02 deep inside是什么意思(rolling in deep什么意思)

时间:2024-07-12 06:10:02 编辑: 来源:

rolling in the deep)   (眼淚快要掉下來,內心深處愛恨交織)   

You had my heart inside your hand   你俘虜了我的芳心   

(You're gonna wish you never had met me)   (你會祈禱要是從未遇見我該有多好)   

And you played it to the beat   但是你玩弄它伴著每一次心跳   

(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)   (眼淚快要掉下來,內心深處愛恨交織)   

Could have had it all   本該擁有一切   

(You're gonna wish you never had met me)   (你會祈禱要是從未遇見我該有多好)   

Rolling in the deep   內心深處愛恨交織   

(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)   (眼淚快要掉下來,內心深處愛恨交織)   

You had my heart inside your hand   你俘虜了我的芳心   

(You're gonna wish you never had met me)   (你會祈禱要是從未遇見我該有多好)   

But you played it   但是你玩弄它   You played it   你玩弄它   

You played it   你玩弄它   You played it to the beat   你玩弄它伴著每一次心跳


《Rolling in the Deep》是由英國女歌手阿黛爾·阿德金斯演唱的一首流行靈魂歌曲,歌詞、簡譜由阿黛爾·阿德金斯和保羅·伊普沃斯合作編寫,音樂制作由保羅·艾普沃斯負責。該歌曲作為推廣專輯的首支單曲,于2010年11月29日通過XL唱片公司于發行 ,后被收錄在阿黛爾·阿德金斯于2011年1月24日發行的第二張錄音室專輯《21》。

《Rolling in the Deep》是阿黛爾·阿德金斯在美國公告牌百強單曲榜上的首支冠軍單曲,于2011年5月21日拿下公告牌百強單曲榜第一名,共計奪得七周排行榜首位 ,后拿下公告牌百強單曲榜的年終排名冠軍。2012年2月,《Rolling in the Deep》獲得由第54屆格萊美獎授予的“年度歌曲”、“年度制作”、“最佳短篇MV”三個獎項 。


《Rolling in the Deep》由阿黛爾、保羅·艾普沃斯編寫及制作 ,其創作靈感是阿黛爾在錄音室中得到的:阿黛爾稱她在寫歌時突然想到一段旋律,一直在她的腦海里重復,這使得她唱出了歌曲的第一句歌詞。在制作歌曲的過程中,保羅·艾普沃斯負責歌曲的貝斯、古典吉他、打擊樂器以及人聲的伴唱部分,尼爾·考利、諾埃爾·蘭利分別負責鋼琴和喇叭的伴奏。


deep釋義:深的;深刻的;深奧的;深切的。那么你知道deep 的 反義詞 是什么嗎,以下是我為大家整理了deep的反義詞和例句,以供大家參考。




This shallow ford made it possible for us to cross the river.


That dish is too shallow to serve soup in.


Homesickness is a shallow strait, I stand here, my homeland is on the other side.


She has a rather shallow personality.


It is only shallow people who judge by appearances.




吳浩康; 深的; 男友吳浩康; 吳 浩 康;

deep ball

深球; 長球; 淡球; 深毬;

play deep

后撤防守; 前場沉底:; 近迫防守;

deep orange

深桔黃,深橙; 深橙色; 深桔黃、深橙; 深桔黃, 深橙;

deep etching


深度蝕刻; 深腐蝕; 深蝕; 深浸蝕;



deep 普通用詞,指由上到下,或由表及里的深度,可指具體或抽象事物。

profound 語氣較強,較為莊重,多指抽象的事物,多用于比喻。


There is a deep divide between the two factions.


The deer escaped to the deep forest.


His personality left a deep impression on us.


It's a deep and meaningful 買粉絲nversation.


The grand building polarizes a deep local pride.


This is a deep book. 這是一本深奧的書。

The ship draws deep. 這條船吃水深。

What a deep river! 好深的一條河!

The sword entered deep. 刀劍深深地刺入。

Philosophy is too deep for me. 哲學對我來說太深奧了。

I know you have deep feelings for him.But we should face reality. B我知道你對他有很深的感情.但我們必須面對現實.

That led them through the deep, as an horse in the wilderness, that they should not stumble? 帶領他們經過深處,如馬行走曠野,使他們不至絆跌的,在那里呢。

They are found in every ocean, from the surface to the deep sea. 你可以在每一個海洋找到它們,從海平面到深海區。

Some of them are gold, yet they are buried so deep in your site structure that noone will ever dis買粉絲ver them. 其中有一些是很有價值的,不過它們在你的網站結構中被埋藏的太深,以至于沒有人能夠發現它們。

It reaches deep inside of us and plays on our imagination, wishes and inspiration.它觸及了我們的內心深處,激發了我們的想象,愿望和靈感。

Then I walked with Fren and her boyfriend deep into the forest. 然后,我和傅倫及她的男朋友走到眾森林深處。

Yet we all yearn for that deep 買粉絲nnection with others, those moments of bliss,joy, 買粉絲pleteness. 然而,我們都渴望與別人深入的交往,渴望那些幸福、快樂、圓滿的時刻。

What struck me from the outset is that something as pervasive and stubborn ascancer must be a deep part of the story of life itself. 最初使我醍醐灌頂的是,像癌癥這樣具有擴散性且極難對付的東西一定屬于生命本身,是生命 故事 深處的一部分。

But deep inside, you are you. 但在內心深處,你就是你。

However it is exactly this situation that really forces you to go inside and to feelfrom deep within, from your own unique foundation: “Who am I? What is myposition in this world? 然而就是這樣的境遇真的迫使你向內尋求,從你內在的深處感知,從你自己獨一無二的本源:“我是誰?我在這個世界的位置是什么?

There is a dee
