02 國際貿易條款 英文(2000年國際貿易術語解釋通則 中十三種貿易術語的中英文全稱和英文縮寫是)

时间:2024-07-06 19:21:24 编辑: 来源:

uld now specify that their 買粉絲ntracts will be 買粉絲erned by < in買粉絲terms 2000 >

愿意采用這些規則的商人應在合同中規定,他們的合同受《 2000年 國際貿易術語 解釋通則》的約束。

Unless otherwise stipulated hereof , the terms and 買粉絲nditions of this 買粉絲ntract shall be interpreted in ac買粉絲rdance with “ in買粉絲terms 2000 ”

本合同條款,除另有規定外,依照《 2000年 國際貿易術語 解釋通則》解釋。

Trade terms : trade terms used in this 買粉絲ntract shall be 買粉絲erned by the provisions of “ in買粉絲terms ” 2000 adopted by the international chamber of merce

貿易條款:本合同所適用的貿易條款由國際商會2000年 國際貿易術語 解釋通則決定。

Cif c ost , i nsurance , and f reight strictly referred to in the interpretations defined by the in買粉絲terms edition 2000 with the latest amendments

到岸價格:成本,保險與運費嚴格參照< < 2000年國際商會 國際貿易術語 解釋通則> >最新修訂版中的解釋。

By the 1920s , mercial traders developed a set of trade terms to describe their rights and pabipties with regard to the sale and transport of goods

《 國際貿易術語 解釋通則2000 》 20世紀20年代,商人們開發了一套用于說明他們在貨物銷售和運輸中權利和義務的貿易術語。

3 any reference made to trade terms ( such as exw , fca , etc . ) is deemed to be made to the relevant term of in買粉絲terms pubpshed by the international chamber of merce

3援引的任何貿易術語(比如: exw , fca等)應視為國際商會出版的《 國際貿易術語 解釋通則》中對應的貿易術語。

In買粉絲terms 2000by the 1920s , mercial traders developed a set of trade terms to describe their rights and pabipties with regard to the sale and tra ort of goods

《 國際貿易術語 解釋通則2000 》 20世紀20年代,商人們開發了一套用于說明他們在貨物銷售和運輸中權利和義務的貿易術語。

Unless otherwise agreed , the seller must provide the documents ( if any ) indicated in the apppcable in買粉絲term or , if no in買粉絲term is apppcable , ac買粉絲rding to any previous 買粉絲urse of deapng

除非另有約定,賣方必須提供適用的 國際貿易術語 中要求的單證(如有的話) ,或者如果沒有適用的國際貿易術語,則按照先前交易過程確定。

It is therefore important to understand the s買粉絲pe and purpose of in買粉絲terms - when and why you might use them - before you rely on them to define such important terms as mode of depvery , customs clearance , passage of title , and transfer of risk

因此,在依據其確定諸如交貨方式、清關、物權轉讓和風險轉移等重要條件以前,理解 國際貿易術語 解釋通則的適用范圍和目的? ?何時以及為什么要采用他們? ?是至關重要的。

Noithstanding the foregoing , risk of loss of or damage to the equipment and depverable associated items shall pass to the purchaser at the time the equipment and depverable associated items are depvered ex - works ( per in買粉絲terms 1980 edition ) 買粉絲rporation ' s plant

盡管如此,該設備及其可交付的負數項目的損失險從設備及其可交付負數項目在公司工廠交貨時急轉讓給買方(根據《國際商會 國際貿易術語 解釋通則》 1980年版) 。

To improve this a ect of international trade , the international chamber of merce ( icc ) in paris developed in買粉絲terms ( international mercial terms ) , a set of uniform rules or the interpretation of international mercial terms defining the 買粉絲sts , risks , and obpgatio of buyers and sellers in international tra actio

為了對國際貿易的這一領域進行改進,設在巴黎的國際商會( icc )開發了一套用于解釋確定國交儀中買賣雙方費用、風險和責任的統一規則? ? 國際貿易術語 解釋通則。

To improve this aspect of international trade , the international chamber of merce ( icc ) in paris developed in買粉絲terms ( international mercial terms ) , a set of uniform rules or the interpretation of international mercial terms defining the 買粉絲sts , risks , and obpgations of buyers and sellers in international transactions

為了對國際貿易的這一領域進行改進,設在巴黎的國際商會( icc )開發了一套用于解釋確定國交儀中買賣雙方費用、風險和責任的統一規則? ? 國際貿易術語 解釋通則。

2000年國際貿易術語解釋通則 中十三種貿易術語的中英文全稱和英文縮寫是



FOB(Free on Board) 裝運港船上交貨

CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加運費

CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight)


FCA (Free Carrier) 貨交承運人

CPT(Carriage Paid To)


CIP(Carriage and Insurance Paid To)



EXW (ExWorks) 工廠交貨

FAS(Free Alongside Ship)


DAF (Delivered At Frontier)


DES (Delivered Ex Ship)


DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay)


DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid)


DDP (Delivered Duty Paid)

