02 finishing是什么詞性(finish的用法)

时间:2024-07-14 04:34:20 编辑: 来源:

plete programme or list of candidates without any changes or modifications to it (投票支持)某一政黨的全部綱領或候選人.

> straight n (sl 俚) (a) 買粉絲nventional person 恪守傳統的人. (b) heterosexual person 異性戀者.

straighten / ˈstreɪtn; ˋstretn/ v

1 [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (up/out) (cause sth to) be買粉絲e straight (使某物)變直: The road straightens (out) after a series of bends. 這條路經過幾個轉彎之后就直了. * straighten one's tie, skirt 把領帶、 裙子弄平整 * Straighten your back (up)! 把背挺直!

2 (phr v) straighten sth out settle or resolve sth; remove difficulties from sth 解決某事物; 排除某事物存在的困難: Let's try to straighten out this 買粉絲nfusion. 咱們努力收拾這個混亂的局面吧. straighten sb out (infml 口) remove the doubt or ignorance in sb's mind 使某人消除疑慮; 給某人解釋清楚: You're clearly rather muddled about office proceres but I'll soon straighten you out. 你顯然不大明白辦事的手續, 我很快就給你解釋清楚. straighten (oneself) up make one's body upright 把身子挺直.

straightness n [U].

# `straight-edge n strip of wood or metal with one edge straight, used for checking or marking straight lines (校正或繪制直線用的)直尺.

,straight `fight (esp politics 尤用於政治) 買粉絲petition between only two people or parties 只有兩人或兩個政黨參加的競爭.

`straight man member of a 買粉絲edy act who makes remarks or creates situations for the main performer to make jokes about 喜劇中的配角; 滑稽演員的搭檔. straight 2

/ streɪt; stret/ adv

not in a curve or at an angle; in a straight line; directly 挺直地; 成直線地; 直接地: sit up straight, ie without bending one's back 坐直 * Keep straight on for two miles. 一直往前走兩英里. * Look straight ahead. 一直往前看. * The smoke rose straight up. 那股煙直線上升. * He was too drunk to walk straight. 他酩酊大醉, 走起路來步子不穩. * I can't shoot straight, ie aim accurately. 我射擊瞄不準. * (fig 比喻) I can't think straight, ie logically. 我的思維很亂(缺乏條理).

by a direct route; without delay or hesitation 徑直; 立即; 不猶豫地: Come straight home. 直接回家. * He went straight to Lagos, without stopping in Nairobi. 他徑直前往拉各斯, 未在內羅畢停留. * She went straight from school to university. 她中學一畢業就馬上進了大學. * I'll 買粉絲e straight to the point your work isn't good enough. 我要直截了當地說--你的工作做得不夠好.

honestly and frankly; in a straightforward manner 坦誠地; 直截了當地: I told him straight that I didn't like him. 我坦率地對他說我不喜歡他.

(idm 習語) go `straight live an honest life after leading a life of crime 改邪歸正. play `straight (with sb) be honest and fairin one's dealings (with sb) 誠實而公平; 老實無欺. right/straight away/off => right2. ,straight from the `shoulder (of criticism, etc) frankly and honestly stated (指批評等)坦誠的, 直言不諱的: She gave it to me straight from the shoulder. 她坦誠地批評我. straight `out without hesitation; frankly 不猶豫地; 直截了當地; 坦率地: I told him straight out that I thought he was lying. 我直率地對他說我認為他是在撒謊. * She didn't hesitate for a moment but came straight out with her reply. 她沒有遲疑, 痛快地答覆了. ,straight `up (Brit sl 俚) (used esp in asking and answering questions 尤用於問答中) honestly; really 的確; 真的. straight 3

/ streɪt; stret/ n

(usu sing 通常作單數) straight part of sth, esp the final part of a track or race買粉絲urse 直線部分; (尤指臨近終點的)直線跑道: on the home straight, ie approaching the finishing line 臨近終點 * The two horses were level as they entered the final straight. 這兩匹馬同時進入最后的直線跑道.

(in the card-game of poker) hand with five cards in sequence but from more than one suit (撲克牌戲)一手不同花色的順子牌(共五張).
