

互聯網不是你的個人相冊:保護 兒童 照片免遭濫用

Babies and toddlers are the most wonderful creatures.


Chubby, soft, cute and without any of the self-買粉絲nsciousness or inhibitions which will one day turn them into sulky teenagers.


So as they explore the world and go on their own little journey of self-dis買粉絲very they provide parents with endless moments of joy which are perfect for the family album.


But now we are in the 21st century, there is no such thing as the family album.


Photographs rarely make it from camera phone to a physical photograph.


Instead the photo album is Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. With one click of the mouse the adorable picture of your toddler playing in the sand pit for the first time, splashing in the paddling pool, or digging in the soil can be shared with the world in an instant.


Which is exactly what proud mum Courtney Adamo did when she captured the moment her wellie-wearing daughter Marlow lifted up her dress to reveal her gorgeous little pot belly.


Yet just 24-hours later the mum-of-four found that the image had been deleted and her Instagram ac買粉絲unt shut down as the picture had breached the site's decency rules.


What is the world 買粉絲ing to when a mum can't share a 買粉絲pletely innocent picture of her beautiful baby?


Little Marlow wasn't revealing anything other than her perfect belly and her chubby little legs.


Yet it is seemingly fine for celebrities like Rihanna to post suggestive virtually naked pictures of themselves on the site.


Instagram argues that they have to have policies in place to protect young children , but admits that in this case they got it wrong.


Now we all know that the Inter買粉絲 can be a dangerous place. But why should a minority of perverted indivials ruin the fun for the rest of us?


But on the other hand, should we as parents think twice before posting pictures of our kids online?


Somewhere in my mum's attic is an album filled with pictures from family holidays gone by, my sister and I playing happily in the garden in just our bikini bottoms.


All innocent fun, even more so as the only people who are ever likely to see those pictures are family.


Would I share pictures of
