youtube kids tv版(90后女星(歌星、影星、各類明星))

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innocent love(9分)買粉絲://ke..買粉絲/view/1867403.htm 











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交響情人夢 THE MOVIE I【于2009.12在日本上映】 

交響情人夢 THE MOVIE II【于2010.2在日本上映】(我可是超級期待!!) 







可達鴨,系列游戲《寶可夢》及其衍生作品中的寶可夢。可達鴨是水屬性的寶可夢,首次登場于游戲《寶可夢 紅·綠》。

可達鴨擁有自己的主題歌《可達鴨之歌<可達鴨會長>》,由寶可夢 Kids TV頻道于2020年5月22日在Youtube上發布。2022年5月2日,寶可夢官方嗶哩嗶哩賬號發布了簡體中文版字幕。









Demi Lovato



正式姓名: Demetria Devonne Lovato

生日: 1992-08-20 (17歲)

出生地: 德克薩斯州奧斯丁市


籍貫: 加州洛杉磯

音樂類型: Teen pop, Pop, Pop Rock

職業: 演員, 歌手, 作曲人, 吉他手, 鋼琴手

擅長的樂器: 聲樂, 吉他, 鋼琴, 鼓

入行: 2002至今

兄弟姐妹: Dallas (20歲) & Madison Lovato (5歲)

好友:selena gomez



2008 Disney Channel Games 2008 Herself filming starts in April 2008

2007-2008 As the Bell Rings Charlotte Adams main role, season 1 only

2007 Just Jordan Ni買粉絲le one episode

2006 Split Ends Herself pilot

2006 Prison Break Danielle Curtin one episode

2002-2003 Barney & Friends Angela


2008 Camp Rock Mitchie Torres main role, 買粉絲pleted

2008 Princess Protection Program Rosie Montoya pre-procton


◎簡 介

少女米奇·桃瑞斯(Demi Lovato)的夢想是成為一名歌手,她非常希望能參加一個很有名的音樂夏令營去見識一下。可是參加這個音樂夏令營的費用極其高昂,米奇根本負擔不起。慶幸的是,米奇的母親在夏令營找到了一份廚師的工作,這樣米奇也可以借口在廚房幫忙混了進來。一次偶然的機會,少年流行歌手泰斯(Nick Jonas Kevin Jonas)聽到了米奇的歌唱,他對其優美的嗓音非常喜歡。米奇的夢想可能就此成真,不過要從廚房走到聚光燈下,她必須要有足夠的自信才行……



迪斯尼對于《搖滾青春》寄予了厚望,該片由當紅青春偶像團體喬納斯兄弟以及年輕歌手Demi Lovato領銜主演。




專輯名稱:Don't Forget


專輯歌手:Demi Lovato




出品公司: Hollywood Re買粉絲rds


音質:320kbps 78MB

專輯介紹:這位美女MM的第一張專輯,可以說是很期待的,聽了感覺很贊哦,整張專輯讓人感覺很有朝氣,充滿了年輕人的旋律,她不久演的電影(camp Rock專輯曲目

1. La La Land

2. Get Back

3. Trainwreck

4. Party

5. On The Line (featuring the Jonas Brothers)

6. Don't Forget

7. Gonna Get Caught

8. Two Worlds Collide

9. The Middle

10. Until You're Mine

11. Believe In Me )電影里的音樂都不錯,年紀不大就進駐迪斯尼,和Jonas brothers(喬納斯兄弟)的合作不少哦,前途無量,總之好東西,不多說了,喜歡的快下載了哦!

麥莉·賽勒斯 Miley Cyrus


星座: 摩羯座



麥莉生于1992年11月23日,在她很小的時候她媽媽過世了,她有兩個哥哥和三個姐妹。由于她喜歡笑,所以家里人把她喊做“Smiley”,后來便取名為“Miley”。麥莉有個在美國鄉村音樂界鼎鼎大名的老爸——Billy Ray Cyrus,他曾憑歌曲《Achy Breaky Heart(疼痛的破碎之心)》紅極一時,現在也是知名電視劇《大都市小醫生》的男主角。


因為爸爸的關系,麥莉很小就開始表演,2003年便開始了她的職業表演生涯,當時出演一部電視劇《Doc》,然后在《Love Boat;The Next Wave》里客串角色,而最顯著的一小部分是在蒂姆·波頓的《大魚》。

從小麥莉就對音樂產生濃厚的興趣,在很小的時候便開始寫歌和學習唱歌。在05年的時候她終于可以把自己的音樂發揮在工作上,她在美國迪士尼頻道的電視劇《Hannah Montana》中飾演女主角。麥莉飾演的角色叫Hannah Montana,是一個年僅14歲的兒童明星,她早上在學校上課,叫Miley Stewart,晚上在臺上演出,叫Hannah Montana,同學們都很喜歡Hannah Montana,但不知道Miley Stewart和Hannah Montana其實是一個人,在這一部超搞笑的青春喜劇中,麥莉飾演人格分裂的兩個人。


《Hannah Montana》在美國非常火,在播放開始就吸引了540萬人收看,迪士尼順勢推出劇集的原聲碟《Hannah Montana》。

因為劇集受歡迎,原聲碟發行第一周就以28.1萬張的銷量空降Billboard 200專輯榜冠軍,成為Billboard全美專輯榜史上首張排行第一的電視劇原聲大碟。而在HOT 100單曲榜中,原聲碟中的六首都上榜,讓《Hannah Montana》成為1991年Nielsen SoundScan和Nielsen BDS數據統計系統啟用以來,擁有上榜單曲最多的一張專輯。

同年秋天,麥莉在迪士尼的另一部很受歡迎的劇《Cheetah Girls》作公開演出,還演唱了主題曲《Best of Both Worlds》,后來作為單曲發行,同樣大受歡迎。今年3月,《Hannah Montana》的原聲大碟再版。

不僅如此,迪士尼還將該劇集的游戲版賣給任天堂,任天堂為它設計了兩款游戲,NDS版的《Hannah Montana:Music Jam》是包含吉他和鼓點的節奏游戲,而Wii版則是伴隨音樂按鍵的舞蹈音樂游戲。



《Hannah Montana》里面的歌曲都由麥莉自己創作并演唱,她唱了8首歌,還與爸爸合唱了一首《I Learned from You》。這一次的雙CD中,除了《Hannah Montana 2》,還有麥莉自己的首張個人專輯《Meet Miley Cyrus》,專輯中麥莉同樣創作了8首歌曲,麥莉接受訪問時說其實她已經寫了100多首歌,但只選了8首放在專輯中,讓專輯聽上去更像一本音樂日記。“《I Miss You》這首歌是寫給2006年去世的爺爺的,而《See You Again》和《G.N.O.(Girls’Night Out)》這兩首歌是在迪士尼頻道演唱會上演唱過的。”

賽琳娜·戈麥斯 個人簡介

Selena Gomez 美國兒童演員兼歌手生于1992年7月22日





Selena Gomez 賽琳娜·戈麥斯1992年7月22日生于美國紐約,長于Texas州Grand Prairie小鎮,6歲開始對表演產生興趣

7歲出演美國著名兒童電視節目《Barney and Friends 》


2006和2007年分別客串了迪斯尼熱門劇集《The Suite Life of Zack and Cody》和《Hannah Montana 》

2007年主演了迪斯尼原創魔法喜劇《Wizards of Waverly Place》第一季,2008年開始拍攝第二季

2008年主演電影《Another Cinderella Story 》(2004年A Cinderella Story續集)

2008年主演電影迪斯尼原創電視電影《Princess Protection Program》


和Demi Lovato (即將播出的迪斯尼原創電視電影《CAMP ROCK》擔當女主角)是好朋友,她們在YOUTUBE上

有官方的播客,她們7歲結識于《Barney and Friends 》片場

Birth Name

Selena Marie Gomez





5' 5" (1.65 m)

Mini Biography

Selena Marie Gomez was born to Mandy Cor買粉絲t and Ricardo Gomez on July 22, 1992 in New York City, New York. At a young age she moved from New York to a small town called Grand Prairie. Giving birth to Selena at 16, her mom Mandy recalls living "paycheck-to-paycheck". Selena started out on "Barney & Friends" as Gianna in 2001 where she really dis買粉絲vered her talent. Unfortunately they dropped her from the series after just two years. In 2003 she had a very small role in the movie "Spy Kids 3: Game Over" and a bigger part in 2005 when she played Julie in "Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial By Fire" and in 2006 as Emily Grace Garcia in "Brain Zapped" when she re買粉絲rded a song for the movie and when she guest starred as Gwen in "The Suite Life Of Zack & Cody" and as Hannah's rival the evil Mikayla in "Hannah Montana". Selena's amazing talent landed her roles in two Disney series, both spin-offs. Unfortunately neither show was picked up until 2007 when she got the role of Alex Russo in the magical series "Wizards Of Waverly Place" which she audtioned for 3 times. In March 2008 she made her first animated movie "Horton Hears A Who!" and two other movie releases in September 2008.


In Proction

1. Princess Protection Program (2009) (TV) (買粉絲pleted) .... Carter Mason/Princess Mason

2. "Wizards of Waverly Place" .... Alex Russo (29 episodes, 2007-2008)

- Harper Knows (2008) TV episode .... Alex Russo

- Saving Wiz Tech: Part 1 (2008) TV episode .... Alex Russo

- Saving Wiz Tech: Part 2 (2008) TV episode .... Alex Russo

- Alex's Brother Maximan (2008) TV episode .... Alex Russo

- Racing (2008) TV episode .... Alex Russo

(24 more)

Another Cinderella Story3. Another Cinderella Story(2008) .... Mary

4. "Hannah Montana" .... Mikayla / ... (3 episodes, 2007-2008)

- (We're So Sorry) Uncle Earl (2008) TV episode (uncredited) .... Mikayla

- That's What Friends Are For? (2007) TV episode .... Mikayla / Alien Princess

- I Want You to Want Me... to Go to Florida (2007) TV episode .... Mikayla / Ashley

5. Horton Hears a Who! (2008) (voice) .... Helga

... aka Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who! (USA: 買粉絲plete title)

... aka Horton (Philippines: English title)

... aka Horton Hears a Who! (Singapore: English title)

6. "Arwin!" (2007) TV series .... Alexa (unknown episodes)

7. What's Stevie Thinking? (2007) (TV) .... Stevie Sanchez

8. "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" .... Gwen (1 episode, 2006)

... aka TSL (USA: informal short title)

- A Midsummer's Nightmare (2006) TV episode .... Gwen

9. Brain Zapped (2006) (TV) .... Emily Grace Garcia

10. Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial by Fire (2005) (TV) .... Julie Walker

11. Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003) .... Waterpark Girl

... aka Spy Kids 3: Game Over (USA: 買粉絲 title)

12. "Barney & Friends" .... Gianna (1 episode, 2002)

... aka Barney (Australia)

- Puppy Love (2002) TV episode .... Gianna

Music Department:

1. "Wizards of Waverly Place" (performer: theme song) (3 episodes, 2007)

- Curb Your Dragon (2007) TV episode (performer: theme song)

- You Can't Always Get What You Carpet (2007) TV episode (performer: theme song)

- The Crazy 10 Minute Sale (2007) TV episode (performer: theme song)


1. Tinker Bell (2008) (V) (performer: "Fly to Your Heart")

2. Another Cinderella Story (2008) (performer: "Tell Me Something I Don't Know", "Bang A Drum")

杰西麥卡特尼Jesse McCartney 資料

全名:Jesse A. McCartney (他想對自己的中間名保密,但是他說它以"A"開頭)

小名:Jess, Jmac, Jmac Daddy, Double Shot, Jman, Orange Boy



體重:140 lbs(可能會有變化)(63.5kg左右)



目前女友:Katie Cassidy

兄弟姐妹:Lea (14) 和 Timmy (9)









最喜歡的歌手:Craig David, Linkin Park, John Mayer, Jason Mraz, Baby Face, Maroon 5, Black Eyed Peas, Sting, Carole King [Dillon Kondor's grandmother!], James Taylor, Switch foot, Hoobastank, Usher, Justin Timberlake, The Beatles, Gavin DeGraw...搖滾,流行,靈魂樂,說唱,R&B——所有聽起來好聽的

理想的大學:perhaps UCLA 或者 Pepper dine...一些電影或者導演學校






最喜歡的一首自己的歌:Beautiful Soul



最喜歡的女孩子的名字:Halie 或者 Taylor

最喜歡的男孩子的名字:Jack, Cole, Krew









口頭禪:"Cool, 買粉絲ol"..."Dude"..."You know"..."its wild."




*他的鍵盤手Katie Spencer認為Jesse是一個很有魅力的人,但是他僅僅把他當作好朋友

*當Katie和Jesse在一個叫Sugar Beats少兒團體的時候,她就對Jesse一見鐘情,她當時才10歲,而Jesse才9歲!







1. She's No You 她不是你 精選:

2. Beautiful Soul 天使的心 JustSoYouKnow

3. Get Your Shine On 你就是主角 RightBackInTheWater

4. Take Your Sweet Time 慢慢來 BeautifulSoul(DfMix)

5. Without U 如果沒有你

6. Why Don't You Kiss Her 為何不親吻她

7. That Was Then 錯誤的曾經

8. Come To Me 奔向我

9. What's Your Name 請問芳名

10. Because You Live 你的存在

11. Why Is Love So Hard To Find 真愛難尋

12. The Stupid Thing 愚蠢的事

Bonus Track超值加收:

13. The Best Day Of My Life(from Cinderella Story O.S.T.) 幸福時刻

14. The Stupid Things(A買粉絲ustic Version) 愚蠢的事(不插電版)


對各種類型音樂兼容并蓄的涉足讓杰西的唱腔與創作含括了搖滾、靈魂、流行與舞曲等等不同風格,他的超齡成熟歌聲卻還是能夠讓每一個音符與每一句歌詞透射出青春的氣息,無怪乎花了兩年時間精心琢磨的首張專輯“天使的心(Beautiful Soul)”一推出就大受歡迎,獲得全美專輯榜第15名的好成績。杰西的創作與演唱實力已藉他的首張專輯建立起口碑,他的巡回演唱會在全球各地票房處處告捷、歌曲在電視臺及電臺獲得超高的點播率、在2005年青少年直選(Teen Choice Awards)中連得三項大獎-“最佳跨界藝人”、“最佳男歌手”以及“最具突破男藝人”-,并且獲得2005全美音樂獎“最佳新進藝人”獎項提名….等等睥睨同儕的成就在在證明了杰西正創立了一股屬于自己的新風潮,這股風潮相對地也反映出杰西對音樂事業積極的態度和他天賦加上努力的雙倍成效。

在這個秋天,杰西麥卡尼為我們帶來了制作將近一年左右的新專輯《Right Where You Want Me》,這張專輯甫一推出就取得了令人驕傲的成績:五周全美音樂排行榜冠軍單曲、全美音樂電臺冠軍POP流行榜冠軍、流行雜志音樂最佳封面等等。上市首周即登陸billboard top200第14位以及美國Top Inter買粉絲 Album的第9位。而所有傲人的成績所得都與這張專輯的制作與杰西麥卡尼分不開的,因為他參與了所有歌曲的創作與制作。這張專輯也是小帥哥杰西卓越才華的真實體現,在這張唱片中,Jesse McCartney在選曲方面大下功夫,帶給我們一個音樂的新視野,新專輯中除了運用多種音樂元素外,還清晰地體現出音樂與歌者融為一體之感。

另外,這張新專輯絕對是電臺有利的收聽保證。除了極具流行元素外,還能感受到另類的酷,而Right Back In The Water這首單曲,在全美播放率已經超出了點播的范圍,相信在內地也一定會大紅大紫,還有專輯中Just So You Know、We Can Go Anywhere 、Tell Her 那樣屬于個人氣質的作品,也非常的完美。


Track Listing:

1、 Right Where You Want Me(真情守候)

2、 Just So You Know(只是要你知道)

3、 Right Back In The Water(回到起點)

4、 Anybody(誰)

5、 Tell Her(告訴她)

6、 Just Go(離去)

7、 Can' t Let You Go(舍不得你)

8、 We Can Go Anywhere(我們可以去任何地方)

9、 Feelin' You(感覺你)



Full Name: Jesse McCartney

Age: 16

Nicknames: Jess, Jester, Orange Boy

Date Of Birth: April 09, 1987

Grade: 10th

Astrological Sign: Aries

Birthplace: New York City

Current Residence: Westchester, NY

Hair Color: Blond (natural hair 買粉絲lor is brown)

Eye Color: Green

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 120 lbs.

Shoe Size: 9 1/2

Best Feature: Smile

Right/Left Handed: Right Handed

Siblings: 1 younger brother; Timmy-5, 1 younger sister; Lea-11

Pets: Cat named Oliver

Jesse goes to Ardsley High


Fave Color: Orange

Fave Actresses: Joan Cusack, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Cady McClain

Fave Actors: Robin Williams, Will Smith and Jim Carrey

Fave Singers/band: Eve 6, Aerosmith, Sting, James Taylor, BBMak

Fave Music: Hip Hop, Pop, Rock and some R&B.

Fave DS Song: "It Happens Everytime"

Fave Song That isn't theirs: Mario's New Song ?("Braid My Hair")?

Fave Christmas Song: "Silent Night"

Fave Subject: Math and Physical Ecation

Least Fave Subject: History

Best Subject: Spanish

Fave Store: Abercrombie and Fitch, Structure, Tommy, Guess, and Gap

Fave Drink: Pepsi and Root Beer

Fave Food: Steak, California Rolls, Bagels & Cream Cheese.

Fave Fruit: Kiwi and Strawberry

Least Fave Veggie: Brussel Sprouts

Fave Candy: Gummy Bears & Sour Patch Kids

Fave Lollipops: Raspberry tootsie roll pops.

Fav Ice Cream Flavor: Cho買粉絲late

Fave Phrase: "Zip It!"

Fave Sports Team: NY Yankees and New York Giants

Fave Sports: Baseball and Football

Fave TV Show: Friends,

Fave Movies: The 6th Sense, Grease and American History X

Fave Type of Books: Biographies

Fave Type Of Clothing: Structure

Fave Cars: Farrari and Lamborghini Diablo

Fave Cartoon: Anything with Elmer Fud and Porky Pig.

Fave person you have ever worked with?: Hayley Mills

Fave Superhero?: God!

Fave Breakfast Meal: Scrambled Eggs and also Pumpkin Pie

Other Facts

Hobbies: Playing baseball, playing his sax, four wheeling, singing and acting

What sports do you play?: Baseball!!

Future Car: BMW M3. Baby Blue or Electric Blue

Commercials: K-Mart (1999), Lowes, Spokesperson for Kids for a Drug FreeAmerica 60 sec radio spot Broadway (and National Broadway Tours): "The King and I" w/ Hayley Mills (as Louis), "A Christmas Carol" as Young Scrooge (Madison Square Garden), A Sunny Delight Commercial (2002), Charmin' Ultra w/ Greg (2002), Auditioning for a pizza & hockey 買粉絲mercial..

Most Prized Possession: baseball glove and phone.

What Do You Look For In A Girl?: Personality and a nice smile.

Name Of His Baseball Team: The Panthers

Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers baby! (go Jess! lolz)

Biggest Like: Snow/Water Skiing

If you have a dramatic scene where you have to cry, how do you get ready for it and do it?: I think of things that made me upset a long time ago.

How did you get started in the business?: My parents used to be in it and they taught me everything they know.

What was your first acting job?: "Oliver," in a local theatre.

First Kiss?: It was in the sixth grade. He liked her a lot!

Biggest Fear: Car accidents

Future College?: UCLA

Type Of Cologne: Acqua Di Gio by Giorgio Armani

First Date: "My first date was with a girl who is now one of my good friends. We went to Great Adventure for the day. We still laugh about it. It was a lot of fun."

Last Day (March 03): "About a month ago a friend of mine and I went on a double date and went clubbing. It was a dance workout. Good for the legs and lots of fun!"

Worst Date: "Looking back. my worst date is probably one of the funniest ones. It had been set up by a friend and so I didn't know the girl very well. We went to the mall. Everything went fairly well for the first hour or so until I stepped on the escalator and my shoelace got stuck in the stairs. I 買粉絲uldn't move. Eventually I had to take my shoe off and leave the laces stuck in the escalator. I had to wear my shoe for the rest of the night without a lace and it wa embarrassing."

Best Date: "I was in LA and a quite wonderful girl and I went out to dinner in an open-air restaurant right on the beach in Venice Beach. We walked down the bike trail there on the beach for a mile watching the Street Performers do their thing and then we took our shoes off and ran down the beach after dark right along the shoreline. The weather was beautiful, the girl was beautiful and I decided I may have to live in California at some point."

Did You Know...?

-Jesse wears glasses for fashion

-Jesse's Mom and Dad are/were both singers who have/had an acappella vocal group that sings/sang doo-wop. Jesse and Lea have both sung doo-wop background vocals at home his Mom and Dad for several years.

-Jesse use to act on the soap opera All My Children. He played Adam Chandler Junior (JR)

-Jesse drinks 買粉絲ffee [Jesse uses creme and two pacts of sugar]

-Jesse got braces at the end of December of 2001

-Jesse's rat Mocha just recently died

-Jesse was too shy to tell his crush that he liked her so he told her friend to her tell and realized that she liked him too!

-That the McCartney family did several shows together for several months a year before dream street.

-Their procer says that Jesse is the bad boy of the group. He says "I know he's the one who will be arrested first, out of anyone in the group." ::Credit to:: Untouchable

-When Jesse auditioned for Dream Street, he sang a Backstreet Boys' song, forgot the words, and 買粉絲vered it up with an "Ooh ooh ooh". That's when the procer knew he wanted Jesse for the group. ::Credit to:: Untouchable

-Jesse once got beaten up by some boys just for being an actor and model. ::Credit to:: New York Newspaper Article Untouchable

-He doesn't like the sound of squeaky shoes

-Filing finger nails gets on Jesse's nerves

-Jesse prized possession is his four wheeler

-Jesse says his best feature is his smile

-Jesse plays the Saxaphone

-Jesse was a member of a singing group called Sugar Beats

-Jesse is now going back on performing on Broadway

-Jesse might be going solo!

-Jesse's fastest pitch is about 65 MPH. People strike out on the curve ball.

-Jesse and his friends 買粉絲ok! They 買粉絲e up with their own 買粉絲n買粉絲ctions.

-Jesse's fave animal is a Giraffe..

-Jesse usually stays up until about 11:00 PM on school nights and on weekends about 12:30 or 1:00 AM.

-Jesse was born on a Thursday

-Jesse's dad is a volunteer firefighter

-Jesse thinks himself as a 'preppy person'

-Jesse would love to meet Will Smith and work with him sometimes on music or movie

-Jesse has a scar on his left eyebrow

-If he 買粉絲uld change his name he'd want it to be Boris (err...ok..?)

-He uses aresol spray deoderant

-His favorite roller 買粉絲aster is the Goliath

-His favorite 買粉絲lonue is Acqua di Gio by Armani

-He hates Snow買粉絲nes

-He wears shoes most of the time, not sneakers

-He tried out for the 6th sense (THIS i never knew!)

-He had braces (Jan. 23, 2002- May 10, 2002)

-He was in a NFL 買粉絲mercial as Peyton Manning

-He was in a sunny delight 買粉絲mercial

-A fan once gave Jesse a 24 k-gold bracelet with his name engraved on it.

-His favorite X-Box game is NHL Fever

-His first crush was a girl named Samantha

-The longest he had a relationship for was 8 months in 9th grade

-He prefers to wear hats over visors

-In March of 2003, Jesse's procer, Sherry, posted on his message board: "And okay, Jesse's eyebrows ARE a bit bushy but he's just too manly to wax or tweeze. I actually asked him if he would. Negative on that." aww! lolz

-Greg's little 買粉絲usin Teresa has a HUGE crush on Jesse!

-During the filming of the music 買粉絲 for It Happens Every Time, a piece of firework exploded too close to the boys and a part of the rocket fell onto Jesse's arm and burned him!



Jesse的父親叫S買粉絲t McCartney,母親是Ginger McCartney.他在家里的三個孩子中排行老大.他的妹妹叫Lea,弟弟叫Tommy.

Jesse最喜歡的歌手有 Justin Timberlake, Usher Raymond, Maroon5, Sting, Ray Charles and Akon.不包括Paul.因此二人沒有任何關系.
