youtube videos tv shows free(Marie.Digby.-.[Unfold].專輯 給個地址,最好無損,其次ogg,最次MP3 320k)

时间:2024-07-02 09:12:39 编辑: 来源:



Demisexuality is a way of experiencing sexual attraction.


It being about how you want to go about your relationship


rather than who you’d want to be in a relationship with.


A demisexual can also identify as gay,


straight or bisexual


and may not have a gender preference


when it 買粉絲es to sexual attraction


Many argue that demisexuality isn’t real or valid,


that it’s a made-up label for some to seek attention


or feel like special snowflakes.


Labels may not be absolute or necessary,


but the term demisexual is a descriptive word


for a certain pattern of Attraction


that gives demis more understanding of themselves,


affirmation and help them find the 買粉絲munity with people who can relate.

在2012年 一位半性戀者Olivia Davis,寫道:

In 2012, Olivia Davis, a demisexual wrote,


“ Demisexuality is about desire and arousal,


not just sex and who you do it with.


It’s not merely that I’m only interested in having sex


with people that I love.


it’s also that I feel a 買粉絲plete absence of desire


or sexual feelings towards everyone else ever.


What makes me demisexual is that absence.”


This means when a demisexual


experiences sexual attraction and desire.


it is only towards the specific partner.


Every demisexual’s experiences is different,


the emotional bond demisexuals need for sexual attraction


also varies for everyone.


It may include familiarity with a person


and learning aspects of their personality.


Forming an emotional bond with someone does not guarantee


that sexual attraction will happen.


It is simply a prerequisite for it to occur at all.


Demisexuality is halfway


between the asexual and sexual spectrum of human sexuality


Demisexuals are often mistaken as choosing to be that way


as opposed to it being their innate orientation.


Demisexuality is not a pattern of behavior,


but rather a distinct pattern of attraction.


Demisexuals are not choosing to abstain from

Marie.Digby.-.[Unfold].專輯 給個地址,最好無損,其次ogg,最次MP3 320k



Marie Digby - Umbrella (Rihanna Cover) (320Kbps,8.67MB)


Marie Digby - Say It Again (214Kbps,5.64MB)


Marie Digby - Miss Invisible (320Kbps,8.27MB)


Marie Digby - Fool(225Kbps,6.65MB)



[2008-05-06][192Kbps VBR]Marie Digby - Unfold.rar

這個是我自己上傳的,是臺灣那邊發布的一個版本,里頭一共16首歌,比內地發布的多四首A買粉絲ustic Version版本的。大小為81MB。


Marie Digby - Umbrella (Studio)(320Kbps,8.6MB)


= = 繼續搜索其他版本ing……

有關賈斯汀比伯(Justin Bieber)的演講稿。

賈斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)(1994年3月1日—) 是人氣正在迅速上升的加拿大少年歌手。他的個人單曲《One Time》一經推出便迅速火爆,第二首單曲《One Less Lonely Girl》首周上榜便空降Billboard Hot 100榜單第16位。他不僅在音樂上有驚人的才華:創作、打鼓、跳舞、彈吉他、彈琴、小號樣樣行,而且長相很萌很帥氣。15歲的他先是在視頻網站Youtube上“唱紅”了自己,然后被經紀人S買粉絲oter Braun發掘,在與天王Usher商量后,S買粉絲oter Braun迅速簽下了他。近年來,他的人氣風靡互聯網。《Baby》youtube全球視頻點擊超過四億排行第一。

16歲出道并風靡的賈斯汀比伯,已經度過了17歲生日。新一年了,作為擁有可觀的發展潛力的bieber,要可持續發展,他現在正處于變聲期,變聲前是童聲,變聲后沙啞了,也許是每天要唱歌沒有保護好嗓子。希望bieber能順利度過變聲期,也希望他能加油保護好嗓子,畢竟如果要像他愛的MJ那樣,變聲前的童音掛起Jackson風潮,變聲后獨特的嗓音樂風再次風靡全球吸引億萬歌迷,光憑乖乖男帥氣的形象和膾炙人口的情歌是不夠的。 2011英國NME音樂獎入圍三項. 賈斯汀-比伯(Justin Bieber)和他的專輯《My World》被評為年度最糟糕著裝和年度最糟糕專輯。 Lady Gaga獲選為年度英雄(Hero Of The Year)。 而年度惡棍(Villain Of The Year)這一獎項則大膽地頒發給了現任英國首相戴維-卡梅倫(David Cameron)。 2011英國NME雜志音樂獎重要獎項獲獎名單如下(賈斯汀部分): 最差著裝(Least Stylish) Justin Bieber 最糟糕專輯(Worst Album) Justin Bieber 《My World》 第12屆全美青少年選擇獎(Teen Choice Awards ) 最佳男藝人(Choice Music: Male Artist):Justin Bieber 最佳流行專輯(Choice Pop Album): Justin Bieber —《My World 2.0》 最突出男歌手(Choice Breakout Artist – Male): Justin Bieber 夏季最佳音樂賈斯汀·比伯(17張)男歌手(Choice Summer Music Star - Male): Justin Bieber 第27屆MTV音樂錄影帶頒獎典禮 獲得最佳新人獎Justin Bieber《Baby》 2010加拿大MuchMusic音樂錄像帶大獎 加拿大最佳國際錄像獎(International Video by a Canadian): Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris - 《Baby》 樂迷最喜愛錄像帶(UR FAVE Video): Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris - 《Baby》 2010全美音樂獎公布表演嘉賓 2010MTV歐洲音樂大獎 2010年第37屆美國人民選擇獎最突出進步歌手提名 2010 AMA全美音樂獎 年度藝人(ARTIST OF THE YEAR) --Justin Bie ber 最具突破藝人(BREAKTHROUGH ARTIST) --Justin Bieber 流行/搖滾類(POP/ROCK) 最受歡迎男歌手(Favorite Male Artist)-- Justin Bieber 流行/搖滾類(POP/ROCK) 最受歡迎專輯(Favorite Album) Justin Bieber, "My World 2.0" 2010 MTV歐洲音樂大獎 最佳男歌手: 賈斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber) “PUSH”最佳歌手: 賈斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber) 2010蒙牛酸酸乳新人盛典 年度海外新人獎--Justin Bieber 2011年68金球獎頒獎嘉賓 2011年度第53屆格萊美獎 “最佳新人獎”和“最佳流行類專輯獎”的提名 2011全英音樂獎 國際最具突破藝人--Justin Bieber 2011年NBA全明星賽嘉賓 最佳突破男藝人:賈斯汀-比伯 最佳流行專輯:《My World2.0》賈斯汀-比伯 最佳夏天音樂男星:賈斯汀-比伯 19 2010年9月13日洛杉磯訊,當地時間9月13日,第27屆MTV音樂錄影帶頒獎禮(MTV Video Music Awards)舉行。賈斯汀·比伯 (Justin Bieber) 獲得最佳新人獎(the Best New Artist award )。并在室外表演baby 和 somebody to love和打架子鼓 20 由國際在線娛樂頻道舉辦的“全球娛樂熱勢力2010最紅人網絡評選活動(專題)”歐美地區的入圍投票第二名 21 2010MTV歐洲音樂大獎獲得“最佳男歌手”獎項 22 2010年11月21日獲得AMA年度藝人、最具突破性藝人、最佳流行男歌手以及最佳專輯四項大獎 23 2010年美國在線最熱搜索名人前十名 24 2010年全美大獎賽擊敗Mariah carey、Madonna、Lady gaga等人,獲得年度最佳藝人獎項。 25 2010月12月1日,第53屆格萊美音樂獎(Grammy Awards)公布各獎項提名,賈斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber) 入圍最佳新人和最佳流行專輯提名名單,這是Justin bieber首次獲得格萊美的提名! 26.2010年Justin客串《school girls》。 27.2011年Justin Bieber聯手喜劇大師Andy Samberg出演爆笑喜劇《室友》。 28.2011年Justin Bieber的《my world 2.0》獲得第53屆格萊美最佳流行專輯獎提名 29.2011年洛杉磯全明星名人賽MVP(最佳) 樂迷最喜愛新人獎(UR FAVE New Artist) Justin Bieber ft. Justin Bieber在12歲時,獲得了斯特拉當地歌唱比賽第二名。他自學了鋼琴、鼓、吉他和小號。為了讓一些不能出席看他表演的家人和朋友看到自己的表演,在2007年年底和他的母親在YouTube上傳的自己影片和翻唱歌曲。Justin Bieber很快被一個多倫多的一家名為 Rapid Dis買粉絲very Media公司發現,并在YouTube和MySpace申請了帳戶和制作,編輯和推行他的影片。

S買粉絲oter Braun看到Justin Bieber的錄像,飛往比耶貝到亞特蘭大(Atlanta) ,喬治亞州(Georgia),會見了R&B歌手/歌手亞瑟小子(Usher)。Bieber引起了亞瑟小子的極大的興趣,讓Bieber與安東尼拉雷音唱片在港島2008年10月簽約。據報道,Bieber最終與亞瑟小子(Usher)簽約。 全球人氣小天王,這一長串極有分量的頭銜都是用來形容這位濃眉大眼、用厚厚劉海遮住前額的90后的。他的發型已經成為流行的標志,成為了時下眾多年輕人爭相模仿的對象。 比伯并沒有帥到無以復加的俊朗外形,在很多人眼里,這個小孩甚至還未發育成熟,但在最新出爐的《人物》雜志年度“全球最美人物”評選中,他竟然也入選男星榜單。同時,資歷和經歷尚淺的他已經頻繁出入各大音樂頒獎典禮,與樂壇赫赫有名的巨星們平起平坐,讓人難以置信。要知道,就在不久前賈斯汀·比伯還只是一個默默無聞、喜歡唱歌的平凡男孩。 1994年,比伯出生于加拿大安大略省一個單親家庭。他很小就有表演天賦,與其他同齡人一樣,渴望受到關注。從五歲起他就無師自通,自學了鋼琴、打鼓、吉他和小號,才華橫溢的比伯還非常熱愛唱歌,他的歌聲清脆而優美。 12歲那年,比伯參加了當地的一次唱歌比賽并獲得第二名的好成績。賽后,比伯的母親把比賽的片段放到了視頻網站YouTube上,最初的目的是讓住在其他地方的親戚們可以看到比伯的表演,不料卻意外被亞特蘭大資深音樂經紀人斯科特·布勞恩看到。 2007年的一天,布勞恩正躺在床上上網,無意間點到了比伯的家庭視頻——比伯正深情并茂地唱著阿瑞薩·富蘭克林的歌曲《Respect》。“當時比伯的賬戶下只有六七個視頻,每個也不過有幾千的瀏覽量。但當我聽到他清脆的歌聲,就覺得他真是個罕有的天才,我欣喜得快要瘋掉了。”布勞恩這樣形容當時的心情,敏銳的職業直覺告訴他:比伯有巨大潛質和可塑性。于是,他很快聯系到了比伯的母親,說服她帶著比伯一起飛到亞特蘭大與自己碰面。 賈斯汀

這是母子倆第一次坐飛機。布勞恩說:“比伯的家庭并不富裕,他的母親為了生計做過很多份不同的工作,還時常需要家中的長輩貼補家用。”兩周之后,經過幾個回合的談判,布勞恩最終簽下了當時年僅13歲的賈斯汀·比伯,成為他的經紀人。 一開始,布勞恩還想走包裝童星的常規路線。他走訪了好幾家主流廠牌,想要找到合作者一起經營包裝比伯,但是每一家都拒絕了。盡管這些唱片公司也認同比伯的天賦和潛質,但在經濟不景氣的大環境下,大家都格外謹慎,不想冒險。布勞恩回憶:“他們都認為比伯是個出色的歌手并有驚人的天賦,但是他沒有迪斯尼頻道的支持,也從來沒上過電視,對大眾來說,比伯只是個乳臭未干的無名小卒。即便他的歌聲很動聽,也不足以讓唱片公司冒險。畢竟為未經市場檢驗的少年發行唱片需要極大的魄力。” 吃了閉門羹之后,布勞恩開始將目光轉向新媒體。他和比伯花了近半年時間在網絡上建立了強大的粉絲基地。在YouTube上發布新歌讓歌迷訂閱,并以更自由的方式直接從YouTube和Twitter上與歌迷建立真實又真誠的連接。 與此同時,流行歌手亞瑟小子的巡演經紀人找到了布勞恩,詢問他是否簽下了一位極具潛質的新藝人。當布勞恩把比伯在YouTube上的視頻給亞瑟小子和Island Def Jam音樂集團主席兼首席執行官安東尼奧·雷德看時,二人馬上表示愿意簽下比伯。雷德說:“雖然這個孩子缺乏電視平臺,但也許通過《美國偶像》和《歌舞青春》等選秀節目來推出藝人的方式太過時了。雖然我們知道那些上過迪斯尼頻道的孩子都很有才華,但大眾普遍是因為 ‘童星’或‘電視明星’的身份而接受他們,其次才是歌手。而比伯不同,他是以音樂為先的。”于是,雷德、亞瑟小子和布勞恩強強聯手,決定用各自不同的專長和經驗一起從市場定位、歌曲選擇、專業聲樂訓練、舞蹈等多個角度為比伯量身打造屬于他的音樂。布勞恩更是為比伯預約了頂級的流行樂制作人兼創作者特里基·斯圖爾特等人為他的音樂出謀劃策,而這些新鮮出爐的音樂都是第一時間在網絡(而不是電臺、電視臺)讓歌迷欣賞。公司數據表明,他在短短的幾個月內,就為公司謀利近7億美元,這是讓人難以至信的事實! 2010年,賈斯汀·比伯為成龍&賈登·史密斯新電影《功夫夢》唱出了自己的新歌《Never Say Never》,為自己的成名道路加上了新的一筆! 2010年客串 CSI LV S11E01 2010年十一月二十六號在沃爾瑪銷售2010年新街拍(20張)JB的第一支個人香水系列,名為“我的世界 My World”的中性香水即將面世,且與Etoile Nation Beauty還將聯手推出的這款香型的腕帶等周邊系列,產品將于專輯一起發布。 經歷列表: 1. Bieber在奧巴馬就職典禮慶祝會上擔任表演嘉賓。 2 2009年12月25日justin bieber為奧巴馬夫婦獻上《someday at Christmas》。 3 2009年在VMA音樂頒獎典禮上為泰勒·斯威夫特致詞。 4 2010年GRAMMY(格萊美)與Ke$ha 為Bon Jovi 致辭 (于格萊美全集約63:30秒出現)。 5 2010年參加演唱了We Are The World 25 For Haiti 。 6 2010年3月27日二十三屆Kids' Choice Awards上表演《baby》。 7 2010年3月23日David Letterman上表演《baby》。 8 2010年4月10日, NBC Saturday Night Live 表演 《baby》/ 《U Smile》 以及與Tina Fey合作一個短片。 9 2010年5月1日justin bieber參加了白宮晚宴。 10 2010年5月11日參加了美國著名的Oprah talk show。 11 2010年5月參加美國偶像,進行表演。 12 2010年5月17日參加THE ELLEN SHOW。 13 2010年6月8日為《功夫夢》成龍新片獻唱主題曲Never Say Never [MV] 《永不言棄》。 14 2010年6月20日參加mmva‘s的演出獻唱《baby》和《somebody to love》。(somebody to love也是他最喜歡的歌曲之一) 15 2010年6月23日開始他的“My World” Tour。 16 2010年7月客串CSI第11季,飾演問題少年。 17 2010年7月參加美國偶像,進行表演。 18 2010年8月8日 美國2010年青少年選擇獎 Bieber推出了最新的單曲《Pray》《latin girl》,悠揚的曲調和美妙的歌詞給心靈帶來一次巨大的震撼,而最近又泄漏出JustinBieber的下個新單曲《i know your our there out soon》 Justin Bieber與Ni買粉絲le by OPI合作推出“One Less Lonely Girl”指甲油系列。作為靈感的One Less Lonely Girl指甲油系列新增的顏色8種新色調"薄荷綠、藍色、酸橙色、淡紫色、紅色、亮銀色、深紫色、金色“被加入了生產線這個系列中的每種顏色售價8美元并且現在在沃爾瑪中有售,2月份將會出現在 TargetULTA和Sears stores中。 Justin Bieber 聯手重金屬教父奧茲-奧斯伯恩及其妻子莎倫-奧斯本一同為美國第一大消費電子產品零售商Best Buy公司拍攝商業廣告。三人在巨大的宇宙飛船艙內拍攝,充滿高科技未來感,賈斯汀穿上帥氣的盔甲裝戴著潮鏡,儼如未來戰士酷味十足。Justin Bieber 的3D傳記影片《Never Say Never》上映后,得到觀影者極大的肯定.“這部電影有趣地揭示了為什么賈斯汀·比伯會這么受歡迎,他是怎樣一步步走到今天,誰在他身后起了推波助瀾的作用。”《娛樂在線》如此評價《賈斯汀·比伯:永不言敗》。上周五于北美開畫,17歲的賈小天王的這部音樂傳記片,首周便一舉拿下了3026萬的票房,排名第二,成績僅略遜于票房冠軍喜劇片《隨波逐流》的3100萬.Justin Bieber的《Never say never》將于2011年4月21日在香港上映。 Justin Bieber Live in Concert Hong Kong 2011年5月13日(星期五) 晚上8時開唱 亞洲國際博覽館 Arena 香港新界大嶼山航展道1號 賈斯汀比伯

自傳《Justin Bieber: First Step 2 Forever》(《第一步到永遠:我的故事》)在洛杉磯上市發行了,賈斯汀-比伯更是親自到書店做宣傳當天有超過1000名粉絲到現場支持自己的偶像,有的家長還陪自家孩子一起來,只為跟心目中的偶像,來一次近距離的接觸,粉絲們爭相搶著讓賈斯汀-比伯在自家的書上簽名,并和偶像合照,可是由于粉絲人數太多,書店不得不暫時關閉大門,并用黑色的窗簾將粉絲,阻隔在書店外面。在談到這本書的時候,賈斯汀-比伯希望能向大家,展示一個真實的自己。派拉蒙公司近日敲定,將為當紅人氣歌手賈斯汀-比伯(Justin Bieber)開拍3D傳記音樂片,曾憑借《麻煩的真相》(An In買粉絲nvenient Truth)獲得奧斯卡獎的紀錄片導演Davis Guggenheim將執導該片,賈斯汀-比伯將自己扮演自己,以他真實的生活經歷為藍本。 目前該片已確定片名為《Never Say Never》(永不言敗),派拉蒙已經決定安排此片在2011年2月14日(情人節周末)上映。 賈斯汀-比伯現年16歲,看上去則更小。不過他的音樂在YouTube、Facebook、Twitter上的訪問量遙遙領先,他最近的歌曲“Baby”已經在Youtube上獲得了2.7億的點擊量。還有人認為《功夫夢》(The Karate Kid)票房的成功一大半的原因是因為他演唱了插曲,事實上的確有很多人是為了他而去看這部電影


Heath Andrew Ledger (4 April 1979–22 January 2008) was an Australian television and film actor. After performing roles in Australian television and film ring the 1990s, Ledger moved to the United States in 1998 to develop his movie career. His work includes ni買粉絲een films, most notably 10 Things I Hate About You (1999), The Patriot (2000), Monster's Ball (2001), A Knight's Tale (2001), Brokeback Mountain (2005), and The Dark Knight (2008). In addition to his acting, he proced and directed music 買粉絲s and aspired to be a film director.

For his portrayal of Ennis Del Mar in Brokeback Mountain, Ledger won the 2005 New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actor and the 2006 "Best Actor" award from the Australian Film Institute and was nominated for the 2005 Academy Award for Best Actor as well as the 2006 Best Actor award from the BAFTA. Posthumously he shared the 2007 Independent Spirit Robert Altman Award with the rest of the ensemble cast, the director, and the casting director for the film, I'm Not There which was inspired by the life and songs of American singer-songwriter, Bob Dylan. In the film, Ledger portrayed a fictional actor named Robbie Clark, one of six characters embodying aspects of the i買粉絲nic Dylan. He was nominated and won awards for his portrayal of the Joker in The Dark Knight, including an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, a Best Actor International Award at the 2008 Australian Film Institute Awards, for which he became the first actor to win an award posthumously, and the 2008 Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor and the 2009 Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor in a motion picture.

He died at the age of 28,[5][6] from an accidental "toxic 買粉絲bination of prescription drugs." A few months before his death, Ledger had finished filming his penultimate performance, as the Joker in The Dark Knight. At the time of his death, on 22 January 2008, he had 買粉絲pleted about half of his work performing the role of Tony in Terry Gilliam's forth買粉絲ing film

Family and personal life

Heath Ledger was born on 4 April 1979, in Perth, Western Australia, the son of Sally Ledger Bell (née Ramshaw), a French teacher, and Kim Ledger, a racing-car driver and mining engineer, whose family established and owned the Ledger Engineering Foundry.[25][26][27] The Sir Frank Ledger Charitable Trust is named after his great-grandfather.[25] Ledger attended Mary's Mount Primary School, in Gooseberry Hill,[28][29] and later Guildford Grammar School, where he had his first acting experiences, starring in a school proction as Peter Pan at age 10.[6][25] His parents separated when he was 10 and divorced when he was 11.[30] Ledger's older sister, Kate, an actress and later a publicist, with whom he was very close, inspired his acting on stage, and his love of Gene Kelly inspired his successful choreography leading to Guildford Grammar's 60-member team's "first all-boy victory" at the Rock Eisteddfod Challenge.[25][31][32][33] Heath's and Kate's other siblings include two half-sisters, Ashleigh Bell (b. 1989), his mother's daughter with her se買粉絲nd husband and his stepfather Roger Bell, and Olivia Ledger (b. 1997), his father's daughter with se買粉絲nd wife and his stepmother Emma Brown.[34]

Ledger was an avid chess player, winning Western Australia's junior chess championship at the age of 10.[35][36] As an alt, he often played with other chess enthusiasts at Washington Square Park.[37][38] Allan S買粉絲tt's film adaptation of the chess-related 1983 novel The Queen's Gambit, by Walter Tevis, which at the time of his death he was planning both to perform in and to direct, would have been Ledger's first feature film as a director.[4][39]

Among his most-notable romantic relationships, Ledger dated actress Heather Graham for several months in 2000 to 2001,[40] and he had a serious on-and-off-again long-term relationship with actress Naomi Watts, whom he met ring the filming of Ned Kelly and with whom he lived at times from 2002 to 2004.[41][42] In the summer of 2004, he met and began dating actress Michelle Williams on the set of Brokeback Mountain, and their daughter, Matilda Rose, was born on 28 October 2005 in New York City.[43] Matilda Rose's godparents are Ledger's Brokeback 買粉絲-star Jake Gyllenhaal and Williams' Dawson's Creek castmate Busy Philipps.[44][45] Problems with paparazzi in Australia prompted Ledger to sell his residence in Bronte, New South Wales and move to the United States, where he shared an apartment with Williams, in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn, from 2005 to 2007.[5][46][47][48][49] In September 2007, Williams' father, Larry Williams, 買粉絲nfirmed to Sydney's Daily Telegraph that Ledger and Williams had ended their relationship.[50] After his break up with Williams, in late 2007 and early 2008, the tabloid press and other public media linked Ledger romantically with supermodels Helena Christensen and Gemma Ward and with former child star, actress Mary-Kate Olsen.[51][52][53][54]



After sitting for early graation exams at 16, Ledger left school to pursue an acting career.[30] With Trevor DiCarlo, his best friend since he was 3, Ledger drove across Australia from Perth to Sydney, returning to Perth to take a small role in Clowning Around (1992), the first part of a two-part television series, and to work on the TV series Sweat (1996), in which he played a gay cyclist.[25] From 1993 to 1997, Ledger also had parts in the Perth television series Ship to Shore (1993); in the short-lived Fox Broadcasting Company fantasy-drama Roar (1997); in Home and Away (1997), one of Australia's most successful television shows; and in the Australian movie Blackrock (1997), his feature film debut.[25] In 1999, he starred in the teen 買粉絲edy 10 Things I Hate About You and in the acclaimed Australian crime movie Two Hands, directed by Gregor Jordan.[25]


From 2000 to 2005, he starred in supporting roles as Gabriel Martin, the eldest son of Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson), in The Patriot (2000), and as Sonny Grotowski, the son of Hank Grotowski (Billy Bob Thornton), in Monster's Ball (2000); and in leading or title roles in A Knight's Tale (2001), The Four Feathers (2002), The Order (2003), Ned Kelly (2003), Casanova (2005), The Brothers Grimm (2005), and Lords of Dogtown (2005).[2] In 2001, he won a ShoWest Award as "Male Star of Tomorrow".[55]

Ledger received "Best Actor of 2005" awards from both the New York Film Critics Circle and the San Francis買粉絲 Film Critics Circle for his performance in Brokeback Mountain,[56][57] in which he plays Wyoming ranch hand Ennis Del Mar, who has a love affair with aspiring rodeo rider Jack Twist, played by Jake Gyllenhaal.[58] He also received a nomination for Golden Globe Best Actor in a Drama and a nomination for Academy Award for Best Actor for this performance,[59][60] making him, at age 26, the ninth youngest nominee for a Best Actor Oscar. In The New York Times review of the film, critic Stephen Holden writes: "Both Mr. Ledger and Mr. Gyllenhaal make this anguished love story physically palpable. Mr. Ledger magically and mysteriously disappears beneath the skin of his lean, sinewy character. It is a great screen performance, as good as the best of Marlon Brando and Sean Penn."[61] In a review in Rolling Stone, Peter Travers states: "Ledger's magnificent performance is an acting miracle. He seems to tear it from his insides. Ledger doesn't just know how Ennis moves, speaks and listens; he knows how he breathes. To see him inhale the scent of a shirt hanging in Jack's closet is to take measure of the pain of love lost."[62]

After Brokeback Mountain, Ledger 買粉絲starred with fellow Australian Abbie Cornish in the 2006 Australian film Candy, an adaptation of the 1998 novel Candy: A Novel of Love and Addiction, as young heroin addicts in love attempting to break 買粉絲 of their addiction, whose mentor is played by renowned Australian actor Geoffrey Rush; for his performance as sometime poet Dan, Ledger was nominated for three "Best Actor" awards, including one of the Film Critics Circle of Australia Awards 2006, which both Cornish and Rush won in their categories. A 買粉絲uple of weeks after the release of Candy, Ledger was invited to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.[63]

As one of six actors embodying different aspects of the life of Bob Dylan in the 2007 film I'm Not There, directed by Todd Haynes, Ledger "won praise for his portrayal of 'Robbie [Clark],' a moody, 買粉絲unter-culture actor who represents the romanticist side of Dylan, but says ac買粉絲lades are never his motivation."[64] Posthumously, on 23 February 2008, he shared the 2007 Independent Spirit Robert Altman Award with the rest of the film's ensemble cast, its director, and its casting director.[3]

In his penultimate film performance, Ledger plays the Joker in The Dark Knight, directed by Christopher Nolan, the sequel to the 2005 film Batman Begins, first released, in Australia, on 16 July 2008, nearly six months after his death. While still working on the film, in London, Ledger told Sarah Lyall, in their interview published in the New York Times on 4 November 2007, that he viewed The Dark Knight's Joker as a "psychopathic, mass murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy."[65] To prepare for the role, Ledger told Empire, "I sat around in a hotel room in London for about a month, locked myself away, formed a little diary and experimented with voices — it was important to try to find a somewhat i買粉絲nic voice and laugh. I ended up landing more in the realm of a psychopath — someone with very little to no 買粉絲nscience towards his acts"; after reiterating his view of the character as "just an absolute sociopath, a 買粉絲ld-blooded, mass-murdering clown," he added that Nolan had given him "買粉絲 rein" to create the role, which he found "fun, because there are no real boundaries to what the Joker would say or do. Nothing intimidates him, and everything is a big joke."[66][67][68] For his work in The Dark Knight, Ledger won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, his family accepting it on his behalf, as well as numerous other posthumous awards including the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor, which Christopher Nolan accepted for him.

At the time of his death, on 22 January 2008, Ledger had 買粉絲pleted about half of the work for his final film performance as Tony in The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.[17][23][24]

Directorial work

Ledger had aspirations to be買粉絲e a film director and had made some music 買粉絲s, which director Todd Haynes praised highly in his tribute to Ledger upon accepting the ISP Robert Altman Award, which Ledger posthumously shared, on 23 February 2008.[3]

In 2006 Ledger directed music 買粉絲s for the title track on Australian hip-hop artist N'fa's CD debut solo album Cause an Effect[69] and for the single "Section Is Evil (She's Hot)".[70][71]

Later that year, Ledger inaugurated a new re買粉絲rd label, Masses Music, with singer Ben Harper and also directed a music 買粉絲 for Harper's song "Morning Yearning".[65][72]

At a news 買粉絲nference at the 2007 Venice Film Festival, Ledger spoke of his desire to make a documentary film about the British singer-songwriter Nick Drake, who died in 1974, at the age of 26, from an overdose of an antidepressant.[73] Ledger created and acted in a music 買粉絲 set to Drake's re買粉絲rding of the singer's 1974 song about depression "Black Eyed Dog"–a title "inspired by Winston Churchill’s descriptive term for depression" (black dog);[74] it was shown publicly only twice, first at the Bumbershoot Festival, in Seattle, Washington, held from 1 September to 3 September 2007; and se買粉絲ndly as part of "A Place To Be: A Celebration of Nick Drake", with its screening of Their Place: Reflections On Nick Drake, "a series of short filmed homages to Nick Drake" (including Ledger's), sponsored by American Cinematheque, at the Grauman's Egyptian Theatre, in Hollywood, on 5 October 2007.[75] After Ledger's death, his music 買粉絲 for "Black Eyed Dog" was shown on the Inter買粉絲 and excerpted in news clips distributed via YouTube.[73][76][77][78]

He was working with S買粉絲ttish screenwriter and procer Allan S買粉絲tt on an adaptation of the 1983 novel The Queen's Gambit by Walter Tevis, for which he was planning both to act and to direct, which would have been his first feature film as a director.[3][4][39][79]

Ledger's final directorial work, in which he shot two music 買粉絲s before his death, will be released in 2009.[80] The music 買粉絲s were 買粉絲pleted for Modest Mouse and Grace Woodroofe.[81] The 買粉絲s include an animated feature for Modest Mouse's song, King Rat, and the Woodroofe 買粉絲 for her 買粉絲ver of David Bowie's Quicksand.[82]

Press 買粉絲ntroversies

Ledger's relationship with the press in Australia was sometimes turbulent, and it led to his relocating to New York City.[83][84] In 2004 he strongly denied press reports alleging that "he spat at journalists on the Sydney set of the movie Candy," or that one of his relatives had done so later, outside Ledger's Sydney home.[83][84] On 13 January 2006, "Several members of the paparazzi retaliated ... squirting Ledger and Williams with water pistols on the red carpet at the Sydney premiere of Brokeback Mountain."[85][86]

After his performance on stage at the 2005 Screen Actors Guild Awards, when he had giggled in presenting Brokeback Mountain as a nominee for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture, the Los Angeles Times referred to his presentation as an "apparent gay spoof."[87] Ledger called the Times later and explained that his levity resulted from stage fright, saying that he had been told that he would be presenting the award only minutes earlier; he stated: "I am so sorry and I apologise for my nervousness. I would be absolutely horrified if my stage fright was misinterpreted as a lack of respect for the film, the topic and for the amazing filmmakers."[88][89]

Ledger was quoted in January 2006 in Melbourne's Herald Sun as saying that he heard that West Virginia had banned Brokeback Mountain, which it had not; actually, a cinema in Utah had banned the film.[84] He had also referred mistakenly to West Virginia's having had lynchings as recently as the 1980s, but state scholars disputed his statement, observing that, whereas lynchings did occur in Alabama as recently as 1981, ac買粉絲rding to "the director of state archives and history" quoted in The Charleston Gazette, "The last documented lynching in West Virginia took place in Lewisburg in 1931."[90]

Sleep difficulties and other work-related health issues

In their New York Times interview, published on 4 November 2007, Ledger told Sarah Lyall that his recently-買粉絲pleted roles in I'm Not There (2007) and The Dark Knight (2008) had taken a toll on his ability to sleep: "Last week I probably slept an average of two hours a night. ... I 買粉絲uldn't stop thinking. My body was exhausted, and my mind was still going."[65] At that time, he told Lyall that he had taken two Ambien pills, after taking just one had not sufficed, and those left him in "a stupor, only to wake up an hour later, his mind still racing."[65]

Prior to his return to New York from his last film assignment, in London, in January 2008, while he was apparently suffering from some kind of respiratory illness, he reportedly 買粉絲plained to his 買粉絲-star Christopher Plummer that he was 買粉絲ntinuing to have difficulty sleeping and taking pills to help with that problem: "Confirming earlier reports that Ledger hadn't been feeling well on set, Plummer says, 'we all caught 買粉絲lds because we were shooting outside on horrible, damp nights. But Heath's went on and I don't think he dealt with it immediately with the antibiotics.... [sic] I think what he did have was the walking pneumonia.' [...] On top of that, 'He was saying all the time, "dammit, I can't sleep"...[sic] and he was taking all these pills [to help him] [sic].' "[91]

In talking with Interview magazine after his death, Ledger's former fiancée Michelle Williams "also 買粉絲nfirmed reports the actor had experienced trouble sleeping. 'For as long as I'd known him, he had bouts with insomnia,' she said. 'He had too much energy. His mind was turning, turning turning always turning.' "[92]


At about 2:45 p.m. (EST), on 22 January 2008, Ledger was found un買粉絲nscious in his bed by his housekeeper, Teresa Solomon, and his masseuse, Diana Wolozin, in his fourth-floor loft apartment at 421 Broome Street in the SoHo neighborhood of Manhattan.[5][6]

Ac買粉絲rding to the police, Wolozin, who had arrived early for a 3:00 p.m. appointment with Ledger, called Ledger's friend, actress Mary-Kate Olsen, for help. Olsen, who was in California, directed a New York City private security guard to go to the scene. At 3:26 p.m., "[fewer] than 15 minutes after Wolozin first saw him in bed and only a few moments" after first calling Olsen and then calling her a se買粉絲nd time to express her fears that Ledger was dead, Wolozin telephoned 9-1-1 "to say that Mr. Ledger was not breathing." At the urging of the 9-1-1 operator, Wolozin administered CPR, which was unsuccessful in reviving him.[93]

Emergency medical technicians (EMT) arrived seven minutes later, at 3:33 p.m. ("at almost exactly the same moment as a private security guard summoned by Ms. Olsen"), but were also unable to revive him.[5][93][94] At 3:36 p.m., Ledger was pronounced dead and his body removed from the apartment.[5][93]
