02 Ask sb do something.(ask sb to do sth和ask sb doing sth)

时间:2024-07-12 12:55:09 编辑: 来源:

oceries on my way home.(她叫我在回家的路上去買些雜貨。)

The teacher asked the students to submit their essays by Friday.(老師要求學生們在周五之前提交論文。)

"ask sb about doing sth":I asked him about going to the party tonight.(我問他今晚是否去參加聚會。)

She asked me about studying abroad.(她問我關于出國留學的事情。)

He asked the manager about the possibility of getting a raise.(他向經理詢問了加薪的可能性。)


綜上所述,"ask sb to do" 是正確的用法,表示請求或命令某人去做某事;而"ask sb doing"是錯誤的用法,應該改為 "ask

sb to do"。但是,"ask sb about doing sth" 表示詢問某人是否在做某事或是否打算做某事,使用時需要注意動詞形式。
