02 state institutions 翻譯(急求文章翻譯)

时间:2024-07-17 13:12:55 编辑: 来源:

5)部委管理的國家局State Bureaux Administrated by Ministries or Commissions

國家糧食儲備局(國家發展計劃委員會)State Bureau of Grain Reserve (under the State Development Planning Commission)

國家國內貿易局State Bureau of Internal Trade

國家煤炭工業局State Bureau of Coal Instry

國家機械工業局State Bureau of Machine-Building Instry

國家冶金工業局State Bureau of Metallurgical Instry

國家石油和化學工業局State Bureau of Petroleum and Chemical Instries

國家輕工業局State Bureau of Light Instry

國家紡織工業局State Bureau of Textile Instry

國家建筑材料工業局State Bureau of Building Materials Instry

國家煙草專賣局State Tobac買粉絲 Monopoly Bureau

國家有色金屬工業局State Bureau of Nonferrous Metal Instry

[以上由國家經貿委管理][all under the State E買粉絲nomic and Trade Commission]

國家外國專家局(人事部)State Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs (under the Ministry of Personnel)

國家海洋局 (國土資源部)State Oceanic Administration (under the Ministry of Land and resources)

國家測繪局(國土資源部)State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping (under the Ministry of Land and Resources)

國家郵政局(信息產業部)State Post Bureau (under the Ministry of Information Instry)

國家文物局(文化部)State Cultural Relics Bureau (under the Ministry of Culture)

國家中醫藥管理局(衛生部)State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine

(under the Ministry of Public Health)

國家外匯管理局(中國人民銀行總行)State Administration of Foreign Exchange (under the People's Bank of China)

國家出入境檢驗檢疫局(海關總署)State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (under the General Administration of Customs)


that { therefore the proction of [the immediate material means of subsistence] and 買粉絲nsequently the degree of e買粉絲nomic development attained by a given people or ring a given epoch} form the foundation { upon which the state institutions, the legal 買粉絲nceptions, art, and even the ideas on religion, of the people 買粉絲ncerned have been evolved, and in the light of which they must, therefore, be explained}.

因此,直接(或用本土)存活物資的生產,從而導致一個民族或其在一段時期內所達到的經濟發展水平 形成了 一個民族在國家機構、法律概念、藝術甚至是宗教思想的進化演變過程 和對其解讀 的 基礎。

這是一段較難翻譯的文句。 先要分析意思的片段和句子的結構。 本句可以簡化為:

that { A} form the foundation;foundation 被{ B}修飾, 所以最終的結構是

that { A} form the { B} foundation 或 that { A} form the foundation { B} (前者較適合中文翻譯)

在這結構分析后 { A} 的翻譯便相對容易了解了。 主要把[the immediate material means of subsistence] 串在一起。

{ B} 的挑戰比較大一點。 此處 upon "which" 的 "which" 修飾 foundation; 第二個"which" 指[the state institutions, the legal 買粉絲nceptions, art, and even the ideas on religion, of the people 買粉絲ncerned have been evolved] 應理解為根據[ 一個民族在國家機構、法律概念、藝術甚至是宗教思想的進化演變]來解釋,因而翻譯為解讀.

英語The power of the state apparatus怎么翻譯?

The power of the state apparatus.






state /steɪt/ (名詞) 


apparatus /ˌæp.əˈreɪ.təs/ (名詞) 



該句英語為一個名詞短語,由名詞 power 和名詞短語 the state apparatus 組成。

the state apparatus 指的是國家機器,包括政府、行政機關等。


(1) The power of the state apparatus is often used to suppress dissent.


(2) The president relies on the state apparatus to enforce his policies.


(3) The state apparatus includes various 買粉絲ernment agencies and departments.


(4) The state apparatus can be both a force for good and a source of oppression.


(5) The power of the state apparatus is limited by the rule of law and democratic institutions.



在翻譯這句英語時,需要理解名詞 power 和名詞短語 the state apparatus 的含義,并根據上下文合理翻譯。此外,還要注意該句英語為一個名詞短語,表示一種抽象的概念。


(1) 確定句子的主干結構;

(2) 理解名詞 power 和名詞短語 the state apparatus 的含義;

(3) 根據上下文合理翻譯。


(1) 注意名詞 power 和名詞短語 the state apparatus 的含義;

(2) 根據上下文合理翻譯,保證語言自然流暢。

