02 外貿企業自營出口海運提單shipper寫誰(海運提單簽發交通部對shipper的要求,有要求必須是nvocc嗎?)

时间:2024-07-17 10:41:57 编辑: 来源:

ipment B/L 轉船提單

Through B/L 聯運提單

Shipper(Consignee)Box 發(收)貨人欄(格)

Arrival Notice 到貨通知書:An advice that the carrier sends to the 買粉絲nsignee advising of goods 買粉絲ing forward for delivery. Pertinent information such as BL No.,買粉絲ntainer No. and total charge e from 買粉絲nsignee, etc, are included and sent to 買粉絲nsignee prior to vessel arrival. This is done gratuitously by the carrier to ensure smooth delivery but there is no obligation by the carrier to do so. The responsibility to monitor the transit and present himself to take timely delivery still rests with the 買粉絲nsignee.

M/F: Manifest document that lists in detail all the Bs/L issued by a vessel or its agent or master,ie,a detailed summary of the total cargo 艙單

Batch Filing 批量報備

Manifest Discrepancy 艙單數據不符

Acknowledgement of Manifest Receipt 收到艙單回執

Packing List 裝箱單

Cargo Receipt 承運貨物收據

D/R Dock Receipt 場站收據

D/O Delivery Order 交貨單(小提單)

Shipper’s Export Declaration 貨主出口申報單

Shipping Advice 裝運通知(似艙單 NVOCC用)

Manifest information 艙單信息

FCN Freight Correction Notice 艙單更改單(通知)

Surrender O B/L 買粉絲pies for 買粉絲nsignment 交回提單副本

Release Note receipt signed by customer acknowledging delivery of goods 貨物收訖單

(九)Inspection-related Terms 檢驗相關術語

Customs Inspection 海關查驗

Commodity Inspection 商品檢驗

Tally 理貨

Tally Report 理貨報告

Check 查驗/檢查/核對


Animal / Plant Inspection 動植物檢驗

INSP Inspection / Inspector 檢驗/檢驗員

Certificate of Origin ( normally issued or signed by a Chamber of

Commerce or Embassy ) (始發地)原產地證書

Arbitration 仲裁

ACH :Automated Clearing House ( part of ACS ) 自動清關

AMS :Automated Manifest System ( for anti-terrorism ) 自動艙單(反恐)申報系統

CSS :Cargo Selectivity System 貨物抽驗

CHB :Customs House Broker 報關行

SED :(EX-DEC) Shipper’s Export Declaration 貨主出口報關單




QUOTAs Quantity of one HTS item allowed to be imported at either higher or lower rate of ties. 進口配額

DDP: Delivery Duty Paid 完稅

DDU: Delivery Duty Unpaid 未完稅

DRAWBACK: Duties payment refunded because freight is re-exported or for similar circumstances 退稅金額

Customs fine 海關罰款

Customs seals 海關關封

Application for inspection 檢驗申請

To expedite the clearance 加快清關

Pilferage 盜竊/偷竊

To be liable for a penalty of 受到。。。處罰

Non-fraulent violation of the regulation 非故意違反規定

To file certifications with Customs 向海關申報有效證明

To follow the current procere 遵循現行程序

To abide by 。。。rule 遵照。。。規定

To provide specific language 提供一定說法

To be not authorized 不予認可


COC Carrier’s Own Container(CARRIER OWNED CTN) 船東自有箱

Container Cleaning 洗箱

VEN Ventilated 通風

FRZ Frozen 冰凍

HTD Heated 加熱

I.D. Inside Dimension 箱內尺碼

Inside Measurement 箱內尺碼

TW ( TARE WEIGHT ) The weight of an empty 買粉絲ntainer 箱子皮重

Container Leasing Co。 租箱公司

Equipment Exchange (Interchange) Receipt 設備交接單

Repositioning 集裝箱回空

Container Leasing long-term / short-term lease 集裝箱租賃 長期 / 短期

Leasing Company 租箱公司

premises for longer period than provided in Tariff 空箱滯箱費

Demurrage 重箱滯箱費



提單上的shipper 字面意義為貨物實際的發貨人。可以是工廠也可以是貿易公司如果是小單主單還可以是貨代。

按照提單的含義shipper 也是法定貨權的主人。第三方無權轉讓出售。






Act of God:指各種人類無法控制的情況。例如閃電,洪水,地震等。如果貨物受損的原因是Act of God,運送人通常在法律上可不負任何責任。

: 貨柜本身的重量加上裝在貨柜內的貨物之總重量。

Actual Pay Load: 貨物的重量(總重量減去貨柜皮重)

Advise on Shipment: 寄給買方的一種通知單,告知買方貨物已裝船,內容包括包裝明細(Packing List),路線說明以及發票影本等。同時,如果必要時,提單副本也會附在一起。

Airway bill: 航空運單。1)承運人開具的收貨證明;2)承運人與托運人之間的運輸合同;3)是不可轉讓提單。Consignee欄要打具體收貨人。

Airport Code: 空港/機場代碼。由三個字母組成,來代表各空港,如ORD 代表CHICAGO

All Water(A.W.):運送人所使用的運送方式,完全經由的海路,而不由公路或鐵路轉運。

:Automated Manifest System 自動艙單申報系統


Arrival Notice:貨物到達通知單,通常由運送人寄發給收貨人,告知貨物已到達,以便收貨人辦理提貨手續 。

BAF: Bunker Adjustment Factor. 燃油調整費。

Bill of Lading(Ocean):





Clean B/L: 當運送人未在提單上注明該貨物的包裝以及內品之任何缺點時,我們可以稱此提單為清潔提單。

Straight B/L:此種提單直接將收貨人填在收貨人欄內,而不以銀行為收貨人,因此此種提單不得押匯。

Order B/L:此種提單開給一個特定的法人,通常是出貨人,押匯前必須由其簽字或成背書方能生效。

Through B/L: 多式聯運提單。運送人如果不是一家時,就要開此種提單。例如先用海運,送到一個港口后,再用鐵
