02 insomnia是什么意思英語(失眠英語是什么?)

时间:2024-07-28 12:57:39 编辑: 来源:


1)see 看見(結果):please see who is knocking.去看看誰在敲門。

2)watch 觀看(動態):He is watching the crowd go by.他注視著人群走過。

3)look 看(動作):look,look!快看,快看!

4)look at 看著(持續動作,后接賓語):please look at my fingers.請看看我的手指。

11.They did not pay any attention.


語言點1 想要表達注意的程度只需在attention前加形容詞即可:

pay no attention 不注意;pay a little attention 稍加注意;pay more attention to 更加注意;pay great attention to 非常注意;pay close attention to=focus on/stare at 關注;盯著。例如:The police paid close attention to the thieves.警察盯著小偷的一舉一動。

語言點2 any一般用在否定句中,not pay any attention 意思為:根本就不注意。此處not pay any attention后無介詞to,補充完整應該為:They did not pay any attention to me.

12.In the end, I 買粉絲uld not bear it.


語言點 in the end,at last,finally.in the end 經過一系列的變化之后最終某事才發生;at last 經過克服困難,最終達到某種目的;finally按照一定的順序進行到最后。

13.I turned round again. 'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily.


語言點1 口語中經常會用:Can I have a word with you?=May I talk with you.

語言點2 常用諺語:Actions speak louder than words.行勝于言。

14.'It's none of your business, ' the young man said rudely. 'This is a private 買粉絲nversation!'


語言點:none of one's business 意思為“不管某人的事情”,此話較為不禮貌,應慎用。


1、It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays.


語言點1 never表示無條件的沒有,意思相當于not,但兩個詞在用法上有區別:never后常接動詞,而not表否定時前面一般需加助動詞do,have等。

語言點2 never屬于頻率副詞。

She never said a word the whole two hours.整整兩個小時她一句話也沒說。

語言點3 get up=rise(rose過去式, risen過去分詞)起床

I rose at 6 o'clock this morning.今天早上我是6點鐘起床的。

語言點4 get up early起得早;early bird早起者,早到的人

The early bird catches the worm.早起的鳥兒有蟲吃。

語言點5 on Sundays, 請注意復數結尾,表示每逢星期天。

2、I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.


語言點1 關于“有時”的表達:sometimes=at times=occasionally=now and then

語言點2 關于“睡覺”的表達:stay in bed躺在床上;stay up=be up醒著;insomnia失眠

語言點3 breakfast早餐;lunch午餐;dinner正餐(多為晚餐);supper(晚餐);snack原指小吃,可指夜宵,注意與snake“蛇”區分;meal廣義上的“餐”,沒有時間限制。

3、Last Sunday I got up very late.


語言點1 Last Sunday為前置時間狀語,也可以放于句尾。變化如下:I got up very late last Sunday.但時間狀語前置更強調時間。

語言點2 比較學習:

1)late遲的,晚的:The airplane was late.飛機晚點了。

2)lately=recently最近,近來:Have you been there lately?近來你去過那里嗎?

3)latest最新的:the latest news最新消息;the latest style最近款式

4、I looked out of the window.


語言點 look相關短語:

1)look out of向外看(后常接門、窗等)

2)look out=be careful當心,小心:Look out! There is a danger ahead.當心!前面危險。

3)look up仰視:My boss looked up as I entered the office.我進辦公室時,老板抬頭看了看。

4)look after照顧,照料:My friend looked after my cat while I was on holiday.在我去度假的時候,朋友照料我的貓。

5)look on旁觀;合看:May I look on with you?我可以跟你合看這本書嗎?

5、It was dark outside.


語言點 如表示天正漸漸變黑,則用進行時態:It is getting dark outside.夜幕降臨了。

6、"What a day!" I thought.


語言點 what引導的感嘆句表示驚訝、憤怒、贊賞、喜悅等感情,具體的含義要根據說話者的語氣或上下文的意思而定。


What a good job he has done! 他干得太棒了!

What an interesting play it is!多么有趣的一部戲啊!

What a nice dog it is!多可愛的狗啊!


例:What a day!語氣為降調表示感嘆“天氣壞”,語氣為升調表示感嘆“天氣好”。


7、"It's raining again."


語言點 表達下雨、下雪、踢球、讀書等動作多用進行時態。

It is snowing in great flakes. 正值大雪紛飛。

We are playing football on the street. 我們在街上踢球。

I am reading a letter now. 我正在第一封信。

8、Just then, the telephone rang.


語言點 just then=just at that time/moment 就在那時

9、It was my aunt Lucy.


語言點 表親友關系時,可以用“稱謂+人名”,但如果是身份或職位時不可以這樣表達,如“張老師”不能說成Teacher Zhang.

10、"I've just arrived by train," she said. "I'm 買粉絲ing to see you."


語言點1 “by+交通工具”表示“乘坐……”:by air/by airplane乘飛機;by boat/ship乘船;by bike騎自行車;by
