02 Are you and Alice good friends(人教版初一上冊英語Unit4檢測試題及答案)

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s are on the dressing table.


1. Her 買粉絲 cassettes are on the TV.

2. Her schoolbag isn’t on the bed.

3. Her pencils are in the pencil case.

4. Her pencil case isn’t in her schoolbag.

5. Her ID card is on the dressing table.


Dear Mary,

Please take these things to Alice:her CD player and CD case, schoolbag, sunglasses (太陽鏡), baseball cap, keys and alarm clock. Her CD player and her CD case are on the table in the bedroom. She needs them for tomorrow (明天). Her schoolbag is under her bed. The sunglasses are on my desk in the living room. Her baseball cap is on her bed. Her keys are on the table in the kitchen(廚房). The alarm clock is on the table in her room.



6. Where’s Alice’s schoolbag?


7. Are Alice’s keys on the table in her bedroom?


8. Where is the alarm clock?


9. Is Alice’s CD player on the table in her bedroom?


10. Where are Alice’s sunglasses?



1. His keys are in the _______(書柜).

2. _______(哪里)is the sofa?

3. He _______(總是) asks me some questions.

4. These are her _______ (帽子).

5. Your ruler is _______(在……的下面)your bed.


1. 那些椅子在哪里?

_______ are those _______?


—Are his keys on the sofa?

—No, _______ _______.

3. 吉娜不講究整潔,她的書到處都是。

Gina isn’t _______. Her books are _______.

4. 你的包在床下嗎?

Is your bag _______ the _______?

5. 我認為你的磁帶在磁帶播放機里面。

I _______ your tape is_______ the tape player.


1. The keys ______________.

2. The book ______________.

3. The telephone ______________.

4. The books ______________.

5. The cat ______________.



Dear Li Mei,




Li Lei

人教版初一上冊英語Unit 4檢測試題參考答案

1~5 BAABB 6~10 CAAAA 11~15 CBCCA 16 ~20 CCCBC

二、1. B 表示在教室的內部應用介詞in。

2. C 由前句中Nancy and Kate可推知此處指“她們”,故選C。

3. B 由后句“它既干凈又整潔”可知“這是莉莉和露西的臥室”。表示兩人共同擁有時,只需在后一個名詞后加’s,表示兩人分別擁有時,需在兩個名詞后分別加s’。題干中的bedroom是可數名詞單數形式,此處指兩人共同擁有,故選B。

4. B 樹上本身生長的事物用介詞on;外來之物在樹上用介詞in。

5. B 由問句句意“床下面是什么?”可排除A、D兩項;C項中baseball應用復數形式,故只有B項符合題意。

6. C needn’t“沒必要”;may not“可能不”;can’t“不會”;mustn’t“禁止”。句意:“你會騎馬嗎?”“不,我不會。”故應選C項。

8. D 前句“我的哥哥是整潔的”與后句“我不整潔”之間是轉折關系,故用連詞but。

9. B 在where引導的特殊疑問句中,be動詞要與后面的主語保持一致。Li Ming and Liu Fang表示復數意義,be動詞用are。

10. C 根據答語知,問句是詢問物品的位置,故用疑問詞where。

三、1. A of表所屬關系,意為“……的”。

2. B 只有can后可直接跟動詞原形see。

3. C 只有six chairs在本句中表達正確,A、B、D三項都是單數名詞。

4. D 不定冠詞a修飾其后的單數名詞,且用在讀音以輔音音素開頭的單詞前。

5. A 由books可知,應選A項。

6. C pencil case意為“鉛筆盒”。

7. B on a chair意為“在一把椅子上”。

8. D Linda是女孩名,故選D項。

9. C they代指上文中提到的Linda和Mike。

10. A 此句是一個否定句,is后加not構成否定。

四、1. F 由The TV and 買粉絲 cassettes are on the table.可知該句表述錯誤。

2. F 由Where’s my schoolbag?... It’s on the bed.可知該句表述錯誤。

3. T 由My pencils aren’t on the table. They’re in my pencil case...可知該句表述正確。

4. F 由My pencils aren’t on the table. They’re in my pencil case and it’s in my schoolbag.可知該句表述錯誤。

5. T 由My alarm clock, my ID card, and my
