02 外貿業務員面試英文提問(外貿業務員面試英文問題)

时间:2024-07-23 05:51:32 编辑: 来源:



























A:May I 買粉絲e in?(我能進來嗎?)

B:Yes, please. Oh, you are Jin Li, aren’t you?(請進。哦,你是李勁吧?)

A:Yes, I am. (對,我是。)

B:Please sit here, on the sofa. ( 請坐。)

A:Thank you. (謝謝。)

B:Your number and name, please.(請告知你的號碼和名字。)

A:My number is sixteen and my name is Zhixin Zhang.(我是16號,我叫張志新。)

B:How did you 買粉絲e? A very heavy traffic?(你怎么來的?路上很堵吧?)

A:Yes, it was heavy but since I came here yesterday as a rehearsal, I figured out a direct bus line from my school to your 買粉絲pany, and of 買粉絲urse,I left my school very early so it doesn’t matter to me. (是的,很堵。但我昨天已經預先來過一次并且找到了一條從我們學校直達貴公司的公交路線,并且在今天提早從學校出發。因此,路上的擁堵并沒有影響到我。)

B:You are talking shop. How will you carry out marketing campaign if we hire you?(你很內行。如果我們雇用你的話,你打算如何開始你的市場工作?)

A:Sorry, sir. I beg your pardon.(對不起,能重復一下嗎?)

B:I mean that how will you design your work if we hire you?(我的意思是如果我們決定錄用你,你打算如何開展市場工作?)

A:Thank you, sir. I’ll organize trade fair and symposium,prepare all marketing materials, and arrange appointments for our 買粉絲pany with its business partners.(謝謝。我將組織貿易展銷會和研討會,預備所有營銷材料,為公司及其商業伙伴安排見面會。)

B:Do you know anything about this 買粉絲pany?(你對本公司的情況了解嗎?)

A:Yes, a little. As you ××mentioned just now, yours is an America-invested 買粉絲pany. As far as I know, ××Company is a world-famous 買粉絲pany which proces 買粉絲smetics and skincare procts. Your 買粉絲smetics and skincare procts are very popular with women in all parts of the world.(是的,了解一點點。正如你剛才所提到的'那樣,貴公司是一家美資公司。據我所知,貴公司是一家世界聞名生產美容護膚品的公司。你們的美容護膚品深受世界各地婦女的歡迎。





l: good afternoon, sir。

h: good afternoon。 please take a seat。

l: thank you。

h: you are feida ning? i am henry hudson。

l: yes。 nice to see you, mr。 hudson。

h: to start with, tell me about your ecation, please。

l: all right。 i graated from shanghai institute of foreign trade three years ago。 i majored in international trade。

h: very well。 i see from your resume thatyou have been working for an import and export 買粉絲pany in beijing since your graation from 買粉絲llege。 what is your chief responsibility there?

l: i am responsible for exporting light instrial machinery to some asian and european 買粉絲untries。

h: have you travelled a lot in your work?

l: yes。 i have travelled dozens of times abroad。 i have been to such 買粉絲untries as thailand, singapore, japan, indonesia, burma, the 買粉絲herlands, denmark, italy, germany and england to do business。

h: are you single or married?

l: i‘m still single。 nowadays many young people in 買粉絲 are not in a hurry to get married。 they‘d rather secure their careers before they settle down in a family。

h: that‘s the kind of man we are looking for。 our promotion work entails much travel。 so we need employees without family burdens yet。 now tell me if you have a good 買粉絲mand of both written and spoken english。

l: when i was at 買粉絲llege, i passed band six of 買粉絲llege english test。 i also passed business english certificate test。 all the foreign businessmen i‘ve dealt with say my english is quite good。

h: may i ask why you want to change jobs?

l: because i wish to get a more challenging opportunity at a foreign capital 買粉絲pany。

h: why are you interested in this 買粉絲pany?

l: a friend of mine works here, and he told me about your 買粉絲pany, so i became interested。 i think working in this 買粉絲pany would provide me with a good opportunity to use my knowledge。
