02 php關注買粉絲一鍵登錄(怎么查詢號碼歸屬地?)

时间:2024-07-28 04:26:27 编辑: 来源:

private $charset; // 數據庫編碼,GBK,UTF8,gb2312 private $sql;//最后一次執行的sql語句 //初始化類 public function __買粉絲nstruct($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname = '', $charset = 'utf8'){ $this-dbhost = $dbhost; $this-dbuser = $dbuser; $this-dbpass = $dbpass; $this-dbname = $dbname; $this-charset = strtolower(str_replace('-', '', $charset)); $this-link = new mysqli($this-dbhost,$this-dbuser,$this-dbpass,$this-dbname); if($this-error()){ $errorInfo='Error:Could not make a database link ('.$this-errno().')'.$this-error(); throw new ErrorException($errorInfo, 1); } $this-setCharset($this-charset); } /** * @param 設置字符集 */ private function setCharset($charset){ $this-link-set_charset($charset); } /** * 數據庫執行語句,可執行查詢添加修改刪除等任何sql語句 * @access public * @param $sql string 查詢sql語句 * @return $result,成功返回資源,失敗則輸出錯誤信息,并退出 */ public function query($sql){ $this-sql = $sql; $result = $this-link-query($this-sql); if (!$result) { return false; // die($this-errno().':'.$this-error().'br /出錯語句為'.$this-sql.'br /'); } return $result; } /** * 拼裝查詢的sql語句 * @param $tablename 數據表名稱 * @param $opts 查詢的元素 * @param $where 條件 數組或字符串 * @param $order 排序條件 * @return 返回sql語句 */ public function selectSql($tablename,$opts=array(),$where=" 1=1 ",$order=" id DESC "){ if (empty($opts)){ $fields = "*"; }else{ $opts = $this-cleanseArray($opts); $keys = array_keys($opts); $vals = array_values($opts); $fields = ""; for ($i = 0; $i 買粉絲unt($keys); $i++) { if ($fields == ""){ $fields = $vals[$i]; } else { $fields = $fields.",".$vals[$i].""; } } } if (is_array($where)){ $whereArr = $this-cleanseArray($where); $keysWhere = array_keys($whereArr); $valsWhere = array_values($whereArr); $whereString = ""; for ($j = 0; $j 買粉絲unt($keysWhere); $j++) { if ($whereString == ""){ $whereString = $keysWhere[$j]." = '".$valsWhere[$j]."'"; } else { $whereString = $whereString." AND ".$keysWhere[$j]." = '".$valsWhere[$j]."'"; } } }else{ $whereString = $where; } $sql = "SELECT ".$fields." FROM ".$tablename." WHERE ".$whereString." ORDER BY ".$order; return $sql; } /** * 更新的通用語句 * @param $tablename 數據表名稱 * @param $opts 更新的元素 * @param $where 條件 數組或字符串 * @return 影響的行數 */ public function genericUpdate($tablename, $opts, $where) { $opts = $this-cleanseArray($opts); $keys = array_keys($opts); $vals = array_values($opts); $setString = ""; $whereString = ""; for ($i = 0; $i 買粉絲unt($keys); $i++) { if ($setString == ""){ $setString = $keys[$i]." = '".$vals[$i]."'"; } else { $setString = $setString.", ".$keys[$i]." = '".$vals[$i]."'"; } } if (is_array($where)){ $whereArr = $this-cleanseArray($where); $keysWhere = array_keys($whereArr); $valsWhere = array_values($whereArr); for ($j = 0; $j 買粉絲unt($keysWhere); $j++) { if ($whereString == ""){ $whereString = $keysWhere[$j]." = '".$valsWhere[$j]."'"; } else { $whereString = $whereString." AND ".$keysWhere[$j]." = '".$valsWhere[$j]."'"; } } }else{ $whereString = $where; } $sql = "UPDATE `$tablename` SET ".$setString." WHERE ".$whereString; $result = $this-query($sql); if (!!$result){ return $this-affectedRows(); }else{ return false; } } /** * 刪除的通用語句 * @param $tablename 數據表名稱 * @param $where 條件 數組或字符串 * @return 影響的行數 */ function genericDelete($tablename, $where="1") { $whereString = ""; if (is_array($where)){ $whereArr = $this-cleanseArray($where); $keysWhere = array_keys($whereArr); $valsWhere = array_values($whereArr); for ($j = 0; $j 買粉絲unt($keysWhere); $j++) { if ($whereString == ""){ $whereString = $keysWhere[$j]." = '".$valsWhere[$j]."'"; } else { $whereString = $whereString." AND ".$keysWhere[$j]." = '".$valsWhere[$j]."'"; } } }else{ $whereString = $where; } $sql = "DELETE FROM ". $tablename . " WHERE " . $whereString; $result = $this-query($sql); if (!!$result){ return $this-affectedRows(); }else{ return false; } } /** * 過濾字符串 * @param 字符串 * @param string $char * @return $cleansed */ private function cleansePureString($str, $char = '\\') { ///[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/ NON ALPHA $cleansed = preg_replace("/[%_'\"]/", '', $str); //_, % and ' return $cleansed; } /** * 過濾數組 * @param unknown $opts * @return multitype:$cleansed */ private function cleanseArray($opts) { $cleansedArray = array(); $keys = array_keys($opts); $vals = array_values($opts); for ($i = 0; $i 買粉絲unt($keys); $i++) { $newKey = $this-cleansePureString($keys[$i],"'"); $newVal = $this-cleansePureString($vals[$i],"'"); $cleansedArray[$newKey] = $newV
