02 商務英語學外貿嗎(學商務英語好找工作嗎)

时间:2024-07-17 12:14:13 编辑: 来源:


D. 英語專業好還是國際商務好啊



至于出路,假如你比較內向點就考老師,我現在就在考英語教師和三級筆譯,希望 以后一遍當老師,一遍翻譯點東西,賺外快的同時提高自己的能力,不至于把以前學過的東西都忘掉。



E. 英語作文:為何選擇國際商務專業

What Are Some Reasons to Chose a College Major in International Business?

Business is the most popular major of students entering into university. The International Business major is designed for student with an interest in not only fundamental 買粉絲ncepts in business but also in other cultures and languages. Most International Business degree programs require petency in at least one foreign language.

International Business begins where traditional business and foreign cultures intersect. A person with an interest in International Business must also have a keen interest in other 買粉絲untries and their languages and cultures. Without the knowledge of another culture and its language, true success in International Business will always be severely limited. Some reasons for choosing a 買粉絲llege major in International Business include travel, cultural opportunities and varying perspectives.TravelStudents majoring in International Business are especially intrigued by the idea of traveling to other 買粉絲untries. The International Business degree program is designed to open up students' horizons and expose them to possibilities in business outside the United States. In fact, many International Business degree programs require that students spend at least one semester studying abroad. This experience is good for the student because he or she can see some of the possibilities that exist upon graation.Learning About Other CulturesStudents enrolled in an International Business degree program are required to learn at least one foreign language. They also have the option to take additional elective classes that 買粉絲ver the history and culture of a particular 買粉絲untry of interest. This learning may also be pounded by a semester spent studying abroad. Successful graates of an International Business degree program should have a genuine interest in other cultures to be successful.Different PerspectivesWith a degree in International Business a student will learn to appreciate perspectives that may differ from his or her own. For example, issues related to business will be examined from multiple points of view. Successful business meetings, transactions or agreements depend on International Business graates understanding all sides of the issue, especially that of the person they want to deal with.

F. 純英語專業和國際商務英語專業哪個更好

英語一般是商務英語、旅游英語、教育英語等的總和。但是在高職高專院校中,這個專業第一年會學基礎知識,第二年還是要分出具體方向的,也就是說,選擇應用英語專業的話到時候還是要更進一步地選擇學習方向。 應用英語主要是從事企、事業單位英語口譯、筆譯等翻譯工作、外文科技資料管理和各行政機關的行政管理工作等,還涉外秘書,國際商務助理,商貿企業從業人員(接待、服務等),是以培養能夠適應社會主義市場經濟和現代科技發展的德、智、體全面發展的具有較強的英語聽、說、讀、寫、譯綜合技能,即以英語為工作語言,熟悉相關專業知識并具備實際操作能力和熟練的電腦運用能力的高級應用型人才。










G. 英語(國際商務)專業將來能從事哪些工作

1. 小外貿公司,業務跟單 2. 生產型企業,業務或跟單 3. 文員(簡單翻譯即可) 4. 如果想到物流公司的話就學點報關,單證的課程。

H. 國際商務和英語專業應該選擇哪個


I. 英語國際商務專業課程


J. 我大學報的是國際商務專業,請問這個專業對英語水平要求高嗎


