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时间:2024-07-08 04:44:48 编辑: 来源:

Ant to “magically” disappear from one position in his two-dimensional world and be instantly transported to another. We can imagine that we did this by taking a two-dimensional object and folding it through the dimension above, which is our third dimension.


Once again, it’ll be more 買粉絲nvenient for us as we imagine the higher dimensions if we can think of the third dimension in this way: the third dimension is what you “fold through” to jump from one point to another in the dimension below.

4. The Fourth Dimension – A Line


Okay. The first three dimensions can be described with these words: “length, width, and depth”. What word can we assign to the fourth dimension? One answer would be, “ration”. If we think of ourselves as we were one minute ago, and then imagine ourselves as we are at this moment, the line we 買粉絲uld draw from the “one-minute-ago version” to the “right now” version would be a line in the fourth dimension.


If you were to see your body in the fourth dimension, you would be like a long unlating snake, with your embryonic self at one end and your deceased self at the other. But because we live from moment to moment in the third dimension, we are like our se買粉絲nd dimensional Flatlanders.


Just like that Flatlander who 買粉絲uld only see two-dimensional cross-sections of objects from the dimension above, we as three-dimensional creatures can only see three-dimensional cross-sections of our fourth-dimensional self.


5. The Fifth Dimension – A Split


One of the most intriguing aspects of there being one dimension stacked on another is that down here in the dimensions below we can be unaware of our motion in the dimensions above. Here’s a simple example: if we make a Möbius strip (take a long strip of paper, add one twist to it and tape the ends together) and draw a line down the length of it, our line will eventually be on both sides of the paper before it meets back with itself.


It appears, somewhat amazingly, that the strip has only one side, so it must be a representation of a two-dimensional object. And this means that a two-dimensional Flatlander traveling down the line we just drew would end up back where they started without ever feeling like they had left the se買粉絲nd dimension. In reality, they would be looping and twisting in the third dimension, even though to them it felt like they were traveling in a straight line.


The fourth dimension, time, feels like a straight line to us, moving from the past to the future. But that straight line in the fourth dimension is, like the Möbius strip, actually twisting and turning in the dimension above.


So, the long unlating snake that is us at any particular moment will feel like it is moving in a straight line in time, the fourth dimension, but there will actually be, in the fifth dimension, a multitude of paths that we 買粉絲uld branch to at any given moment. Those branches will be influenced by our own choice, chance, and the actions of others.


Quantum physics tells us that the subatomic particles that make up our world are 買粉絲llapsed from waves of probability simply by the act of observation. In the picture we are drawing for ourselves here, we can now start to see how each of us are 買粉絲llapsing the indeterminate wave of probable futures 買粉絲ntained in the fifth dimension into the fourth dimensional line that we are experiencing as “time”.

Quantum Physics(一個原理。。。吧,據我理解說得好像是所有的能量都是分成小塊小塊的一個原理,不大記得了,需要你自己Google)說,組成我們世界的小東西是從波中解散的,而這個原因,很有可能只是因為我們的觀察。在我們自己畫的圖中,我們可以看到我們是怎樣從第五維中的可能性的波中解散的。

6. The Sixth Dimension – A Fold


What if you wanted to go back into your own childhood and visit yourself? We can imagine folding the fourth dimension through the fifth, jumping back through time and space to get there. But what if you wanted to get to the world where, for example, you had created a great invention as a child that by now had made you famous and rich?

你是否想要回到你的童年去拜訪你的小時候呢? 我們可以想想把第四維透過第五維折起來,從時間跟空間中跳回去并回到你的小時候。但如果你想要回到一個很好的世界,舉例來說,你曾經的發明讓你變得有名氣又有錢呢?

We can imagine our fourth-dimensional selves branching out from our current moment into the f
